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About huangover

  • Birthday July 26

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    Pokemon. Duh.
    Medicine too, I suppose.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  3. Good morning/afternoon/evening peoples! Now that I've FINALLY been able to finish Rejuvenation up to V9, I think it's finally time that I start trying out all this Monotype business. Dark is my favorite type, so surprise surprise, here I am. Except, I am a somewhat lazy person still trying to get A's in school, so I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could help me edit these Pokemon in. Also, if whoever's making the team thinks it'd be easy enough to obtain something on the list, then feel free to leave it out for me to have more of a challenge. One more note, I would like everything to have at least decent IVs (ie 20+) Froakie: Timid w/ Protean -Dark Pulse (I know Froakie can't learn that, this is just for the sake of having a special Dark move once it evolves since Greninja doesn't learn it by level up) Alolan Grimer: Adamant w/ Poison Touch -Shadow Sneak (egg move) Sneasel: Jolly w/ Pressure @ Razor Claw -Icicle Crash (egg move) -Ice Shard (egg move) -Knock Off (tutor move) Since this would make the early game way too easy, I'm thinking it should be level 40+ so I can't use it until then. Larvitar: Jolly w/ Sand Veil -Dragon Dance (egg move) Sandile: Jolly w/ Intimidate -Knock Off (6 tutor move) -Stealth Rock (tutor move) -Superpower (tutor move) This one could probably be at a higher level as well. Maybe 35-40. Pawniard: Adamant w/ Defiant -Knock Off (tutor move) -Sucker Punch (egg move) Deino: Timid w/ Hustle -Dark Pulse (not a TM yet, again it's for the sake of having a special Dark move. I would ask for Flamethrower and Flash Cannon too but they're not as urgent, we'll get those TMs at some point.) Litten: Adamant w/ Intimidate I could honestly just get this one as my starter at the very beginning, no moves needed here. Yes I know that's more than 6 but I like having type diversity and multiple options to switch in and out. Thank you so much in advance!
  4. Again, this may be related to the fact that I chose to reveal that Flora was part of Bladestar in V8 (for some reason), but I just got to the end of the current episode, which ended rather abruptly, without going to the Judicial District or battling the 11th gym leader, and instead getting a fake gym badge. I dunno, was that some sort of punishment for making the wrong decision? I feel like I missed out on a lot of story, and I just might do things over from V8 to fix that. So, my question is, was the alternate ending a result of that one choice? Or is there some way I can unlock the Judicial District, or might it be available in a future version? Have I ruined my save file?
  5. Eh, I feel stupid now. I didn't realize the colored trees had switches on them. Problem solved. And yes, where you are told to go does depend on whether or not you reveal that Flora is in Bladestar.
  6. Just got to the part where in Grand Dream City, you have to sleep in the bed in the Penthouse until the next day. When I wake up, what's-her-name tells me to go to the Botanical Garden, so I do, and Flora tells me to remember the color of the trees. I have no idea where this information is gonna come in handy, though. I watched someone's playthrough of V9 on Youtube, and in their game, they were told to go to the Judicial District (but that didn't happen for me - I was told to go to the botanical gardens). Is this an error? What should I do now?
  7. I've recently begun doing a Psychic monotype run, so I'm trying to get all the stickers so I can access the nice things in the Obsidia Dept Store. I know that in Spinel Town, there's supposed to be a lady who gets teleported and lands in the forest, and then you have to get medicine to help her. I also know that she'll only show up on a clear day (it's been raining in my game for more than a week... 8 DAYS? SERIOUSLY?! Is that normal???). I haven't defeated the PULSE Abra yet because I'm afraid that doing so will be the point of no return. So, will finishing off Team Meteor at Tanzan Mountain permanently lock the sidequest? Thanks!
  8. You mean before the city is fixed up? Bc when I checked there's only two warehouses, the one with the Spoink and the one where a bunch of people are standing around the entrance. Or do I have to wait for a certain day/weather where they'll go away?
  9. Call me crazy, but I'm trying to fill up my Pokedex completely, which for me means filling up my PC boxes with one of each mon, in numerical order. I was wondering where I could get all the incense so I could breed baby Pokemon (eg Azumarill + Sea Incense = Azurill), as I've heard that all of them have been made available in E16. If it helps at all, I've already finished the main story content and done a bunch of the sidequests. Specifically, I'm looking for the Sea Incense, Odd Incense, and Full Incense. Thanks!
  10. Ok so I just found Corey's Skuntank in Citrine Mountain (I know, a bit late to the party) I have the Silver Ring in my bag but for some reason the event isn't activating, ie the Skuntank is ignoring me. Is there something else I need to do? Thanks!
  11. I can give you a 31 attack/31 speed torchic in exchange for a goomy, dont care what nature. Message me your username and we can negotiate
  12. Hey I've got a Haxorus and I can breed a Jolly female with 31 speed for you no problem. PM me your username and we can negotiate
  13. Hey fellow players of Pokemon Reborn! So, I've just beaten Radomus, Luna was captured, and now I'm at 7th Street. While I know how to progress the story from there, there's some guy in a white robe standing in front of one of the buildings (see pic). I know that he's related to the Order of the Helix, but how do I get him to go away? Is there some point in the story where I can make him move, or is there something specific I have to do? Thanks in advance!
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