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Creative fanwork, too many videogames to list, Worm (web novel), anime of various kinds, storytelling (fantasy especially), tropes, mythology, psychology, animals... There's a lot really~ X3
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Well this was a very fun read. Gave me lots of fun ideas to play with <3 Lots of handy ideas to play with though I think you might be sleeping on the Luvdisc crest's potential a bit, since if I'm reading its 'happiness = base power of attacks up to 250' effect correctly, then that means a very happy Luvdisc can use a 250 base power Aqua Jet, and if that's up in the Rain and before STAB... Is that a lot compared to stuff like a Weavile's Ice Shard? I honestly don't know, though under this logic Hydro Miss has no purpose being on that move list as the only thing it 'contributes' is low PP and terrible accuracy. The crest's whole concept seems to be going for 'making usually shitty moves with interesting secondary effects as usable as they hope this Luvdisc will be' and well, Luvdisc's movepool is terrible enough that Aqua Jet still might be the only part of it worth using but as it stands this section is clearly not how a crast wearing Luvdisc is meant to be used and I will not stand for it! XDD (Side note, if Aqua Jet is crested Luvdisc's main/only selling point then going all in on Attack is probably the way to go, with Hydration being used to prevent potential Aqua Jet damage being lost to Burn or Paralysis. Swift Swim's still got its use in 'allowing Luvdisc to attack with literally anything other than Aqua Jet' though so to each their own but I'd probably go for a revenge killer set consisting of: 255 Attack EVs, Hydration, and the moveset of Aqua Jet, Protect, Endure and Icy Wind that's meant to be partnered with a Burn/Toxic/Toxic Spikes user, either picking off already weakened targets or stalling until foes are in ideal KO range, with Icy Wind just there mostly because IDK there's still a 4th slot left and the speed drops and hitting two foes in Doubles might be handy. probably best only used with the Gen 5 weather password activated There's probably hopefully a better 4th slot option out there I just haven't thought of though, though damn its a shame the Luvdisc crest didn't also grant it a Whirlpool effect to symbolise foes getting sucked forcefully against their will into the 'shockingly swift and unrelenting horrors of love' or a usually shitty thing being used to horrific effect which I feel would be thematically on point for this little bugger XDDD aka max troll stall/trapping nastiness that's still completely walled by anything water immune). And er that all said, apologies all I have to say is a massive rant about how to win toxically with crest Luvdisc and nothing else. I tried going over the Ledian as well but yeah no that poor little guy's got nothing and I hope in the future its crest gets buffed at least a little more because right now it basically does nothing for it (still better off just attempting to set up screens before it dies ='C) and everything else looks pretty good to me Revenge/Avalance using Crabomnible maybe? Would need healing and screens support though so... Yeah! Thanks for letting me know my beloved Luxray can actually be the goodest of good bois still and hope my random babble of ideas was at least somewhat interesting even if in the end a Luvdisc is still just a Luvdisc at the end of the day~ XD
When I tried using the updater to go from version 13.5.3 to version 13.5.5 I ended up getting this message on the updater before it closed and very much did not update. So um yeah. Hope if it's something on your end that this is helpful and if it turns out to be something on my end that... idk, it can be worked out pretty easily XD (Also apologies for not using the bug report form if I was supposed to for this as well, this didn't seem to fit any of the catagories but still definitely felt like something that needed to be mentioned if it wasn't just happening to me maybe performance? But it's not affecting the gameplay or anything, just the updater... ) Edit: After much double checking I believe it was an issue on my end (security app was autoblocking blocking files from being changed even though I had allowed Rejuvenation's updater to do so before) but will leave this comment here just in case I'm wrong/someone else had similar issues.
Come to think of it, I noticed that issue with breeding pokemon as well as ending up with a regular Vulpix when I tried to breed an alolan form Vulpix. (Haven't tried out the 'Everstone passing down the parent's nature' thing but presumably if none of the above work right that'll probably be glitched/working differently as well?)
