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  1. Get a gulpin, at least for the beginning. It starts with sludge and makes the first two gyms a little easier.
  2. Luna, i want to narrow it to 6 because it takes too much time to keep that many pokes and they wont get as strong as they would if there were only 6. Also, wheredo you find the prism scale for milotic? Etesian, im just trying to narrow down the pokemon i have because i got bored while waiting for the next update and got more pokes. Ampharos powered me through ciel soi want to keep him, but what im trying to decide is machamp or mienfoo. Machamp has more bulk and knows bulk up which is great for this game, but mienfoo is faster, has more attack and better moves. Also, is clefairy good?
  3. Which pokemon should be on my team? After beating ciel i decided to train up some other pokes. All the pokemon are around level 75 and if you want to know moves, just ask. My choices are: Charizard-Modest-Solar Power Roserade-Modest-Technician Ampharos-Modest- Plus Machamp-Jolly- No Guard Shiny Porygon- Rash- Trace (would need another link stone and evolver item) Mamoswine- Sassy- Snow Cloak Mienshao-Lonely- Regenerator Clefable-Timid-Magic Guard Flygon- Adamant- Levitate Sharpedo-Adamant- Speed Boost Rhampardos-Adamant- Sheer Force I also have a feebas, but don't know how to evolve it or if it will be worh it. Any feedback is appreciated
  4. i don't know if this is the right place to ask, but is there a difference between a link heart and a trade heart? because my slowpoke doesn't want to become a slowking when i try to use a link heart
  5. i checked but i guess i missed them, thanks anyway
  6. I just beaat Ciel and i decided to catch some other pokes to see if i can improve my team, so im just wondering if there are any headbutt trees past the circus. I can't remember seeing any but i may have just missed them.
  7. thanks, i grinded and wooped noel, i found that the area by steelix was faster than the railway for grinding though
  8. so i just got to noel, and he's kicking my ass, so now i want to grind up my team so i can not just beat him, but destroy the little midget. where's the best place to grind because tanzan mountain pokes don't give out a lot of experience. btw, here's my team. Charizard lvl 50, Ampharos lvl 51 Roserade lvl 51 Machamp lvl 50 Sharpedo lvl 49 Flygon lvl 49
  9. yea, sry i was actually in a rush. here are the details- Charizard, lvl 37 - timid, solar power ; wing attack, flame burst, dragon rage, and growl Sharpedo, lvl 34- adamant, speed boost ; aqua jet, ice fang, poison fang, assurance Piloswine, lvl 38- sassy, oblivious ; earthquake, ice shard, mist, rock smash Ampharos, lvl 36 - modest, plus ; power gem, confuse ray, thunder wave, electro ball Roselia lvl 36- modest, poison point; giga drain, magical leaf, growth, toxic spikes In the computer i have ; Butterfree, lvl 35- rash, compound eyes; struggle bug, tailwind, gust, sleep powder Trapinch, lvl 33- adamant, arena trap- earthquake, bulldoze, rock slide, dig Female Meowstic, lvl 35- bashful, prankster ; shadow ball, light screen, psyshock, extrasensory Butterfree is slacking and i need a physical attacker and flygon is a beast so that was my plan, i was also considering trying to get a pancham
  10. My team so far is Charizard, Piloswine, Ampharos, Sharpedo, Roserade and Butterfree. Im debating switching butterfree, who's lvl 35 for trapinch who's lvl 33. Should i switch up my team or no?
  11. so basically i should just stick with sharpedo until around the agate circus?
  12. Normally, i prefer my water type to be more of a special attacker which was why i'm hesitant to use sharpedo even though speed boost. i got a panpour, but im not sure i want to train it up.
  13. i just beat Shelly, easily, and before i continue im wondering if there's any good water pokemon upcoming or should i just try for sharpedo. My Team so far is: Charmeleon, Ampharos, Roselia, Butterfree, and Meowstic
  14. Thanks for the advice, ill probably pickup an ampharos since good electric pokemon are kinda rare. Also, how do you get budew? i had no idea you could get one
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