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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Corless' theme is just so amazing especially the 1st 15 seconds of it.
  2. Kingdom Hearts, Halo, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance, and honestly the last 3 Spyro games (not including Skylanders... )
  3. http://pettyartist.deviantart.com/gallery/26843300?offset=24#/d32jb85 Overkill Bro.
  4. My simple advice is know your team, and in some cases study you opponents team. What I mean by knowing your team is practice with it, makes some tweaks here and there if needed, and test and Singles, Doubles, and Triples. However studying and opponents team can help determine your strategy. Mine personally differs from leader to leader and it honestly took me 13 tries to beat Cal last season, but after constant planning i came out on top. Little bit of last advice is changing items, EVs, IVs, and Natures. All can be changed in the league and all used to your advantage.
  5. Sweet anyways put Kuwabara917
  6. I have decided to start doing a nuzlocke challenge and post it here, eventually making a comic out of the series With that said I have just started out by getting a Squritle and so far its pretty easy, whooped my rival pretty good with 2 Crits in a row
  7. Crap i forgot to put a name...oh well D:<
  8. @ Phazer: Honestly Fire teams tend to decimate this team anyways I lost to Cal 13 times in the original season before i finally beat him... @ FraRPteO: Well in the X-League 2 gym leaders could, hance a nice legendary suggestion @ Moriarty: AGREED 100%
  9. I wanna sign up for the tourney
  10. @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs EVs: 12 HP / 252 Def / 244 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Leech Seed - Gyro Ball - Power Whip - Stealth Rock To start, Ferrothorn (I still prefer Nattorei) is the wall of my team. Meant to set up Stealth Rocks and Leech Seed on whatever it can. Power Whip and Gyro Ball give it some offensive options as well. Not making it totally useless against other grass types and a decent counter for your occasional Rain Team. @ Choice Band or Life Orb Trait: Torrent EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Avalanche - Waterfall - Earthquake - Hammer Arm My personal favorite stater right here, Swampert is meant to be able to take anything that comes its way. Waterfall is mainly for STAB and the occasional Flinch. Avalanche for Dragons and Grass Types, although its partners pretty well with Hammer Arm, making it slower so it is more like to go last, making Avalanche stronger due to slowing me down meaning I more than likely get hit 1st (when not using choice band). Hammer Arm as already stated goes pretty well with Avalanche, although mainly for any pesky Steel types with Air Balloon or Dark Types, also for the rare Trick Room Team (gotta love the speed reduction ) . Earthquake is meant for Double or Triple Battles, plus the added STAB doesn't hurt. @ Life Orb or Focus Sash Trait: Multiscale EVs: 216 HP / 252 Atk / 40 Def or 252 Atk / 40 Def / 216 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Fire Punch - Outrage - Dragon Dance - ExtremeSpeed My favorite Dragon Type, the main Physical Sweeper of my team. Set is pretty standard, Outrage deals as much damage as possible. ExtremeSpeed for a priority move. Dragon Dance to power myself up. Finally Fire Punch so I don't get walled by any Steels (save for Heatran). Multiscale can also make it somewhat bulky (Use 216 HP for bulk and 216 Spd to help Dragon Dance work better). @ Focus Sash or Choice Specs Trait: Adaptability EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) or Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Tri Attack - Blizzard - Nasty Plot or Psyshock - Thunderbolt A Special Sweeper originally designed around being a Choice Specs user, I'm having 2nd thoughts. Tri-Attack combined with Adaptability (Makes better use of STAB) makes for one powerful move, despite having an immunity. Blizzard is my Double and Triple Battle move, while also hurting Dragons. Depending on which item I decide to base this Pokemon on, depends on my 3rd move. Nasty Plot is a Special Attack effect Swords Dance and its obvious what it is for, while Psyshock will give me a Physical Damage move, useful mostly for Chansey and Blissey. Its Speed (even with a Timid Nature and Max EVs) Is still only a measly 306, This makes mean lean more towards the Choice Specs for instant power (EX. Tri-Attack: 80 Base Damage x 2 {Adaptability} = 160 power plus a starting Special Attack of 607 with Specs). But hey that's why I made this post, suggestions. Thunderbolt counters Water and Flying Types, but its mostly a filler. @ Life Orb Trait: Magic Guard EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Grass Knot - Psyshock - Focus Blast - Shadow Ball Another personal favorite of mine, Alakazam is meant for instant speed combined with power thanks to Life Orb. Grass Knot is for heavy, usually bulky Water, Rock, or Ground Types. Psyshock is slightly weaker than Psychic, but gives me a Physical damaging move so the trade off is worth it. Focus Blast beats down Steels and Darks that would normally wall me in an instant (I so wish Alakazam had Aura Sphere). And finally Shadow Ball is mostly a Filler that I have NO IDEA what to do with, it may be useful for Ghosts but outside the league's Ghost Team (I'm looking at you Shade) I don't really see any Ghosts used besides Gengar, which already has a weakness to Psyshock thanks to its partial Poison Type. @ Focus Sash Trait: Shadow Tag EVs: 8 HP / 252 SAtk / 248 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Energy Ball - Heat Wave - Shadow Ball - Flame Charge Ahhh Chandelure, you have quickly become my favorite Fire Type (I still prefer the name Shandera). The nice mix of Ghost and Fire Types is also pretty awesome, especially with the idea of being even stronger and faster than Alakazam (with the use of Flame Charge, and even with a Modest Nature). Energy Ball gives it a chance to fight Water, Rock, and Ground Types. Heat Wave over Fire Blast as it will be used as a Double and Triple Battle move so the lack of power is a good trade off. Shadow Ball has STAB, can counter other Ghost Types, beat down Psychic Types, and that's about it. Flame Charge is PURELY meant for the speed boost, maybe as a hit against an 1HP opponent so I can get another Speed Boost, and MAYBE against Chansey and Blissey if I absolutely need too (although I still feel like my Special Attacks will be better against them, even with their Special Defense). A Legendary (or even better non-Legendary) 7th Pokemon suggestion would be helpful as well Fun Fact: This team is called "Back to Basics" because it was my Original Reborn Team (although that's kinda obvious). It was my 1st attempt at one too. This team won me 14 out of the original 17 badges in the Original League. The reason why the "...Sort of" is there is because this team doesn't have the exact same move set as the Original Team due to not having the original Trainer Card (anyone who might have a trainer card copy of my original team with the 14 badges and could give it to me I would be SOOOO THANKFUL!!!)
  11. Welcome to Reborn Devon As for you Chaos_Shark yes you do need an update
  12. It was a little ironic that I ended up being my favorite type but I got Water and I'm happy about it
  13. My Biggest Fears are: --> Failure --> Loneliness --> Rejection (In any way from asking someone out to being shunned by a group of people) --> Growing up / Maturing
  14. Felt like taking the test again just for the heck of it, and I got Togetic. They both seem to be very close, and related to each other, but I feel like Teddiursa is closer. [img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/togetic.gif[/img] [img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/teddiursa.gif[/img]
  15. I love this game but I haven't seen one online in a while :/
  16. Soon as i set up my team your on
  17. Yea i figured that out, explains how i wasn't able to find reborn xD anyways thanks
  18. I just got my apartment internet yesterday and now I'm confused with the server. It says ___ people are online but i cant find the server anywhere.
  19. Well welcome to reborn I also see your STK which is awesome
  20. Getting the community together sounds like a great idea, plus i like getting to know other people on the server
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