Hi there. Rescently downloaded the newest update and have been really enjoying it (last time I played through the game, I think the game still had the early game cannibal and that 'adaptive' level system that made grinding impossible so it's been amazing seeing how much the game has improved since then <3), but um. I'm kind of hardcore stuck on a puzzle that I get the feeling I really shouldn't be (breezed through every other puzzle in the game so I think I'm just missing something painfully obvious) and was hoping I could just ask for the answer since I've been stuck on this one bit of the main plot for 3 days now and its starting to get to me My puzzle issues aside I've been having a blast playing through the game. I have a full box of great teams I rotate between and thanks to those Infinity trainers I haven't had any issues keeping them all leveled up. The distribution of mons from each gen is great, I ADORE how the following mon basically all have Pickup (being given items I like is partly why I have a full box of mons now; hard not to adore a mon when they keep giving you candy XD), the story is simple but effective, and the early access to Ev training items, Ability Capsules/Patches, nature mints and Ev resetters is great <3 Closest things I've had to complaints in the game so far have been a lack of Heart Scales (which I assume are intended to be fished for but I just have terrible, terrible luck with all the Luvdic I keep hooking?) and the narrative not acknowledging when I beat a certain over leveled boss fight (had much mixed indignation and lols over certain characters going on and on about how 'not ready' we were to face said boss fight right after I just blind fluked a full 6-0 victory against said character evolvite Chancey with Sing and Light Screen is the best enabler) but both of those are incredibly minor and overall I've had a great time with the game so yeah. Thank you for the fun and hope other people reading this choose to give the game a shot <3
FaisLittleWhiteRaven started following wanna see your teams , Pokemon Radiation Reborn (Uranium Mod, EPISODE 19.16) , Pokémon Divulgence and 2 others
Hmm. I'm not so hot with team building myself -current Reborn team is like 16 or so mon because I can't resist training any that catch my eye- and I am very prone to using weak favorites over strong Pokemon (for example learning the hard way that taking a Togedemaru through the entire game is lot easier than a Pachirisu) but I can try and cover what I know of the mons you've listed at least. I will say though that Blaziken, Archeops, Malamar and your uber-boss killing Murkrow sound like you know fully what you're doing with and are solid keepers. Maybe though consider dropping Malamar's Light Screen for an Attacking move so you can give them an Assault Vest sometime? I can't say if it's worth respec-ing those speed evs into either of the defences or HP on top of that as I haven't used Malamar enough to really get a feel for how bulky/fast they are but my gut feels that Screens are probably a better fit for another mon. As for your other mon... (Apologies that none of these are in order). Garbodor: Much as I love them to pieces and always have one on my main team every Reborn playthrough they seriously fall behind after a while and it's generally a labor of love to keep them going past Serra's Gym so if you're looking for direct power rather than support for your other mon (via things like Toxic Spikes, Toxic and Acid Spray, etc) then you're probably better off cutting them from your line up. Mawile: Regular Mawile is absolute hell to use - very cute but would absolutely not recommend using unless you have the mega stone or just really, really love regular Mawile (and if the later I recommend going with a more support based set with Intimidate, Stealth Rock, Super Fang, etc as those stats really are horrible). Swoobat: Can be something of a monster when you've got both Calm Mind and the ability Simple -nothing like getting a quick +2 on both SpA and SpD in a single move hehe- but they do fall off around Serra's Gym as they are a tad too frail and often can't hit hard enough without the boost... Though if you can get those boosts up it's not hard to pull off a clean sweep so. Yeah. Would recommend changing the Ability to Simple as Unaware doesn't really do a whole lot for them, and maybe investing getting Substitute TM and Salac Berries? The Salac+Sub+Simple Calm Mind can be a fantastic fall back for singles sweeps though I'd recommend using other mon whenever the battles go into doubles. Dodrio: Honestly sounds like you're using this one perfectly - is a high risk high reward mon that would probably appreciate learning Brave Bird soon-ish since well, better to go down to recoil sweeping the enemy than being oneshot by the enemy that just survived but like Swoobat is awful outside of singles format so... Another mon to be boxed during one of the toughest sections of the game.... Ampharos: Not so great one on one but during some of those later doubles battles having a Discharge status spreader is great! ...Works best alongside a teammate who doesn't take any damage though and given you seem to be mostly lacking in Elec-absorbing abilities and Ground types might not be such a great fit... Though if you switch your Camrupt's Earthquake for Earth Power then they could work together quite well maybe? Vinilluxe: ...Speed Boost..? Do you mean Weak Armor maybe? Anyway ability confusion aside Vinilluxe is another one I'd say drop unless you really love them - they start struggling around Kiki and never really catch up again outside of certain arenas like maybe Serra's or using