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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Anvilicious

  1. Just build a bridge and get over it. Or, if you're me, build 25% of a bridge and die of frustration.

    1. laggless01


      Or if you're Trump, build a wall, so "no-one will get over it"

    2. Anvilicious


      well, if trump ends up in charge, no one would want to anyway.

  2. Funny, my response to what is or isn't cheating in this game is essentially the same as the one I have for silly people who hate speedrunners. As long as it's not multiplayer, people should be allowed to play a game however they want. For multiplayer games, I'd consider it really awful, because someone could hack in the +1 infinity sword that takes a lot of work to obtain the intended way, thus undermining the achievements and skills of other players. But you're not getting an unfair advantage over other players in Reborn. I think that as long as you don't use cheats to spoil content to other players that is currently unreachable through normal gameplay, how you play Pokemon Reborn is up to you.
  3. I can almost always laugh at my mistakes. Even in occasions when other people might feel horribly embarrassed or stupid, I'll laugh, and usually others (when there are witnesses to my frequent stupidity) take that as a cue for it to be acceptable to laugh at what I did, too. I spent a long time in what I call an 'abusive relationship with myself', getting angry and calling myself names whenever I even did the slightest thing wrong. Sometimes I fall back into that old rut, but I've pretty much turned my old reaction to mistakes on it's head.
  4. I just did 30 minutes of research on squatting and learned that people who should know what they're talking about have been telling me to do it wrong for years and causing me undue pain. The internet: providing more accurate information than anyone irl.

    1. Garnet.


      how do you know these sites can be trusted

    2. Anvilicious


      Because I don't get a stabbing pain in my hip when I do it like they tell me to.

  5. If you come to Vegas, forget the casinos' overpriced, shitty food. Check out PT's Pub at happy hour and eat their pizza. It's 1000x better than a tough $50 steak. (this is not a paid advertisement, I just love their pizza)

  6. Optional Nuzlocke rules state that you can capture any shinies found, though I'm not sure if that ought to apply to a game with an increased shiny encounter rate. Either way, great start, and maybe next episode you might actually get to battle something! I never did understand why she said to 'take this Pokemon and run'... forgotten dialogue that should get edited, maybe?
  7. I love when kids shows aren't afraid to use the 'D' word.

    1. Ironbound


      Where's the 'I don't want to live on this planet' thingy when you need it...

    2. Anvilicious
    3. Shamitako


      Exactly, "I don't want to live on this planet"

      Because I am dead


  8. LG, sometimes B, and what did the T stand for again? Pfft, QA+? Now you're just being silly.

  9. This is one of the best things I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. Thank you for sharing it.
  10. Sword of Mana is like inverse Undertale. The only thing good about it is the graphics.

    1. Marcello


      I actually really liked that game... D:

    2. Anvilicious


      And you have the right to your own opinion, but man, that game just rubs me the wrong way.

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      if its the inverse of undertale then it sounds like the best game ever

  11. Linebeck had a better character arc than Fi.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadow Roxas

      Shadow Roxas

      this only makes me wanna play PH even more. i was playing it on my wii u but my gamepad fucked up again so i cant ;-;

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Maybe, but I actually liked SS and Fi more.

    4. dead account

      dead account

      Ah, Linebeck,how could I have that greedy, cowardly, badass?

      I wouldn't know anything about Fi. Never played Skyward Sword.

  12. Oh my god I just want to finish the tiles for this one map, uuggghhh what is rope...

  13. *looks up a walkthrough* "check the bookshelf 3 times to proceed" yeah, no, this game may be pretty but every other aspect of it is way too dumb for me to continue.

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      What game is this?

  14. Gonna go see Civil War with my dad in about 14 hours, and what I've heard about it has me optimistically excited.

  15. Tilesets = no problem! Character sprites = kill me now, ohmygod.

    1. pbood2


      my spriters disagree with this. Our development team don't have any spriters capable of doing tilesets but can do character sprites no problem. I guess each to their own.

    2. Azeria


      both are easy.

      backsprites are the devil however.

  16. Could this mean we'll have a usable grass/flying type now?

  17. You know those Mary-Sues who whine about their dozen random medical conditions (the kind that don't actually affect day to day life) in an attempt to evoke pity? I think I might be one of those.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Neo


      Lmao yes because being expressive about issues that affect you make you a 'little bitch'. What kind of faux masculine bs

    3. Shamitako


      ...I don't think either of you understands what a Mary Sue is

      Also RIP you, Anvil, random issues that are more or less unimportant are lame :c

    4. Felicity


      Calm down, I do the same thing.

  18. Is Geoff Curnow finger spelling something in the beginning of Dishonored!? It looks so similar to letters, but I can't make it out...

    1. Anvilicious


      It looks like "MMA", so I'm guessing a dev just really likes professional fighting...

  19. Gun control is a terrible idea! Not nearly enough Americans are dead, and I'm disappointed that more people aren't dying.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      Well. The USA, in my opinion, should adopt Canada's semi auto civilian firearms law.

    2. Cobalt996


      Read through Canada's laws, and I think I like them more than America's.

  20. I don't even play Overwatch, but I'm pretty sure the robot guy has the best butt.

  21. calling people out in twitch chat for using the word 'autistic' as an insult is actually usually worth it. who knew?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anvilicious
    3. Neo


      @Commander all of those should be off your list, my man. Don't stop short when it comes to ableism

    4. RainbowHugs


      I dislike when people use it as an insult because I actually am Autistic myself and it can be deeply insulting, even if use light heartily..

  22. I don't care how old I get, as long as Scooby-Doo contains scenes like this, I'll keep watching:

  23. New fave thing: calling osu "O.S.U." in twitch chat and pissing people off.

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