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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cinnamon115

  1. I've got a crobat already trained up for the next gym. Where do I find the amulet coin? Right now, the trainers at the grand hall only give out $1000 for each battle I win. I also can't get the luck incense as I evolved the Igglybuff and the lady won't accept it if it has evolved. Is there a pc inside devon corp to swap out pokemon with?
  2. Would a Magmortar work? I've got a Magmar that I can evolve that I'm training. And what is a great way to get money, because there are a lot of healing items I need to stock up on and most of the trainers aren't giving out a lot of money. And thanks for the help!
  3. I'm currently preparing my team for the Devon Corp raid. I've got five pokemon trained up right now I'm thinking of bringing and I can't think of a sixth to take. Can you all give me some advice? I was thinking of training my Chinchou that had volt absorb but is it still harmed by the floors there? Anyhow, here's my current team, are they good ones to bring?: Donphan lv 67 (still training it) Slam Strength Rock Smash Earthquake Camerupt lv 73 Earthquake Lava Plume Rock Tomb Eruption Gardevoir lv 74 Psychic Icy Wind Moonblast Shock Wave Scrafty lv 73 ( it has Moxie) Brick Break Thief Dual Chop Fire Punch Bronzong lv 73 Extrasensory Payback Strength Heavy Slam
  4. What is your favorite and least favorite field effect?
  5. 1. Beating Aya on my first try. 2. Curbstomping Fern on Route 1
  6. I've tried setting the field on fire, and that helps until I reach Cinccino. Cinccino destroys my team with Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, and Tail Slap.
  7. I need some help with Noel, especially with his Porygon-Z and Cinccino. This is my current team: Camerupt Lv 52 Moves: Earthquake Lava Plume Earth Power Eruption Pachirisu Lv 44 Moves: Electro Ball Nuzzle Discharge Cut Klingklang Lv52 Moves: Gear Grind Discharge Rock Smash Mirror Shot Gardevoir Lv 51 Moves: Psychic Magical Leaf Drain Kiss Calm Mind Blastoise Lv 52 Moves: Strength Aqua Tail Water Pulse Bite Heatmor Lv 52 Moves: Flamethrower Flame Burst Shadow Claw Sucker Punch I know I should probably replace Pachirisu, but I don't know who to replace him with.
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