them in Hail teams (which generally prefer Abomnasnow and A-Ninetails for the additional STAB). ...That said you do seem to have a lack of dedicated dragon killers (Edit: I say forgetting entirely about poor Slurpuff's existance) so maybe keep? IDK honestly; they aren't generally great at sweeping on their own but maybe keep until you get Gardevior maybe just in case of dragons/specifically Garchomp? Cofagrigus: A damn solid mon and honestly, outside of killing uber-bosses (aka your Murkrow's job) I probably wouldn't bother with Curse - your current set looks pretty nice~ Slurpuff: Probably redundant once you get either Gardevoir or Mega-Mawile though the cleric skills are nice~ ...You might be better off getting another mon for that job though like Tsarina for Aromapherapy or Alolamola for Wish since in my experience at least Slurpuff tend to be a bit squisher than you'd think. Still not bad a mon at all. Drifblim: ...I've never actually used a special attacking Flare Boost Driftblim over a physical attacking Unburden Driftblim before so no real clue for this one but odds are if you've got a mon that does the same but better and the two aren't part of a team (like say a Zebstriker and Manetric Discharge doubles duo) then you should probably drop it, especially given how many other flying types you have that don't struggle with the same issue. Hariyama: These guys are way way more squishy than they seem unless they've been carefully EVed for tanking because all their bulk is in HP alone. They can be amazing in Trick Room teams or if you have a dedicated Speed Boost Baton Passer but trying to pull off a Belly Drum with them without dedicated support is more trouble than it's worth, and even then it's probably better to just go full power with Close Combat, Stone Edge, Earthquake, etc which they tend to be pretty solid with (Knock Off is always good though). If Belly Drum is your main draw here I'd recommend a different mon and in general Hariyama is one of those mons that's good at what it does but there are heaps of mon that do the same but better so keep if you love them enough to but if they're lagging maybe consider other fighting types? Vespiquen: *sigh* The sad truth of Vespiquen is that she's not all that great no matter what you do with her - Bug/Flying is a crap combo for defensive use outside of being up against fighting types (who, given this is Reborn, will all be carrying around rock moves) or other bugs, offence-wise she's meh at best and can't boost up as fast as even the fragile butterflies, her unique moves aren't all that great (even Heal Order isn't as good as Roost because that at least drops her god-awful flying type) and... Yeah. This mon is one of my favs design-wise but Reborn is not the game to use her -virtually any other bug is better just because they're more specialized, and given you have at least 3 excellent flying types already the only reason I'd say keep this mon is because you love her enough to lug her through the rest of the game despite her being a load. IVs and EVs don't really make too much of a difference here at least in my experience. Meowstick: Gonna be frank here - F-Meowstick are basically Kadabra with Fake Out (unlike M-Meowstic who have the very handy Prankster + Fake Out niche). Her HA Competitive can help a bit if you're good at switching her in to a defog or something like that but generally she doesn't have enough power to sweep like she wants to and her bulk sucks. Like Vespiquen this is a 'only keep if you really love her' kind of mon as most other psychics can probably do her role better. Fake Out is always nice though. Gourgeist: I have honestly never raised a Gourgeist (outside of Pokemon Pumpkin) so can't say much for certain but Grass and Ghost is a good mix. Treak or Treat like Soak is fantastic for disruption tactics and a physical Ghost is always handy so... I'd say it's a good one. Camrupt: Looks great and is a great mon that doesn't seem to have any ground type competition with anything else you own so I'd say keep, though maybe Earth Power over Earthquake for not hitting allies during doubles and so you can go full SpA? That's 50/50 advice though because Camrupt is just as good hitting everything and going a bit mixed so personal preference there. Aggron: He looks alright though Aggron's are a tad iffy at times without being mega. A hell of a lot more usable than Mawile though. Would probably very much like more coverage moves and a Choice Band though, and possible an ability change to Sturdy if you wanna set up Stealth Rocks and/or ensure you get at least one good hit in before getting KOed. (Rock Head is better in general if you feel you can get you hits in without getting OHKOd though). Ludicolo: Hmm. I generally go rain-Swift Swim with my Ludicolo so I'm not certain. They tend to be surprisingly squishy on the physical side of things but full defensive with Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Scald and maybe Ice Beam sounds like it could be a solid choice... If you do go defensive you'll probably want a lot of burn spreading going around and probably Aggron and/or Swoobat or Malamar to kill the various poisons and flying types that could be an issue. --- Anyway hoped my blather gave you some stuff to consider and was useful. Good luck with your future team~
Pokemon Fan Game Recommendations [Community WIP]
FaisLittleWhiteRaven replied to Fumble's topic in Fan-game Exposé
