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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Anvilicious

  1. okay i know the forums have a policy against mentioning cheat engine but you need to see this http://prntscr.com/ams6eq

    1. biboo195


      Definitely April Fools

    2. Anvilicious
  2. Oh this shit again.

  3. *8 months later* Oh, THAT'S why Radomus was dressed like the Hatter!

  4. After extensive testing, I have determined it is indeed impossible to win the Bidoof catching contest against Keith. Even when two Bidoofs are intersecting, running into them will start an encounter with only one. Time to swallow my pride and accept my plot mandated loss. Fuck you, Shadows of Almia.

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      There are Bidoof catching contests?

  5. ... I can only find unreliable third party information on this whole steam thing. Can someone point me to an actual statement of some kind on this issue?

    1. Simon


      No one from Valve has said anything.

  6. Murry Christmas, Heppy Hannukah. Here, have this thing I found, I guess...

  7. I'm gonna replay the Circle Drawing Simulator series.

  8. Given that one of Reborn's main gimmicks is the hard gym leaders, there probably really isn't just 'one' boss. As others have already stated, it might be almost any leader depending on the team you build. If there is a mention of that trope, it should say something to that effect, so it doesn't turn into a list of half of the league instead. (On another note (reminded to me by my name), some of the dialogue about Adrienn's gender would certainly qualify as Anvilicious...)
  9. Stops working on game for a month because of impossible to fix bug, then comes back and in two minutes realizes that there are two values that should be zero but aren't. Bug is now solved.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes.

    2. Anvilicious
  10. I never realized how nice home made soap is until I went to a house that didn't have any.

  11. I mourn for the lost days of The Thousand Year Door. Why can't I just have a nice Paper Mario game with lovable sidekicks and entertaining dialogue?! *cries*

    1. Zumi


      the gamecube emulator is calling for you, my friend

      (i did the same)

  12. Why are the dogs in Ghost Trick and Ace Attorney both called Missile?

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      One of the people who worked on the games had a Pomeranian named Missile.

  13. Whenever I do a randomized nuzlocke, it coincidentally also turns out to be a monotype.

    1. BreezyPonie


      Mine are always a "Less-Than-6" run


  14. I had a dream about finding a double battle glitch in Pokemon Se7en that allowed me to switch the bag with the Pokemon I wanted to send in and somehow the opponent ended up with two Pokemon and the bag on their side of the field. What the hell, man.

    1. zimvader42


      lol the trippin'

    2. Nova


      We're slowly invading people's dreams! Our plan's working!

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      People be dreaming about us! And it's still just the first episode!

  15. Queen Anne's chocolate cherries taste like cherry flavored medicine. Do not eat.

  16. Heliolisk vs Valarie = too OP

  17. Happy Dry Turkey Day, everyone!

    1. Garnet.


      why is your turkey dry, what the hell???? dont yall know how to cook???

  18. I'm gonna play through the game fully once before giving a thorough list, but one really common typo I keep seeing is the misspelling "aswell" instead of "as well". It's always two words, not one.
  19. My handwriting isn't bad you just need glasses.

  20. Aaah, I'm so excited! Even though I rarely post, I'm regularly checking out this topic. I can't wait until I can play!
  21. I had a slice of chocolate cake and two drumsticks. Living up to the fat American stereotype.

  22. It's going to cost$10,000 to fix our broken furnace. I will probably have a job by the end of the month, but there's no way it's covering this and my student loans. I'm now seriously considering the job only legal in certain counties in the state I live. Hooray for Nevada.

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