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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Well ever sense i moved out other than PO i really haven't had anything video game related so a x-box 360 would be really nice lol
  2. "mY friend Tremaine was making fun of my Bunny today and i almost whoop that niggaz @$$" "HUSTLA DA RABBIT" Dude just no...u cnt sleep with a stuffed bunny in ur room and try to act black
  3. Can you add this over a sprite 168? One is 64 x 64 and the other is 80 x 80 idk which size you need so i put both in.
  4. I've recently gotten good with editing sprites and im good with mapping. Changing scrpits I'm very new to but im still decent. So anything you would need in game i could help if you need it
  5. Nice team and idea Steels are my 2nd favorite type. After my Poison Team on LG I plan on doing a Electric Team on Pt.
  6. Conor im surprised that you dont have a Golem on your team. You always have one on your FR teams. Also i just beat Misty. Shine lv 20 (now a Ivysaur) BEE DEAD!!! lv 19 (Now a Beedrill) Queen lv 22 (Now a Nidoqueen) I plan on adding a golbat (eventually Crobat), tentacruel, and gengar on my team.
  7. Well i just took a look at this topic today and started a mono Poison team on Leaf Green. so far i have: Shine (Bulbasaur): lv 9 legit shiny i spent about a day trying to get it shiny lol BEE DEAD! (Kakuna): lv 8 Queen (Nidoran F): lv 9 And i just hit the Pewter City too i gotta train before facing Brock. I also have a good idea for the rest of my team too.
  8. Sign me up, im kinda partnerless right now so anyone wanna partner up with me just me let me know
  9. Well things have been kinda hectic lately, i have just moved out of my house and am now living with my best friend! As amazing as this is, it means i will not be on anytime soon...I'm not leaving for good just until i get my own computer. I felt like i would give a decent explination as to why i wont be on for a while, however i will still visit the posts every once in a while to see how things are going. I wish everyone luck in the new league and i hope to be back on soon. Your friend, Patrick P.S. need to contact me find conor he can give u a link to my FB or just message me
  10. I just finished my 4 moves and I'm volunteering to do some more
  11. [color=#0000ff][b]Trainer's Name(s):[/b] Patrick, Blue[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Ever "caught 'em all":[/b] In Yellow, Blue, and Silver I have[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Games Played:[/b] Yellow, Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Leafgreen, Diamond[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Spin-off games played:[/b] Stadium 1&2, Colosseum, XD Gale of Darkness[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Any TCG decks:[/b] None, just collected my favorites, like the Mew card from Pokemon 2000[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favorite Generation for Pokémon:[/b] 2nd and 5th tied[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favorite Generation for Games:[/b] 2nd[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favorite Game:[/b] Silver[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favorite Spin-off game:[/b] XD Gale of Darkness[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Pokémon that needs to exist:[/b] A Steel/Dragon type[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Pokémon that needs to not exist:[/b] Dunsparce[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Dream PokéJob (breeder, elite four, etc):[/b] Battle Factory Tycoon[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Currently Playing:[/b] Pokemon Liquid Crystal (hack for those who don't know)[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Pokémon:[/b] Eevee, Luxray, Starmie, and Lucario are all tied[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Starter:[/b] Mudkip[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]If you could have anything for a starter:[/b] Riolu/Eevee[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Pokémon Song:[/b] Original G/S/C Kanto Gym leader Match Theme[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Kanto Leader/E4:[/b] Sabrina (only because of the manga "The Electric Tale of Pikachu")[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Johto Leader/E4:[/b] Jasmine[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Hoenn Leader/E4:[/b] Flannery[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Sinnoh Leader/E4:[/b] Candice[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Leader/E4 overall: [/b]Phoebe[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Thoughts/performance on (Super)Contests/Pokéthon:[/b] A nice touch but i wasn't a big fan[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Pokémon Movie:[/b] Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Animé Episode:[/b] Episode 13: Mystery at the Lighthouse, Episode 21: Bye-Bye Butterfree, AND Episode 39: Pikachu's Good-Bye[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Type:[/b] Water[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Strategies:[/b] Using lesser known Pokemon with surprise[/color] [color=#0000ff][b]Favourite Characters:[/b] Steven, Silver, Lance[/color]
  12. lol wow i only live about 5 minutes off I-70 E i use it to get to school everyday
  13. Not much to rant about really cept for two things. I was SUPPOSED to go to Matsuricon in Columbus (or in that general area) this sunday, 3 days away from home hanging with friends and my 1st anime convention, sounds good right? WRONG!!! I can't get a ride anymore and now i have no way of going and whats worse I already dropped a ton of money on a costume and hotels. FML... And also another tiny little thing , conor k tells me he got 300 reborn rupees to edit his sprite right off the bat, how the hell does that happen cuz i never got that, not a big deal least not as much as my 1st complaint
  14. BellyFable [Clefable] (M/F) @ [toxic orb / life orb] Trait: [magic gaurd] EVs: 252 att / 136 def / 116 HP Adamant (+ att / - sp att) - Belly Drum - Facade - Fire Punch / Ice Punch / ThunderPunch - Substitute / Wish The Ultimate attacking Clefable, Belly Drum instantly raises attack +6 making you a very serious threat. Facade with STAB and toxic orb get one hell of a boost (210 base power) combine that with belly drum and you can 1 hit KO just about anything (except ghost types). Fire Punch is nice to take out Ferrothorn and other steel types (this does make you very weak if not screwed against Heatran and Flash Fire Chandelure). Ice Punch is for the Dragons alhough with the power of Facade it might not be nessacary. ThunderPunch ins't for anything in particular, unless you wanna ruin rain teams, its just there as a nice alternative with the least amount of downsides (a ground/steel type like Excadrill). Substitute is for instant use to absorb Belly drum damage. Wish is for use right before belly drum to recover damage.