Had a bit of time, played some more fan games so... Time for some more blah about Fangames worth talking about~ Esentuals Kit Games Pumpkin Redux: An older and shorter game by the wonderful souls that made Pokemon Present (which is currently being revamped into Pokemon Ashen Forest) comes a fun little halloween themed game that like Pokemon Present is a little harder than regular Pokemon games but far from being a Reborn-difficult game. Lovely aesthetics, slow building mystery and fun - Sadly I haven't quite gotten to the end due to my old computer suffering a disasterous accident right before I could finish it but it was fun and if you liked Pokemon Present I'd absolutely recommend giving it a shot. Pokemon Apex: A very different and tricky Pokemon fangame with frequently torturous puzzles, strict long-lasting level caps, some type chart changes (like ghost being SE against normal types), a setting that's very much Alternate Universe to how the Pokemon World is generally portrayed (for example the Pokemon World is called Gehenna, after a biblical valley where children were sacrificed via fire and may or may not have been considered hell. Character names are frequently things like Dante -after Dante's Inferno perhapes?- and Yorik so yeah, lots of odd references sprinkled all over the place), and a story which despite being unfinished still has me quite invested. Aesthetically the game uses very different visuals and music than most Pokemon fangames and this is probably it's biggest strength: Sheer uniqueness. Apex does it's own thing almost all of the time and that's really what helps it stand out - Looking for hidden secrets in the walls, exploring enormous routes, desperately avoiding trainers to avoid missing out on easy exp or getting KOed before reaching the next checkpoint, struggling to solve the puzzles before running out of one's limited heals and trying to figure out which pokemon is worth using your very limited pokeballs on... It's a difficult game especially early on but not really in the standard 'Reborn-esc difficulty curve via powerful trainers' kind of way and I find that actually makes it more fun~ Very much recommended, though do be warned: Those puzzles can be mindboggling and the plot can have long, unskippable sections of talking and exploring. Pokemon Floral Tempus: Only recently began playing this one (currently at the Water gym) but so far it's been a lot of fun - Mon selection has been quite nice, plot is dark-ish at times but has a very pokemon feel to it (though surprise completely optional early game cannibal was a bit jarring), side quests vary from comfortably easy to 'OH GOD WHY' depending on when you do them, visuals are very nice and... Yeah. It's a fun one though it does have some flaws: Some computers won't start up the game properly and so far the only solution is pressing CTRL F12 whenever you are opening the game up to fix it (solution does work by the way as my current computer is one of these). Second the levels of certain trainers (namely the rivals and gym leaders) seem matched to the player's and can be higher than the level cap the player is restricted to which can be extremely annoying at times. Lag can also be an issue at times but it didn't seem too frequent. Pokemon Alabaster: An interesting fangame with a neat plot, nice selection of music and the... Interesting starter selection of Togepi, Beldum and Larvestia. Not the hardest fangame considering I was able to get through the current available demo with Pokemon like Aridos, Seaking and Pachirisu in my party but there was one 'optional nigh impossible to defeat' overleveled boss fight and other bosses in the game can hit quite hard at times so if you are looking for a more standard pokemon adventure with some nice writing and interesting plot moments this one is pretty fun. Mon selection, especially early on can be a bit brutal though - the vast, VAST majority of catchable mon before you can escape leave the early area are bug, grass and fairy types (maybe some birds as well?) and thus it may take you a while to develop a balanced team. Also some pokemon sprites are very tiny for no real reason which is technically a bad thing but I found having a Seaking smaller than a Togepi rather charming so... Yeah~ XD Pokemon Apathy: A short game with very limited mon selection and grinding opportunities but it had a fun story and some very nice use of visuals and music. Not too much to say about it beyond I had a lot of fun playing it and way quite sad it ended as quickly as it did. Pokemon Circular Knowledge: Another short game though this one can be outright hard due to everything in the game scaling in level with the first mon out in front of the party. The gameplay is more geared towards survival and good resource usage rather than straight up battle, largely because heals are very hard to get and using up your limited amount of items before the end can doom your chances of winning, but I still beat the game within a day with mon I caught on a whim with largely awful movesets so... It's not that bad? Story is kinda so-so. Nothing super amazing and I did enjoy one of the plot beats near the end but otherwise the game is rather minimalistic and ends somewhat suddenly. I sort of recommend and sort of don't. Other: Not sure what program these two games use but both play more akin to some Final Fantasy turn based games rather than the standard 1v1 turn based Pokemon games so I suspect a different program is being used. Both have battles with up to three pokemon battling at once (the foe can occasionally have more), a turn order dependant on filling up a gauge for each pokemon that is determined of each pokemon's speed (so very speedy pokemon can frequently attack several times before slower ones even get started), massive movepools more akin to a spell list (I think one of my mon had around 20 moves at one