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About rigby234

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  1. oh I didnt know episode 18 had a sub 5 run, thats insane
  2. Great! Thank you, I'll look through them
  3. Hello, Now that episode 19 is upon us, I wanna get to routing the game for a speedrun. I am sure others have done it in previous versions so my question is if there is a route lying around I can find to use as building blocks for my routing?
  4. For the pulse I used Pyroarfor rocksmash to lower the defence of the pulse to allow the EQ from flygon/torterra to hurt more for the mansion MVP was emolga discharged worked wonders while not being able to harm the hippowdon and since emolga is flying type, Florina's EQ didnt hurt me either for the gym battle, I think every one of my pokemon were of some use to me.
  5. as a fairy type trainer I must say I dislike anything that remotely resembles poison
  6. Hey y'all, I have been around for about a year now seeing what people have to say on these forums and I think it's about time I say hi to. so howdy.
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