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  1. Hey guys so when I finished V9 a while back I heard there were supposed to be Jailer's Keys that you can find at night in the Judicial District Police Station. When I went to get them though the item was not there. I looked all over this forum to make sure i was searching in the right place, but they weren't there. Eventually I gave up. When V10 came around I thought that updating the game would reset the event but it seems like the keys are still missing. My question is: Do I have to complete some other quest first for the Jailer's Keys to appear? Does it have anything to do with the decisions you make when you're leaving the bladestar base with Erin, Flora, and Florin? I think in my current save file Thanks for your help!
  2. Never mind, I found it lol. Thanks so much for your help
  3. Its been so long since I played this game I forgot where the other entrance was. I think I joined Magma gang in this one, I have a couple playthroughs so I'm not sure. Can you tell me where the other entrance is?
  4. Hey all, So I just defeated amaria and wanted to go complete the 7th street side quest, but I can't get back into 7th street for some reason. Is there something else I have to do first or is this a bug? When I go into the house with the elevator, the lady isn't there and the path is blocked. I attached a pic. Can anyone help? Thanks so much
  5. Yeah, I knew about the flinching, it just seemed to happen way more than 30% lol. But like i said, maybe im just lucky. Thanks for all your help
  6. Yeah, nothing comes up when i use the move, just says not very effective at the end. And maybe im just lucky, but it seems to flinch a lot lol
  7. Wow, I hadn't even thought that could be a reason, since no text came up before the move was used like it does for cut. Thanks, though now i feel silly haha.
  8. Hey, I'm having a weird error with the move Air Slash, which is always coming up as "Not very effective", both on pokemon it should be super effective against and pokemon it should be neutral against. I'm currently going through Deep Terajuma Jungle for the first time, and this just started for me after the event where the two rangers warp away on the pads and you're forced to continue through the jungle. I'm really not sure what could have caused it. Any help is appreciated, you guys are the best. Game file attached Game.rxdata
  9. Oh right, I remember doing something like this for Reborn as well a while back. It looks like a pain to keep going back and forth like that though, but there's probably not another way right? Thanks for your help, appreciate it.
  10. Hey, thanks so much for making this. Just one question: is it possible to have a save file for a randomizer game and a normal version of rejuvenation on the same computer? i created a copy of all the rejuvenation files and replaced one copy with the randomizer stuff, but i also want to be able to play the normal game alongside the randomized. Both versions keep saving to the same save file, is there a way to change that for the randomized version?
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