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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Anvilicious

  1. Ah, so another fangame had bit the DMCA takedown dust while I wasn't looking.

    1. IntSys
    2. 5hift


      The Uranium team took the links down themselves.

      Honestly think US Nintendo should seriously take it easy with fan games.

      Nobody is capitalizing off their creation except for them.

  2. Chuck Thorndyke is hands down the best Sonic character.

    1. Sonikku


      dont do this to yourself

    2. Anvilicious



  3. According to many people I know who lived and worked here back then, customers and employees were treated far better when the mob was in charge of Vegas.

  4. the very first episode of Sonic X has Big the Cat in the first five seconds, which I feel really sets the mood for the entire series.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anvilicious


      it's... something. but I actually really like shows that aren't 'good', so although I would argue Sonic X is pretty awful, so far I'm enjoying it for all of its shortcomings.

    3. Jacobliterator


      I don't mind it. Parts with Eggman are a favourite of mine, but maybe that's just me.

    4. BreezyPonie


      My sister watched it and liked it, but she was watching the original Japanese dub, not the 4kids version, and I'm not sure how much of a difference that makes.

  5. I really hope the next Paper Mario game tanks terribly so I can enjoy the devs' absolute confusion. But that won't happen, because so many people are going to buy it.

  6. I really hate figuring out what sprites should wear.

  7. All American school children know the brainwashing chant by heart.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swampellow


      and that is why i never say it, i stand up and stare angrily at everyone, especially the flag.

    3. Guzam


      Are you implying it's not ok to say the pledge of allegiance?

      Because it isn't. Should it be mandatory though? I don't think so, but you better believe I'm gonna say it anyway.

    4. Guzam


      *because it is ok to say it.

  8. My laptop won't run RMXP, so I'm just working on sprites by replacing ones in Reborn so I can at least tell what they look like in a game.

  9. please just get your politics out of twitch I go there to get away from the BS.

    1. Shamitako


      But. Twitch is memes

      And politics is memes

      So, uh, good luck

    2. Maelstrom


      Memes are bs, you mean.

  10. The upside of having only three outfits is that I don't need to decide what I want to pack for my vacation. 3 pants, 4 shirts, 10 bars of soap, and AN ENTIRE N64.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      y in the world would you need 10 bars of soap?

    3. Anvilicious


      my mom sells homemade soap as a little side business.

    4. Red_Chaos


      dont forget a toothbrush and toothpaste

  11. new unfunny GDQ memes. just what everyone wanted.

  12. Take care of yourself Viri. Have fun and stay safe!
  13. I don't know how many times I've pulled out my copy of Hyrule Historia (like a fucking nerd) and said, "well, your convoluted theory is wrong and it says so right here on pg. 69." Yes, it's always pg. 69. Which just makes it even better.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      Hyrule Historia's Timeline actually contradicts itself at points. Like badly. I can prove it if you really wanted me to.

    3. Anvilicious


      oh, i know that absolutely. but most people dont.

    4. Anvilicious


      mostly I just want people to shut up about their Zelda conspiracy theories. not to actually be right.

  14. It's amazing how much better a controller works once you've disassembled it and cleaned out two decades of crud.

  15. cpu ded. now i'm using shit laptop with win8. I appreciated that computer so much. Now it's like I'm eating McDonalds from now on after dining on steak every day.

    1. Hexagoen


      IS the CPU dead as in the pin/ what ever skylake calls their new things doesnt work with the MB? Check really carefully to see it it isnt just your CPU cooler or something. IF soemthing really bad happened to the CPU like a water cooling failure, or it doing kickflips until it it exploded, then RIP.

      Good luck finding a worthy enough sacrifical CPU to be the host of our motherboard deity~

    2. Anvilicious


      It needed new thermal paste like, three months ago, and burned itself to death the day I was going to apply it. It ded son. An avoidable death that was entirely my fault.

  16. Even if I don't say much, I check in here almost every day to see whether the whole place burned down.

    1. Tempest


      You're not looking very hard... this place is perpetually on fire.

    2. Maelstrom


      It's true. The wasteland is a flaming turd pile.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      And we're all glad to be a part of it :3

  17. Someday... Someday... I'm going to do OoT bingo...

  18. Did I apply the thermal paste correctly? Were my overheating problems even caused by 450 hours of Skyrim + old thermal paste? Only time will tell.

  19. I've never played either of these games but I had to make this my new profile image regardless.

  20. Shout outs to arrays for doing what they do

  21. Making a battle system from scratch isn't as hard as I'd anticipated. I mean, it's frustrating and time-consuming, but not hard.

  22. "If you skip this ad, you make it personal" wow, that sounds like that meme about having 300 confirmed kills...

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