point?) with some moves becoming their more powerful forms after certain amount of usage, predetermined mon joining your available team via side side-quests or plot battles instead of being catchable, and status effects having very different effects, being stackable (at least in RR) and in some cases wearing off over time. Very different but fun Super Eevee Edition: A Gen 2 themed game with a very meta plot and a very super Eevee (which can frankly curb stomp the entire game solo if used correctly). If you haven't played this game before I absolutely recommend checking it out as frankly no other fangame other than Rocket Rising plays anything like it and it's honestly quite fun, though the story can be a bit out there~ XD Very Gen2 though but in art and music so if that's not your thing then it may not appeal. Pokemon Rocket Rising: Ever wanted to join the Team Rocket organisation? To betray or take them over? Or do you just want a game with FRLG graphics, a new (borderline parody at times) plot, and gameplay more resembling Super Eevee Edition? If any of that sounds good play Rocket Rising as it's honestly quite fun~ Gameplay early on can be quite rough as Rattata is not exactly a power house and most fights will be double or triple battles while you're stuck with a single (lovable) rodent but once you get a few other mon and some levels the game swiftly becomes a lot easier, allowing you to focus on just how evil you want to be, which as someone who generally despises playing the evil side in a game... It's a LOT of fun being a jerk in Rocket Rising, probably because main character is kind of a jerk no matter how you play things and some segments (like a certain acting quest line) can be hard to take seriously. Also people are way too into Team Rocket at times but somehow that adds to the charm? This game is weird but it's a lot of fun and some of the battles can be quite tricky... Until you learn the joy that is fast mon + status effects that is and proceed to status effect everything into complete inability to harm you, but that's fun too. Definitely recommend this game though be warned: Do NOT run from a battle right after a mon learns an attack - this prevents the move from showing up on the movelist which, in the case of my beautiful dark Persian, prevented me from learning not only Fake Out but several other moves I really wanted as well. Edit: Planning on playing Pokemon Empire and Pokemon: Legends of the Arena after reading people's recommendations so will let you know how they played probably some time in the future. Also rec-ing Pokemon Uranium for a good standard Pokemon game if you can handle fakemon (most are well designed but some are... Off), Pokemon Prism (the final version can be hard to find since the S&D order but some folks around the Twitch Plays Pokemon reddit may have copies they can share - like I did before last computer died...), and of course the Reborn like Pokemon Desolation (currently fairly short) and Pokemon Rejuvenation are absolutely worth getting into if you haven't already. Will write proper 'info-blah's about them later. Also Pokemon Pheonix Rising is amazing but does have lag issues and worst of all is only a few hours long demo... Absolutely fantastic outside of that but it's very much like Pokemon Sage was (still is?), a game worthy of much interest and respect but not exactly something highly recommendable until more content is available for it. -
Well I like it a lot at least. Maybe the face be more striking slightly paler but otherwise it's a shiny I'd want for sure~
The mons in Box 3 make up the team of six I rotate around with only my Pelipper being shiny. All of them are around Lv82 to 85 and fully EVd and I switch around items a lot so only a few will be mentioned. The mons in Box 4 are the ones I'm considering raising if I need yet another mon to round out a particular weakness (the shiny-ness of Tuna the Panpour, Zen the Darumaka and Powderpuff the Woobat tempt me so). Main Mons (I still swap them out but more rarely than others): Blaziken, Fickle: I just like chickens too much. He's an Adamant/Speed Boost with Bulk Up, Blaze Kick, Sky Uppercut, Shadow Claw, same old stuff I can't resist yadda yadda but he's got the single worst battle luck of any mon I've raised. If he can flinch or get paralyzed, etc he will. Strangely, despite him never sweeping when I expect him to, this bad luck of his leaves me oddly fond of him to the point I rarely remove him from the team. Meowstic M, Sunny: Too cute and useful, same old Fake Out, Psychic and Screens. Has a Hardy nature and his EVs are a mess since Prankster was the only thing I actually cared about. Oddly enough he keeps surprising me with how well he survived and how much damage he deals but I'm going to put those down to his freakish talent of dodging attacks over and over without there actually being any accuracy dropping going on. I love him and he can have all the Candy and Light Clay he wants. Togedemaru, Tatsuya: So I picked a random pika-clone going 'you're cute, wonder if you're anywhere as good as top 3 mon Mimikyu' and. I love him. Tatsuya is amazing. His stats are meh but who cares because Sturdy + Electric Terrain, Nuzzle and Zing Zap = a Pokémon that's always useful. What's that PULSE-Swalot? I can't hear anything past you para-flinching to death! Sorry Arc-Ditto you are now slow! XD ...Seriously though this guy never leaves my party because he is adorable and I love him. He loves his Amplifield Rock and Sharp Fang, and is currently Adamant with 252 in Atk and Speed. I want to teach him Iron Head but I haven't found the tutor for that move yet... Until then he has