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Everything posted by Seedowodo

  1. Lol this is such a cool community so much help, i actually got a grimmer from the lake and it is gonna be ok, it knows ground and poison moves. I don't mean to sound petty or anything but i will never use trubish and i go out of my way to hunt them down because it is the grossest and creepiest pokemon in the game. i hate pidgy(just pidgy, pidioto is cool) as well but trubish is 100x worse. also no offence to anyone who likes those pokemon, power to you, i just can't stand them.
  2. Can't find gulpin and so im going the furry swip method.
  3. I'm in it to win it.
  4. i picked totodile cause i haven't used it in a while. i will get a gulpin. poisin is so fun.
  5. What was the stats of Gyarados boosted or something, cause yeah it is a cool pokemon but it isn't the best thing i have ever used. my real hope is for Hydregon cause its my cute little destructive baby.
  6. This question is so very hard cause i have so many pokemon that I adore. but if i had to boil it down to the one I would say its Glaceon. It isn't strong in any way and it is hard to use, but I just adore it all the same. what it lacks in battle capability it makes up for in contest skill and the bond i share with every Glaceon i own is real. plus It makes a good companion on the road.
  7. Julia cheats,there are no ground type pokemon near by and Julia's pokemon get a boost from the field effect. Anybody got any tips because i feel bad for all the Noibats i killed just to get my pokemon to lv 15. basically all i'm saying is she is hard
  8. Seedowodo


    I have had this photo for a long time i got it online and it just screams me cause I am such a glaceon girl. I have actually bonded with some pokemon i never really gave the time before so the starly thing is ok.
  9. What about Golem. it is pretty tanky, is in the game, and is a classic team member. It has stab with moves like stone edge and earthquake as well as the ability Sturdy. Hope this helped you out at least thinks in another direction.
  10. Wow only makes me wonder what Pokemon it could be, it would be so cool if it was a Meloetta or Dineo
  11. I need help basically cause I'm lost. The only reason I feel the need to put this in a spoiler box as well as adding spoiler to the name is cause this game is so good i barely want to get info but i will for little things i missed out on like this. Thanks in advance and i hope we can all be friends ^w^.
  12. Seedowodo


    This game is so good, it is pulling at my heart strings. Poor Pachurisu, thanks again this will be real helpful info
  13. I believe in the perfect mixture of special attacker and physical attackers. It is also important to at least one tank so you can get a feel for a persons team, and toxic Blissy is just to funny to not run.
  14. Seedowodo


    Thanks so much, Staraptor is fine and part of me really hopes i get starly, when do you get the mystery gift, so far my only Pokemon is my Totodile Chop
  15. Seedowodo


    Can you only find Staraptor, I like Starly too, it is so cute and I just want to hug it. If not the Staraptor it is
  16. Seedowodo


    Starly is my favorite bird pokemon and i need to have Staraptor in my team. where can I find and capture one
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