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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Anvilicious

  1. I've had the Wishbone theme song stuck in my head for days. I haven't watched one of those movies in years, how did it get in there!?

  2. I think right before the fight with Fern you can go into an apartment in the Onyx ward, where one of the NPCs will let you onto the roof when you talk to him. That place is the area with the highest level of Pokemon available to you at the moment. You can get a Pansear beneath the bridge on the farthest right part of Peridot when it's raining (There's a street rat there who mentions it). It got me through much of the early game; and that Roselia. EDIT: Also, I can't expound enough on the Epic Beastliness of Trubbish/Garbodor in the early game. Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray (which harshly lowers Sp. Def. and so makes consecutive Acid Sprays or that Espurr of yours hit harder) wear down a lot of choice Pokemon that might otherwise wall you. Roselia might soak up Toxic Spikes, but lowering it's Sp. Def. is helpful for other Pokemon to destroy it.

    1. ShatteredSkys


      Than I am weak

    2. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      sleep is overrated

  4. Oh my god you found my weakness; cute, pink, sheep Pokemon. I MUST HAVE IT! Not quite Flaaffy levels of cuteness, but close.
  5. Well shucks, thanks! Whenever you're ready, just let me know.
  6. Sometimes I wonder why people aren't replying to me; did I weird them out, did I offend them? ... Then I remember it's two in the morning and no one sane is on a Pokemon forum at two in the morning.

  7. I think I'm pretty good at outdoor mapping, though my indoor mapping is pretty average. If you need routes and cities, I'd LOVE to give it a shot! I could also do some events, if need be; I can't claim to be an expert, but if you need smaller things taken off your hands, you can trust they're done right. Maybe I sound overeager, but I've been looking for a Pokemon game to help make that could use mapping skills, because I feel that's my strength. ... Just don't ask me to help with the sprites. They wouldn't turn out pretty. EDIT: I'd call this ~80% done; I'm not completely finished moving things around and clearing up the clutter, but it should be a good example of what I can do. I've never just uploaded a map before, but I'm assuming it'd open fine with your version of Essentials, too. (It's not BW graphics, but it's what I had on hand.) Map009.rxdata
  8. Grave of the Fireflies was a mistake ;__; ... You all should watch it.

    1. Plok


      nopeeee, too much feels ;_;

  9. Approximately 20 resets and 200 Pokeballs later, I caught Beldum. Why do any Pokemon have such low catch rates?

    1. RodrigoMob


      wow i catch him with only 3 level balls

    2. Anvilicious


      ... Level Balls. LEVEL BALLS. Mother****ing LEVEL BALLS. RodrigoMob: Pokemon Master. Well, now I know what to do next playthrough.

  10. Does anyone remember that Kyle XY thing? What even was that? All my friends were ridiculously obsessed with it for like, a year, and then I never heard about it again.

  11. I would make fun of that kid who wanted a Pidove if I hadn't made that mistake before...

    1. Helia


      I never confused those two. Staraptor is so much better than Unfezant, it must have been gen 4. It's hilarious af tho, and can be used in ANY evolutionline. See this here Joltik? It evolves into a POWERFUL STARAPTOR.

    2. Anvilicious


      Yeah, I didn't realize my mistake until it evolved into Tranquill. At which point I figured out how stupid I was. Not one of my prouder moments.

    3. Anvilicious


      "Wait. That's not a Staravia."

  12. Welcome Cassius! Don't worry about coming off as rude; we're nice here, we understand. You have missed some important advancements in the Pokemon universe, but here are the cliffnotes: * Physical and Special attacks are based on the move, not the type * Fairy types are a thing * Mega evolutions * Ame is a bit of a sadist What hasn't changed: * Ash Ketchum is still ten You'll pick up the rest as you go along.
  13. Just keep counting down the days until SGDQ. Although I'm a little sad there's no Paper Mario: TTYD.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anvilicious
    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      What is SGDQ?

    4. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Summer Games Done QUick is a live stream that runs for like 24 hours for a whole week and it's badass

  14. Hello everyone! After seeing the Pokemon Se7en banner around, I decided to check out what it actually was. I'm impressed! From what little I've seen so far, this looks to be a promising game with a lot of potential. I'd offer to help out, if it weren't for the fact that I have no skills for early stage game making. I do have a gaming snob's eye for typos and tile errors/flaws, so once this game gets going, I'd be happy to help polish the little stuff. Until then, though, I'll be awaiting each teaser release along side everyone else.
  15. My niece just asked for a FNAF Foxy plushy for her birthday. SHE'S TEN.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      mother of god, that pop culture of her.

  16. Hello, I'm Anvilicious and this is my first time posting anything in any forums. So, uh... I have no idea what I'm doing, which means if I screwed up and put this in the wrong place, I'm sorry. I'm usually content to just lurk, but I just completed the entire available game during the Episode 14 version, and figured this would be as good of a time as any to stop creeping. Sadly, Pokemon Reborn has ruined me. Since I have never played any Pokemon against other players, and because Reborn has forced me to increase my skills a hundred-fold, the official games have become really boring. Not just in the "really simple and easy battles" sense, but also because the plots leave much to be desired after the taste I've gotten for Reborn's rich and beautiful/downright depressing story. So, thanks for that, Ame. If anyone has any pointers towards starting in competitive battles, I would really appreciate it. I'm sure its fun, but it looks really overwhelming, and I have no idea how to begin. Also, Charlotte was a menace, and I'm so glad I showed up AFTER she was nerfed. Dear God.
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