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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Better than my team I think, my suggestion would be to bring in Luxray but that's just me Samurott/Torrent/Relaxed lvl48 No item - Aqua Tail, Revenge, Megahorn, Water Pulse Gigalith/Sturdy/Mild lvl48 Hard Stone -Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Stealth Rock Stoutland/Sand Stream/Brave lvl49 Silk Scarf -Work Up, Crunch, Reversal, Strength Gardevoir/Synchronize/Rash lvl50 Miracle Seed -Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf Houndoom/Flash Fire/Modest lvl50 Flame Plate -Foul Play, Embargo, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower Drapion/Sniper/Impish lvl 50 Scope Lens -Hone Claws, Venoshock, Night Slash, Shadow Ball (Wish I had Cross Poison or Poison Tail so much more useful )
  2. Well this isn't my sprite per say (Ame made it for me back a while back for fundraising if I remember correctly) but none the less it would be awesome to have in this new theme.
  3. I know the feeling. Castform has been such a beast especially cause of the extra exp boost (traded). Ironically enough I feel like my weakest pokemon is my starter, Samurott
  4. Is there a move relearner in the game? Just caught a Deering and all of its good moves are gone xD
  5. I'm a little more for a shorter episode. Personally more updates at a more consistent rate keeps people (myself included xD) more interested.
  6. If you had an early version of the game and you have volt switch, is it still possible to get charge beam?
  7. I think that Kyruem-B should be moved down to OU. I haven't been on in a while so i may have limited knowledge with this, but I feel that its movepool is very limited. Outrage and Dragon Claw are its only real useable STAB attacks (unless you want a wall for some reason and use Dragon Tail). Plus it has access to only one Ice move that's Physical, and it requires a turn to charge which gives ample time to switch into something that can take a hit or a sacrifice. It also has plenty of weakness', Steel is not too bad in my opinion, unless you see Gyro Ball of Bullet Punch, but Fighting, Rock, and Dragon makes it that much beatable. Its speed it also only average. 95 Isn't bad but it has plenty of things that can outspeed it in OU. It also has no real way of fighting off priority moves, at least that I know of. And finally I see a crucial weakness in Stealthrock. Used pretty often in OU and without a spiner you lose 25% HP and you can't use a Focus Sash (I would ask why you would but that's just me xD).
  8. Name: Patrick Kilbane Age: 19 Birthday: September 17th, 1993 Location: Strongsville, Ohio Height: 6'2 Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Live With: Friend and his parents Pets?: Not my own unfortunately :/ Relationships?: Looking but no luck :/ Crushes lately?: Not recently Dream Job: Child Psychologist Currently Playing: Pokemon Reborn, Kingdom Hearts Favourite Food: Cake xD Favourite Drink: Chocolate Milk Favourite Color: Blue Favourite kind of Music: Techno Favourite Band: Don't really have one Favourite Album: ^^^ Favourite Game: Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Favourite Genre of Game: RPG, Action, Platformers Favourite Hobbies: Watching Anime, Hanging out with friends, being active at least somewhat xD Favourite Movies: Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Favourite Shows: Angel Beats, Yu Yu Hakusho, The Cleveland Show, Doctor Who
  9. Patrick


    I gotta keep my eye open for these events, I haven't found any sense Croagunk
  10. Also if anyone knows any good Pokemon coming up wanna let me know that would be awesome and if I could give toxicroak back Suckerpunch xD
  11. Got my team here and I'm majorly stuck on Aya, and could use a little help. My team is... 1) Gigalith Lvl: 41 Attacks - Smack Down, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Stealth Rock 2) Gardevoir Lvl 44 Attacks - Calm Mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Magical leaf 3) Drapion lvl 40 / Toxicroak lvl 42 or Attacks Drapion - Venoshock, Honeclaws, Night Slash, Toxic Spikes Attacks Toxicroak - Mud Bomb, Revenge, Venoshock, Faint Attack 4) Exploud lvl 43 Attacks - Crunch, Uproar, Strength, Rock Smash 5) Unfezant lvl 44 Attacks - Air Slash, Roost, Air Cutter, Quick Attack 6) Samurott lvl 44 Attacks - Aqua Jet, Revenge, Grass Knot, Water Pulse
  12. Re watching Yu-Yu Hakusho and Angel Beats (My favorite Anime ever so amazing ). Anybody have and suggestions for new anime?