Façade. Dugtrio, Silk: I've never actually used a trapping mon before but Silk has convinced me it's a lot of fun. He's a standard full Speed+Atk Adamant Arena Trap with Earthquake, Sucker Punch, Shadow Claw and Dig (moveset is still meh but hasn't hurt him yet) who wants a Choice Band but I don't have one so he's glaring at the Earth Plate I've given him instead. Reserves: Roseraid, Summer Rose: With most of my mon I had to change natures or save/reset over and over but Summer was kind of a fluke and has fluked her way to victory pretty much every battle until Titania's badge I've put her in. Her moves are Giga Drain, Growth, Toxic Spikes and Venoshock/Nature Power (I switch them every few battles or so) and she's 252 in SpA and Speed with the last 6 in SpD. ...I solo-ed Corey and both PULSE-Tangrowth with her and I still don't get how that happened. She's usually holding the Rose Incense since well so far it's all she's needed. She stays in the box the most because she's too amazing and I want my other mons to do stuff too. Masquerain, Skeeter: Quiver Dancing Modest sweeper with Air Slash, Bug Buzz and Hydro Pump, and Intimidate. Zebstrika, Zecora and Manetric, Mable: Both Timid with Lightning Rod. They are the dream team duo that win all the doubles. Caught Zecora for walling Julia, and she has Rain Dance, Pursuit, Thunder Wave and Discharge. Mable I bred from my utterly awful Electrike and Mareep I caught. Has Thunder Wave, Discharge, Flamethrower and Thunder. They both hold Zap Plates and are the best of friends. Watch out Julia I'm gonna be a budget electric leader and be your reserve now just you wait. Pidgeot, Celest: Horrible IVs, had an Impish nature and generally was worst possible choice but damnit I wanted a Mega Pidgeot. Current moveset is Hyper Beam, Hurricane, Feather Dance and Roost and after a trip to 7th Street she now is quite Modest. Hasn't done much of anything yet but KOed some of Amara's mon with an electrical Hurricane so she's good. Stoutland, Rivers: Adamant, Sand Rush. Raised him solely for the desert section of the game so he barely left the box before I reached it. Giga Impact, Crunch, Fire Fang and Play Rough. Granbul, Cu Sith: Hasty (I should really change that to Adamant), Intimidate with Play Rough, Crunch, Heal Bell and Headbutt. 252 in Atk, 214 in Hp and 44 in Speed. Reliable. Klinkang, Gearson: Fairy killer. Adamant, Clear Body, with Gear Grind, Discharge, Shift Gear and Façade. 252 in Atk, 190 Speed and 68 in Hp. He helps out Zecora and Mable sometimes. Gothetelle, Lavender: Calm, Shadow Tag with 252 in Hp and SpD with rest in Def. Psyshock, Charge Beam, Psychic and Charm. Currently looking where to get Calm Mind for her... Sharpedo, Dakuwaqa: Jolly, Speed Boost, with Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Fang & Destiny Bond. Has dubious honor of outspeeding Arc-Ditto right after Destiny Bonding it resulting in Tatsuya, Sunny and Cu Sith being the ones who killed it instead. Will probably replace Destiny Bond with Psychic Fangs soon... Camrupt, Bella: My backup fire mon because Fickle has worst luck. Modest, 252 SpA, 132 Speed, 126 Hp. Earth Power, Lava Plume, Yawn, Rock Slide. Wants Mega Stone, settles for Gems. Ninetails-A, Lillie: Realized around the Circus I had nothing to deal with ground mons other than Summer Rose and Terra was going to suck unless I fixed that. Cue luck of the Wonder Trade and well Terra still easily wiped all my mon but Summer Rose but Lillie is now part of the team. Modest, Snow Warning with Blizzard, Dazzling Gleam, Freeze Dry and Aurora Veil full SpA and Speed. Thinking of re-EVing her into Speed/Hp and making her Timid. Pelipper, Soot: Found a shiny Pelipper with good IVs while out sailing and said, I got lots of Heart Scales and Ability capsules so eh why not. So now he's a Modest, Drizzle, Knock Off, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Roost birdy with Speed, SpA and a speck of SpD. Hasn't seen much use yet but I'm sure he'll be handy soon. Charjabug, Vika: ...Unsure whether to evolve him or to give him Evolvite and a Support set for doubles given I have so many Special Attackers. Has great IVs either way. Edit: Forgot one. never mind that she's one of my best I have no brain Drapion, Sloe: A lucky perfect IV mon gotten through Wonder Trade right around Azurine Island. Was Naïve now Jolly, Sniper with Knock Off, Crunch, Cross poison and Fell Stinger for luck. Full Atk and Speed evs. She's one of my tanky-est mons actually. Very reliable and loves Black Sludge. So yeah. Those be my main mons. I think I'm getting up to the glass gauntlet but not exactly certain as my previous Reborn playthroughs were episode 15 at highest so this is my first time past Amara. It'll likely be hell with most of these guys being fairly average mons but I love them so I want to keep them all game. ...Very tempted to offer to trade Lillie for a Froakie of any kind though (I'm terrible at using her in battle she deserves better...).
I don't like keeping a lot of mon I don't plan on using in my boxes so every so often I offload the better IVed or shiney mons I've caught off via Wonder Trade with the vague hope some mon I get in return might catch my eye. Admittedly I'm still a bit overwhelmed over getting a Gible and a Beldam from it the first time I used it (I was only at Azurine Island so I deemed those two too good to use until I could legit earn them through event) but I was happy to add an all but perfectly IVed Naïve Skorupi to my team. Wonder trade is great for getting unexpectedly great mons <3 I should probably breed my Blaziken a few times to give back to those kind enough to give such fun mon out.
