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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Anvilicious

  1. Never done anything but tilesets and overworld sprites before, but yeah (WIP): http://imgur.com/Meu6hl7

  2. Well, they say "Windows 10 exclusive" but I hear "Needs a third party mod to work on Win7"

  3. Speedrunners are going to break the SHIT out of Breath of the Wild.

    1. BIGJRA


      how do you know?

    2. Anvilicious


      Just a feeling I get from the supposed scope of the world. Also, all Zelda games are broken, so it's already a given.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Speedrunners do it to games that are relatively stable... they break everything... trust.

  4. I like Reggie but the way he keeps moving his hands apart and together when he talks really bugs me.

  5. I'm pretty sure that almost all of the appplause at Bethesda's presentation was by people hired to sit in the audience and clap at certain intervals. They sounded so falsely enthusiastic.

  6. But what does a Pot of Greed DO?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anvilicious


      Could you repeat that? I'm a little deaf in this ear...

    3. BlueMoonIceCream
    4. Anvilicious


      Got it, thanks.

  7. If any of you are speedrun fans go watch PeekingBoo because he runs SM64 on a dance pad and it's pretty neato.

  8. *Bomb hovers into oblivion*

  9. 'The protagonist was actually insane' is becoming a really overdone horror trope. Learning to assume from the very beginning that it's all in their head makes things less scary.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Okami


      What movies/books/games do that? Right now the only one I can think of a Shutter Island that pulls that. Despite knowing only one I do think it's about as cheap as jumpscares.

    3. Skullkin


      Possibly also Last Shift. And that one movie where the cop is chasing the serial killer who turns out to be one of her multiple personalities.

    4. Skullkin


      Still not sure how much of Last Shift was in Jessica's head.

  10. If you're gonna hire shitty English voice actors for a game, at least give me the option of turning them off.

  11. Which do you think gets remixed more: Lavender Town or Song of Storms?

    1. YoshiofRedemption


      Lavender Town. By a long shot

    2. breelompauncher
    3. Anvilicious


      huh, youtube search results return over a million for Song of Storms, but just 1/4 of that for Lavender Town... Not the most reliable way of checking, but still.

  12. How do people not go insane making NPC house interiors?

  13. Now, I could continue spriting the building I'm working on, or I could go buy some thermal paste and see if it fixes my overheating problem... Skyrim it is.

  14. so on a scale from 0 to -100 how bad do you think that WoW movie is going to be?

    1. Sapphire


      It's already out, and it's terrible. 12.

    2. Anvilicious


      yeah, it figures. shame that twitch is going to be dealing with that bs for a week.

    3. SilverJakler


      I want to believe, but it's most likely gonna be really bad.

  15. Man, I wish there was gender equality in fanservice...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ((not saying those are the only people that game by the way, it's just what companies designate as their biggest target audience so them aim their games at them etc... Target Audience also isn't the only audience either.))

    3. Anvilicious


      Yeah, that sounds about right, Huk. I think companies are just starting to acknowledge the amount of girls/women that play their games, so it might start becoming more common. I mean, I'm not going to hold my breath or anything, but there's a small chance.

    4. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      There's more male furry art than female.

  16. I finally finished creating a map's worth of only custom tiles. I never knew just how exhausting that would be.

    1. pbood2


      congratulations. It takes initiative to complete a custom tileset. :) Hope your game I'm guessing is going well.

    2. Anvilicious


      I'm mostly just making maps to improve my skills right now, but thank you!

  17. Well, I feel significantly stupider from the sheer amount of WTF I was subjected to by an ad for "The Lobster".

    1. Spineblade


      I was considering seeing that once, but it wasn't showing locally.

  18. All the good superhero names are taken. And most of the mediocre ones, too.

    1. Combat


      Don't forget how almost every single power is taken by some hero or another. I mean, we have a Dog Welder. It's like they aren't even trying.

    2. Ironbound


      Eh. Who needs superpowers. We already have the greatest power, the power of our minds, which other lifeforms lack in the same measure. Let us use it for good, and be People and not just Humans.

  19. Carmen Sandiago is just the Riddler with better fashion sense.

    1. YinYang9705


      I don't know, the riddlers outfit is pretty snazzy

    2. Anvilicious


      I was thinking of the live action one, but yeah, you have a point.

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      another difference is carman sandiago is (in many continuitys) still a good person and is against killing

  20. People gotta stop saying "x skip/glitch will never be found". This year or next, someone is gonna use Wind Waker's Barrier Skip in a run. TTYD's Palace Skip, now Barrier Skip; this is a good year for speedrunners. Go, glitch hunters.

  21. General knowledge of the forgetting curve and bad personal experiences has left me with the unfortunate impression that nurses... are idiots. Like, they crammed through school and now just fumble through their job day after day with no idea what they're doing. #NotAllNurses

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