  13. Semi recent, i think over the summer
  14. I haven't played this game in a while, might go back on at somepoint
  15. That feel when you have just graduated High School and work is taking over your life and you can't see most of your friends ever
  16. Team Building Process: I wanted to start off my team with something I could rely on both with offense and defense. I thought about it for a little bit and saw Empoleon had a huge amount of resistances thanks to its Water/Steel typing. With Choice Specs it can wreak a lot of pokemon, especially in Rain. I figured my next step would be to build some synergy around Empoleon, and then I saw Roserade. Nice for setting up Toxic Spikes as well (which all of my team resists in some way). At this point Synergy was still on my mind, but I also wanted an Electric type so Rotom-H it was. Plus Levitate got rid of a crucial weakness, and an immunity to Toxic Spikes. From here I figured I needed a regular Attacker instead of another Special Attacker. With this Lucario came to mind, especially with access to ExtremeSpeed and Crunch. Offense was still on my mind and at this point I still wanted to be immune to Toxic Spikes. Salamance fills this role very nice. I was at a loss for quite a bit with this one, but i figured Gengar could cover for some of Lucario's weakness. On top of that with great Speed and Special Attack it makes and excellent Sweeper. @ Choice Specs Trait: Torrent EVs: 200 HP / 252 SAtk / 56 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Ice Beam - Surf - Grass Knot - Hydro Pump The start of where I designed this team I wanted a jack of all trades for this one. Empoleon has decent HP and Defences, and combined with a Choice Specs it has amazing Special Attack. Ice Beam for Dragon and Grass types, Hydro Pump for pure power, Surf as a safe alternative to Hydro Pump, and Grass Knot for other Bulky Water types. @ Focus Sash Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Toxic Spikes - Leaf Storm - Sleep Powder - Hidden Power [Fire] Team Synergy was the main basis for Roserade, along with Toxic Spikes. It still has decent Speed and Special Attack so Leaf Storm is for raw power. Sleep Powder to have time to set up Toxic Spikes, and Hidden Power [Fire] is for Steel types I am normally walled by. @ Choice Scarf Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Volt Switch - Overheat - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [ice] Rotom-H stood to be the final part in my synergy with Empoleon and Roserade, and with Leavitate it has immunity to Ground types. Hidden Power [ice] for Dragon and Ground types, Overheat for a good Fire attack, Volt Switch to retreat with damage, and Thunderbolt for when I don't want to retreat. @ Life Orb Trait: Inner Focus EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Close Combat - Crunch - ExtremeSpeed - Swords Dance Next I wanted an Offensive Sweeper but one who could resist Toxic Spikes, which is why I chose Lucario. Close Combat and Crunch covers quite a bit of types, ExtremeSpeed for priority, and Swords Dance to set up and Sweep. @ Life Orb Trait: Moxie EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef) - Earthquake - Fire Blast - Dragon Claw - Dragon Dance Next I realized I wanted a Dragon type, and decided to go with raw power with Salamance. Earthquake for Electric and Steel types, Fire Blast for Defensive Steel types and Skarmory, Dragon Claw over Outrage for lack of confusion, and Dragon Dance for a quick Sweeper. @ Focus Sash Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Shadow Ball - Focus Blast - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [ice] Last but not least I decided on Gengar, mostly for Alakazam and Espeon. Thunderbolt for Water types, Focus Blast to beat Dark types and Tyranitar, and Hidden Power [ice] for Dragon types.
  17. My 1st shiny was a shiny Sableye, I caught it but i after i moved it Diamond I lost the game :/
  18. I like both but I like dog a little better, specially if it a golden retriever
  19. Awesome!!! Nonary is pretty fun and now that there is a bigger story i have a feeling its gonna be even better
  20. Sounds pretty cool, I'm gonna check it out
  21. I would end up being Shepard in the original Mass Effect xD
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