Pokemon Fan Game Recommendations [Community WIP]
FaisLittleWhiteRaven replied to Fumble's topic in Fan-game Exposé
Hmm fangames that deserve to be advertised/talked about... I'm an utter fangame hound so this might be quite a large post, though story and aesthetic are my main thing and as a result I may gloss over or misremember details aside from those. Complete (or near complete) Emulator Games Pokemon Victory Fire, Pokemon Resolute Version & Pokemon Mega Power: These three games are by the same creator and it shows in both the good and the bad. Lots of inventive mon use and placement, fixed non-standard starters and interesting maps but English is absolutely not the creator's first language and it shows a lot. Also the early game tends to be hellish with trainers being overleveled initially. Difficulty past the start tends to be like official pokemon games and the story... Well the first two games, they did have plot but for the life of me I can't remember anything about them. Pokemon Mega Power on the other hand had a few plothooks that caught my attention despite the Engrish and references to the previous two games I didn't really get even after playing them but not exactly sure how the plot holds up long-term. I'd give them a 5 out of 10 with a recommendation to skip ahead to Pokemon Mega Power if the other two don't catch you. Pokemon Ruby Destiny Series: Ohhhh these ones..! So inventive and clever! ...but so so buggy, and with plot important fakemon legendaries that have meh designs and make little sense. As it may sound the Ruby Destiny Series likes to do its own thing, which for the most part is good. The first game, Reign of Legends, is basically a standard gen3 pokemon game with some lovely area designs and if I'm remembering correctly some gen4 mon, nothing too special. But the second game, Rescue Rangers attempts to be a pokemon mystery dungeon game complete with unevolving protagonist human-turned-mon. How well it succeeds is YMMV but at the very least I found myself sucked into the plot, wondering if these kids would ever return home... Right up until I found myself stuck in a rather nasty game breaking glitch and well that kinda killed that one for me. It's the 3rd game Life of Guardians though that really shines Lovely area and character design, good music and plot~ Just feels something like a light fantasy story and left me completely charmed. Difficulty of all three games is fairly standard Pokémon but on rare occasions there'll be a nasty difficulty spike... Like an end game boss actually being Lv100, which makes sense plot-wise but odds are you are tops lv60 and not prepared in the slightest after how easy the rest of the game was. Pokemon Gaia: Very good 'traditional' pokemon game. Starters are standard gen4 starters but the visuals are lovely, the mon in general carefully selected and it's just really nice. Difficulty is a tiny bit more than official Pokémon games but not by much. Also megas exist but I can't remember if fairy type does... Pokemon Snakewood: This game is hard to describe. On the one hand lots of horror & fangame parody, dead baby comedy and difficulty, on the other hand... dead baby comedy done to cheery unchanged gen3 music, tiles and sprites, and the difficulty is less average battle and more desperately avoiding the surprise horrifically overleveled things that will wipe your whole team. ...Also the fakemon can be a bit meh. It's pretty fun if you can overlook the flaws but those flaws can really grate. ...Also the puzzles tend to be horribly hard and there is a section of game it is fairly easy to get perma-trapped in due to not picking up the easily missed HM-Strength from a rather irritating maze before ending up in said trapping area. Pokemon TPP Anniversary Crystal: A rather tricky to find and little known hack of Pokémon Crystal by the Twitch Plays Pokémon dev team and the guy who made Pokémon Prism. Starts off in Kanto and at first you might think it's a standard gen1 rehash but the story (simple as it is) starts doing it's own thing from the S.S.Anne onwards. It is limited to the first two gens of Pokémon but includes quality of life improvements such as Fairy typing, Abilities, physical/special split, altered and some later gen moves for balance, altered BSTs (Parasect is OP), a move tutor that teaches tutor and egg moves, a guy who sells Master Balls, Battle Tower awards cash, non-stop bug catching contests, all existing mon (of every evolutionary stage) being catchable somewhere in the wild and plot stuff that keeps happening once you've hit the cap of Lv100 including stuff that only unlocks after you've completed the dex, and there's also an optional custom AI program that be installed to make opposing trainers harder (though YMMV on how effective it is VS how much effort it is to set up). Oh and there's also one well designed fakemon but you need to use a distribution code to get it and those only work after you've filled the dex so... Yeah. Optional. Heavily recommended game if only because of how beautiful all those revamped Gen2 style moving sprites are. (I also recommend playing as a boy if you want better rival dialogue and to look up the fanart and comics done for the actual TPP run of the game. Some of them are just marvelous Praise Lord Amber, EvanXAzureOTP) Esentuals Kit Games Pokémon Present: This one is actually one this site and I really, really recommend it if you love plot, characters getting slowly fleshed out, mystery/lite-noir or puzzles because the whole game is centered around those aspects. Sylvester is fun main character, Truffles is best mon and Mordicai eee Just play it, the current 8 case demo isn't a whole lot but it still kept me hooked for the better part of a week and I look forward to the next update. Battles can be quite difficult as mon selection is fairly limited and you start out with ice types but it's not Reborn level as most of the difficulty is in finding that last bit of evidence or working out puzzle solutions. There is a level cap but it took me quite a while to notice it, I recommend testing right away to see if you're one of the unlucky ones whose computer crashes trying to load the game after saving in L or Full screen, and worded to avoid