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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Patrick

  1. I was brought here by the league, back when before the lines started and i was up until 2 am waiting for my challenges lol. But I stayed because everyone on the server was really nice and I enjoyed talking to everyone here and battling at the same time.
  2. Yes its Rotom, I have no idea why the picture doesn't show though. And thanks for the tips
  3. @ Leftovers Trait: Torrent EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Waterfall - Curse - Earthquake - Stealth Rock @ Focus Sash Trait: Technician EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Aerial Ace - Bug Bite - Bullet Punch - Swords Dance @ Life Orb Trait: Magic Guard EVs: 176 HP / 80 Def / 252 SAtk Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Focus Blast - Psyshock - Energy Ball - Thunder Wave @ Leftovers Trait: Synchronize EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Curse - Wish - Protect - Assurance @ Choice Scarf Trait: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Overheat - Trick - Thunderbolt - Hidden Power [ice] @ Life Orb Trait: Serene Grace EVs: 96 HP / 160 Def / 252 SAtk Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Heat Wave - Tri Attack - Aura Sphere - Ominous Wind Threats:Alakazam-Blaziken-Breloom-Chandelure-Chansey-Cloyster-Conkeldurr-Ditto-Dragonite-Espeon-Ferrothorn-Garchomp-Genesect-Gengar-Gliscor-Gyarados-Haxorus-Heatran-Hydreigon-Jellicent-Jirachi-Jolteon-Latios-Lucario-Machamp-Metagross-Mienshao-Porygon2-Reuniclus-Rotom-W-Salamence-Scizor-Scrafty-Serperior-Skarmory-Slowbro-Tentacruel-Terrakion-Thundurus-Togekiss-Tyranitar-Volcarona-Whimsicott-Zapdos-Celebi-Darmanitan-Heracross-Mandibuzz-Wuagsire-Sableye-Sigilyph-Smeargle-Starmie-Suicune-Toxicroak-Virizion-Hippowdon+Excadrill-Tyranitar+Landorus-Ninetales+Venusaur-Abomasnow+Walrein-Politoed+Kingdra-Politoed+Ludicolo-Politoed+Vaporeon-Chansey+Skarmory-Scizor+Rotom-W-Ferrothorn+Jellicent-
  4. Wait never mind it works, and i just donated
  5. Will this work with a debt card..? Probably a dumb question but I have never used Paypal before xD
  6. Wow I'm pretty impressed so far, congrats on the good work so far
  7. Conor im surprised you didnt jump on this sooner, and yes I have but ive only managed to go loosely off your drawings Ame so im still trying to improve
  8. Hey so long as its getting done i don't care who does it haha, I've been working on my own though and its seems like you have made more progress than I have which is cool
  9. O man i couldn't rap to save life haha Wait can I just randomly make one and call someone out on it?
  10. Never been banned before, came pretty close though once
  11. You mean for example an ability like STURDY doesn't have its gen 5 effect of preventing a 1-hit KO?
  12. I can work on the gym puzzles and mazes if needed, and it what Ame says is true: Then it might take a while before we can get this game running completely, although I'm sure this should be corrected soon, plus im sure we could have betas in the meantime
  13. Its your map so I understand this haha =) I have no problem with this we can work together if that's what you would like to do, also I'm good with mixing music and such so i can create remixes of certain songs or even brand new ones if needed (I personal wanna insert some anamanaguchi but that's just me) so if need be i can work in other areas too, the only area I'm not good in is spriting characters.
  14. Perfect I'm glad the main plot is covered, and with gen IV/V compatibility I have 2 ideas, either one I have a friend help me from school (or on reborn if anyone knows how to) or i can build it with a RPG maker, like Pokemon Raptor is anyone has played that game. I need that very badly Neo, if your willing to help I would really appreciate it As for yours ideas Xiphera and Maelstrom, If ido this with an RPG maker, I have an idea to make all starters avalible
  15. OK, so I have contemplated this for a while now, but now with a solid map of reborn, I am making a hack of LeafGreen! The only problem is i only know how to make maps...which is why I am creating this post to begin with. I need help in a few areas such as: A ) Someone good with sprites B ) Good teams designers C ) A main story / plot line These are only a few things i need to get this game up and running, also for beta testers i will determine this at a later time, and anyone is free to contribute in any way possible. Even small ideas can be posted here and i would appreciate it a lot. (I may be good with maps but anyone who is can help to btw)
  16. This is all pretty amazing, the map was very nicely drawn and the descriptions were all beautiful. I was beyond impressed when i 1st saw this, Ame awesome job!!!
  17. Honestly this describes me perfectly [img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/teddiursa.gif[/img]
  18. Ok this was kinda tough but... 1. Eevee (shiny) - Favorite Pokémon ever, also kinda like Ash to Pikachu in a way. 2. Chandelure - Has become one of my favorites, not just because of battling but because of how awesome it is! 3. Dragonite - Straight up BOSS! 4. Scizor - One of my personal favorites 5. Lucario - AURA 'nuff said 6. Raikou - My favorite legendary, even though i had yellow as my 1st game, Raikou was the 1st legendary I ever found, and i caught it in one try with a fast ball [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen5/blackwhite_shiny/133.png[/img][img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen5/blackwhite/609.png[/img][img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen4/hgss/149.png[/img][img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen4/hgss/212.png[/img][img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen4/dp/448.png[/img][img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen4/hgss/243.png[/img]
  19. I'm quite excited for these games personally, but i do have to wonder if this will just expand the story, or just continue from the end of the game? Also if this is a continuation, will there be a way to bring pokemon from black and white? If this is just an expansion i'll be quite disapointed, but this is pretty exciting, 1st main games to have a sequal.
  20. Dark: Umbreon Electric: Luxray Poison: Seviper Flying:Braviary Water: Swampert Ground: Cubone Rock: Aggron Psychic: Mewtwo Fire: Ninetales Ghost: Chandelure Fighting: Heracross Steel: Scizor Bug: Yanmega Grass: Lilligant Ice: Cubchoo Dragon: Dragonite Normal: Eevee (favorite overall)
  21. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIJesGBuRmg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIJesGBuRmg[/url]
  22. Im still working on my set idk which ones out of said set are done tho
  23. I've been busy with the play i am in recently as to why am i not on lately, but i will be on later tonight at 9 pm EST so whoever i need to face i can do it then if i still can
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