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8 Fledgling

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  1. Awesome! I can't wait for the release! =)
  2. You can get by mining rocks or fishing luvdiscs. Move relearner is unlocked after you get 7th badge. if is possible you can use reverse candys back before lvl 30 like lvl 29 and then use Rare candy or Exp candys to lvl up again so you can learn Dragon dance.
  3. I suggest you bring: Thick Fat Hariyama and some Steel Types Like Magneton, Copperajah and Togedemaru.
  4. Pincurchin is found at Tejurama Pier However it's impossible to get there... since pincurchin is listed as land encounter and theres no grass tiles there
  5. Chinchou can be found at Xen labs(Sheridan wetlands) fishing, and Staryu can be found at Tejurama Pier you need gourment i think.
  6. it's pre form is found in the lower left section of the Safari Zone, is rare though.
  7. Omastar: Reduces the power of supereffective attacks taken(solid rock) And gives Boost of the Ancient Power Base power.
  8. 1. Chandelure Helped me alot in many boss fights with access to Curse and Will-o-Wisp. also with it's Astounding Sp.attk can be useful in doubles thanks to Heat wave. 2. Togedemaru Maru hits decent and helped me against Valarie, Angie And Kyogre Fight thanks to Nuzzle,Zing Zap and Sturdy. the paraflinch combo also help me alot 3.Meowstic Prankster Dinosaurdude already mencioned and explained how good this Mon can be as Support. Priority Screens is simply too good and Access to Priority Misty Terrain not only helps your teammates status problem but it also ruins Boss And Gym Leaders Fields.
  9. Empoleon Crest. Cuz is Fun to Use with Physical Empoleon... with Some Agility and SD And then Spam Power Trip like no tomorrow. I Haven't Tried using with Special Set (Work up) but someday...Who knows.
  10. Jan: All Hail Bladestar MC: O_O
  11. I Can senses Lots of Glitch Field in Next Episode (looks like) Adventuring in some cyber world...dimension alternative
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