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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BlueGamerHawk

  1. Oops! Got them mixed up haha. Original sprite was Axel (dark skinned trainer.) Game.rxdata
  2. Sprite changed after Black steeple event with Emma & Aelita. Game.rxdata
  3. So I'm at the point where I battle Cera and after I defeated her I get the choice to hand over the magma stone or keep it.I decided to keep but later when Eldest tells me to go back Teila Town no events occur,I'm unsure if it's a bug or I'm in the wrong place.
  4. It was at this moment hype had intestifed.
  5. You traded the ancestor of Pokemon for a god of all pokemon,seems like a good trade too me.
  6. For me I gotta say Fern,the dude makes Blue and Silver look like the nicest guys in the world,Ame definitely succeeded in making a character that we can all truly hate so hard.
  7. If it's anything like PMD 2 storyline,I'm Hyped!
  8. Oh hai there I've been on this site for a while,and well I thought I formally introduce myself. (bare with me I'm not really good at this ) I'm a 15 year dude who likes playing sports,video games, and drawing and pokemon was just one those things that grew on.After playing the games I felt like something was lacking within the games,soon after I started watching youtubers play Pokemon Reborn (Nickaboo92,shofu) and I was pretty interested with what I had saw.Then I decided to try the game myself,it was my first time playing a fan made game.After several ours of playing I was blown away! I had found the something that was lacking in the other games I played.Now here we are that's pretty much it,I hope you can welcome me the Reborn website and get along!
  9. Poptart confirmed for champion. Sweet Field Effect confirmed.
  10. I say Flying types,I always dreamed of flying Swellow Staraptor Braviary Noivern Mandibuzz Charizard Y (M)
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