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About Patrick

  • Birthday 09/17/1993

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    Columbus, Ohio
  • Interests
    Pokemon Reborn, Anime, Video Games, Football, Hanging with Friends, Going Out, Netflix

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  1. Where you able to find bidoof? I've been looking forever xD
  2. So what would the possibilities be for the 18 different Pokemon? (I know Axew is one of them and I really hope i get him...)
  3. On Version 5 still until I get the 7th badge, this is the team I'm running: Feraligtr: Lvl 51, Naughty, Sheer Force - Crunch - Surf - Ice Fang - Scary Face Ampharos: Lvl 52, Rash, Plus - Power Gem - Discharge - Confuse Ray - Thunder Wave Gothitelle: Lvl 52, Mild, Shadow Tag - Psychic - Flatter - Psyshock - Feint Attack Pyroar: Lvl 52, Mild, Rivalry - Noble Roar - Crunch - Hyper Voice - Flamethrower Pangoro (Ironfist): Lvl 52, Adamant, Mold Breaker - Body Slam - Crunch - Parting Shot - Sky Uppercut Granbull: Lvl 53, Lonely, Quick Feet - Bulk Up - Charm - Headbutt - Play Rough
  4. HAHA as im chillen here smokin a blunt i see this! Too Perfect xD
  5. Stuck on Crawli for about a week now and I really need some help, my current team is: (Advice for Angie when I face her to would be awesome!) I am also willing to train new Pokemon as i feel my team could be better, I have also caught every Shadow Pokemon possible at this point in the game. On top of that I still have 2 Ability Capsules Feraligatr lvl 49 - Lonely - Sheer Force - Smoke Ball Crunch Surf Ice Fang Scary Face Gothitelle lvl 48 - Mild - Shadow Tag - Twistedspoon Psychic Flatter Psyshock Feint Attack Ampharos lvl 48 - Rash - Plus - Hard Stone Power Gem Discharge Confuse Ray Thunderwave Pyroar lvl 49 - Mild - Rivalry - King's Rock Noble Roar Crunch Hyper Voice Flamethrower Granbull lvl 49 - Lonely - Quick Feet - Quick Claw Bulk up Charm Headbutt Play Rough Pangoro (Ironfist) lvl 50 - Adamant - Scrappy - Black Belt Body Slam Crunch Vital Throw Parting Shot
  6. Man that's awesome! I didn't find my 1st shiny until somewhat late in the game as a Bouffalant. I rotate him in with 8 other pokemon
  7. I want to recommend Feraligatr as somewhere around B+/A-. The only real hindrance I've had is the lack of an actual physical water move (Aqua Tail at lvl 63 ). However its Attack stat is pretty good for where I'm at in the game (Narcissca) and it can even act as a semi Defensive wall with proper EVs. While Aqua Tail is not learned until late, and I doubt we'll see Waterfall for a while, its Physical movepool is still very helpful. Crunch and Ice Fang combined with Sheer Force is beyond deadly and can lay some serious damage on most opponents. The fact that it evolves at lvl 30 means with only 1 reverse candy Feraligatr can be very viable against Keta, especially his Hawlucha. Even Ren's team wasn't able to take very many hits from him. I haven't faced Narcissca, but being a Ghost gym leader Crunch will be very helpful, even if dark type moves are nerfed in her field, and IF she has a Chandelure that's something Feraligatr can take with relative ease. Not to mention that breeding can give him 1) a physical priority move in aqua jet and 2) DRAGON DANCE!!!! enough said there xD
  8. well what's your team now..?
  9. Cresselia @ Rocky Helmet Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 88 SpA / 104 SpD / Bold Nature - Psyshock - Toxic - Moonlight - Trick Room Used to set Trick Room as well as having superior bulk. Can lay down Toxic and recover with Moonlight for most KOs. Psyshock is my only attack, Psyshock over Psychic for Chansey. It also works really well with my Dragonite and Venasaur. Mawile (F) @ Mawilite Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 HP / 176 Atk / 44 Def / 36 SpD Adamant Nature - Iron Head - Protect - Play Rough - Sucker Punch One of the 2 Megas on this team, Mega Mawile is and utter beast under Trick Room support. Iron Head and Play Rough are the basic STAB moves. Sucker Punch in case I need the extra priority. Protect is a move I just recently learned can be a godsend, stalling out an extra turn for Cresselia's Toxic, scouting, very useful. Plus having Intimidate can help with somewhat sub-par Defense. Dragonite (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Multiscale EVs: 196 HP / 252 Atk / 60 Def Impish Nature - Earthquake - Fire Punch - Dragon Claw - ExtremeSpeed Dragonite is one of my favorite Pokemon of all time, and in this set I prefer to him due to his semi-bulkiness. Dragon Claw over Outrage for obvious reasons. Earthquake is overall a very solid reliable move, and can hit both opponents. Fire Punch so I don't get walled by Ferrothorn and can hit an Ice type hard. Azumarill (F) @ Assault Vest Ability: Huge Power EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def Adamant Nature - Waterfall - Aqua Jet - Knock Off - Play Rough I used her a little last gen, but now she just blew my mind! With the Assault Vest I use full EV investment into Defense. Waterfall and Play Rough are again the standard STAB moves. Aqua Jet for needed priority. And finally Knock Off for Gengar and to get rid of items on a pokemon the cripple them in battle. Porygon2 @ Eviolite Ability: Download EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 20 SpA / 76 SpD Sassy Nature - Ice Beam - Recover - Trick Room - Thunderbolt Another Trick Room setter, the more offensive of my two. Ice Beam and Thunderbolt a make great coverage combo. Recover to help longevity in battle. Not too much to say with Evolite its defenses are amazing and can usually get Trick Room up no problem. Venusaur (F) @ Venusaurite Ability: Overgrow EVs: 232 HP / 24 Def / 252 SpA Modest Nature - Giga Drain - Synthesis - Sludge Bomb - Hidden Power [Fire] A needed Special Attacker of this team, along with some awesome bulk in its Mega. Giga Drain to keep her from being KO'd as long as possible, as well as STAB. Sludge Bomb for Fairy types and again STAB. Synthesis in the right situations can save my rear end from losing a match. Hidden Power Fire so I don't get walled by Steel types, except for Heatran... :/
  10. The OG God Mew of course! Can do anything and everything. I mean I don't see any other god trying to be cloned, twice for that matter as Mewtwo and Ditto (not 100% proven but if so then actually way more than twice xD)
  11. I'm so excited for this game!!!!! I heard it was 1,000,000x harder than Dark Souls II which i really hope happens
  12. I'm stuck at deciding between Froakie or Mudkip, both served me so well!
  13. That's what I'm playing myself right now, and I'm also stuck on the 4th gym. Extremely OP! Also playing Majora's Mask on 3DS atm, it's my 1st attempt at a 100% run and so far I'm at the Water Temple with 70% of the masks and 12 hearts I think.
  14. The idea of the Elite 4 in Reborn freaks me out quite a bit, but by that time unless there is a level cap for the Elite 4 being above lvl 100 and the player is stuck at exactly lvl 100 I'm not gonna be too freaked. A dungeon type layout for the Elite 4 would be so amazing! A new spin that would be an insane challenge, just hopefully no HM's are necessary. That would make any attempt that much more difficult.
  15. Need to find another anime to watch, least till i go home at some point this week!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Or, if you want an American show that is surprisingly good, Gravity Falls.

    3. HakuTaku


      KHR, Psycho Pass, Fairy Tail, Magi, DRRR, Maria Holic...ect

    4. Chevaleresse


      PMMM, Fate/Zero, Fate/stay night (the new one), Parasyte

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