spoilers: after you beat a powerful lady and have to check her establishment, take your items off your mons as the upcoming plot thing eats them. HAs and visible IVs are a thing. Steve the Bibarel series & HITMON JAM: Short, comedy games. Very simple with the player only controlling one mon but I personally hold Hitmon Jam as one of two games I must insist people play at every opportunity if only for the laughs. Pokémon Edge Rising: The other fangame I must insist people play for the lols. Edge Rising is a parody of edgy Pokémon Fangames tropes including disturbing fakemon, insane regional 'history and practices', badly written backstories, non-sensical character motivations, 'trash' starters, cutscenes that go on for far too long and whole sale referencing to other video games. It's a beautiful thing of a game and I legitimately recommend playing its 9 or so hours of gameplay if only so every time you see someone recommend Dark Rising you can think of this game instead and start snickering. Pokémon Black Cinder: English is clearly not the first language of this one's creator but if you can overlook the Engrish and other 'lack of polish' details this clearly unfinished game has, you might find it a lot of fun. There is something around 17 or so starters, some of which are standard some not, determined by a personally quiz. A strict 'you can't level beyond this' level cap system. Tough gym leaders... The real draw for me though was the atmosphere of the plot which I'm finding really hard to put into words but there was one segment I had to play as someone other than my main character and the music and area design along with what happening in the plot was just. Just really great It has a LOT of rough edges though (like some areas being so large the game struggles to handle loading them, unfinished sprites, etc) and I have no idea if it'll ever update again. Attack On series: Two short Pokemon fan games not about badges but about characters fending off danger. Attack On Silph Co and Attack On The Space Station are both fairly simple gameplay wise with the standard difficulty being a bit harder than official Pokémon games but nothing needing exact natures or EV training. It's hard to explain why these two are so good but... I really like how they did the story I guess. Also Pokémon in space is criminally underused by fanworks and AOTSS does it well Pokemon Police Force I think is by the same person and if not, good for the same reasons. Pokemon Twilight: Another short, really good one. Plot is kinda alright I guess but it's more the mon selection and difficulty that drew me to this one. Also newer mon like Grumpig being done in that colorful jagged gen2 style It's been... A long time since I've played this so I don't remember a whole lot but it was a nice challenge (again nothing on Reborn level) for 12 hours or so and I really liked the aesthetics. Full Moon: I wouldn't have mentioned this one if it hadn't come up prior on this topic but... Full Moon has some really, really great things and some really really awful flaws holding it back. Greatest thing it has is that the locations of the game are beautiful. The towns, the caves, the flowers and scenes of war in the ancient past... It's very inventive and those things kept me invested for a long time. ...Unfortunately that was all that was keeping me invested for a long, long time - the plot reads a lot like someone's first fanfiction, a romance fanfic at that. Initial descriptions which lured me to it, were some unknown persons claiming the game was 'backstory of Reborn's Luna' and yeah no only thing they have in common is a game sprite and name. To give an idea 'Luna' of Full Moon is easily lured into relationship by former bully via one line of dialogue despite being a very reactive teen in ever other scene and the vast majority of the story I remember revolves around the drama of this clearly very important and heartfelt 'love' in-between the 'events that could drive them apart'. Add in angsty reasons for 'totally former bully and now super handsome bf' to go angst about, teen drama like some of the more frustrating parts of Rejuvenation but much less of the skill for writing them and agghhhh. Mon difficulty might've gotten better since I last played but I remember it being inconsistent, more on the easy than the difficult side. Music is GlitchCity and therefore fantastic. Basically if you can handle the... Plot, there's a lot to like. Especially during the time hopping segments. If plot is a thing you even remotely care about the game can be torture (of the kind that leaves you feeling guilty because it's clear the creator put so much love into programing these really amazing cutscenes and stuff for it but because the writing is still 'first fanfic EVar' that just makes it even more painful and... Maybe it's gotten better since Ep8.2 but I don't know if I could bring myself to find out). Pokemon Zeta/Omicron & Insurgence: As fangames good they're alright, biggest issue is almost everything they do, Reborn, Rejuvenation and Desolation do better outside of custom things like new megas, delta forms, and nuzlocke/randomzer options. Their plots are... Egh. Insurgence's can be fun but the 'dark' moments tend to be fairly clumsy and forgettable, and it probably says bad things that even after playing it several times I can barely remember what the main plot is compared to a few 'subplots' that pretty much get ignored or dropped 2/3rds of the way in. Main reason to play them is those custom game mechanics and yeahhh Zeta and Omicrom really haven't aged super well. Still very solid fangames though and I loved having Mega Marcargo with Storm Drain, a Christmas Misdreavus and a Levanny wearing armor. So cuuute ---- And that's all for now. There are several others I'd like to recommend but they've either already been brought up or they are obscure ones I think I'll need to refresh my memory with a replay before I do so (to make sure they're actually as good as I remember) and that'll take a while since, well I'm finally going through Reborn episode 18 (I wanted to wait until 19 but TTar's nuzlocke broke my resolve by reminding me how much I love it) so yeah. Hope something on this list helps you out. /