  15. dude u see my picture i know I'm not
  16. A couple pictures from a party about a year and 1/2 ago in the 1st one im the dude in the middle of the guy in the middle and the blonde girl
  17. 1. Lead Pokemon follows you around (like in HGSS) 2. Both of the battle frontiers 3. May/Brendan gets more involved in the story 4. More an after story after E4 5. Combine Acro/Mach bike into 1 bike 6. Gym leaders with epic rematchs and epic rematch themes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8g7b4FuBE8 <--- Like this 7. Customisable Sprites (like what we do on this website) 8. A match with all the champions and E4 (including GARY MOTHERF**KING OAK) 9. A chance to go to the orange islands 10. An expansion on the R/S/E pokedex like with D/P to Pt
  18. A shiny Eevee, looks cute and cool, plus i could evolve into 7 different types of Pokemon XD
  19. [scroll]Battle between Patrick and Ðavïchi started! Tier: OverUsed Rule: Unrated Rule: Sleep Clause Ðavïchi sent out Teh H4xorz! (Whimsicott) Patrick sent out Politoed! Politoed's Drizzle made it rain! Conor is watching the battle. Start of turn 1 The foe's Teh H4xorz used Taunt! Politoed fell for the taunt! Politoed used Ice Beam! It's super effective! The foe's Teh H4xorz lost 99% of its health! The foe's Teh H4xorz hung on using its Focus Sash! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 2 The foe's Teh H4xorz used Tailwind! A tailwind started blowing behind Ðavïchi's team! Politoed used Ice Beam! It's super effective! The foe's Teh H4xorz lost 0% of its health! The foe's Teh H4xorz fainted! Rain continues to fall! Ðavïchi sent out System Error! (Porygon-Z) Start of turn 3 The foe's System Error used Thunderbolt! It's super effective! Politoed lost 274 HP! (85% of its health) Politoed used Ice Beam! The foe's System Error lost 54% of its health! Rain continues to fall! Politoed's taunt ended! Start of turn 4 The foe's System Error used Thunderbolt! It's super effective! Politoed lost 48 HP! (14% of its health) Politoed fainted! Rain continues to fall! Patrick sent out Seismitoad! Start of turn 5 The foe's System Error used Tri Attack! A critical hit! Seismitoad lost 351 HP! (100% of its health) Seismitoad fainted! Ðavïchi's team tailwind petered out! Rain continues to fall! Patrick sent out Omastar! Start of turn 6 Omastar used Shell Smash! Omastar's Defense fell! Omastar's Sp. Def. fell! Omastar's Attack sharply rose! Omastar's Sp. Att. sharply rose! Omastar's Speed sharply rose! The foe's System Error used Thunderbolt! It's super effective! Omastar lost 280 HP! (99% of its health) Omastar hung on using its Focus Sash! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 7 Omastar used AncientPower! The foe's System Error lost 45% of its health! The foe's System Error fainted! Rain continues to fall! Ðavïchi sent out I'm CRITICAL! (Archeops) Start of turn 8 The foe's I'm CRITICAL used Quick Attack! It's not very effective... A critical hit! Omastar lost 1 HP! (0% of its health) Omastar fainted! Rain continues to fall! Patrick sent out Zapdos! Start of turn 9 The foe's I'm CRITICAL used Rock Slide! It's super effective! Zapdos lost 321 HP! (100% of its health) Zapdos fainted! Rain continues to fall! Patrick sent out Armaldo! Start of turn 10 Armaldo used Swords Dance! Armaldo's Attack sharply rose! The foe's I'm CRITICAL used Earthquake! Armaldo lost 146 HP! (50% of its health) Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 11 Armaldo used Stone Edge! It's super effective! The foe's I'm CRITICAL lost 100% of its health! The foe's I'm CRITICAL fainted! Rain continues to fall! Ðavïchi: glad i'm not the only one who uses armaldo. Ðavïchi sent out Trollolol! (Sableye) Patrick: i know right lol Start of turn 12 The foe's Trollolol used Will-O-Wisp! Armaldo was burned! Armaldo used X-Scissor! The foe's Trollolol lost 56% of its health! Rain continues to fall! Armaldo is hurt by its burn! Start of turn 13 The foe's Trollolol used Confuse Ray! Armaldo became confused! Armaldo is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Armaldo lost 54 HP! (18% of its health) Rain continues to fall! Armaldo is hurt by its burn! Start of turn 14 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Armaldo is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Armaldo lost 19 HP! (6% of its health) Armaldo fainted! Rain continues to fall! Patrick sent out Alomomola! Start of turn 15 The foe's Trollolol used Confuse Ray! Alomomola became confused! Alomomola is confused! Alomomola used Aqua Ring! Alomomola surrounded itself with a veil of water! Rain continues to fall! Start of turn 16 The foe's Trollolol used Taunt! Alomomola fell for the taunt! Alomomola is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Alomomola lost 28 HP! (5% of its health) Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Start of turn 17 The foe's Trollolol used Will-O-Wisp! Alomomola was burned! Alomomola is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Alomomola lost 14 HP! (2% of its health) Rain continues to fall! Alomomola's Hydration heals its status! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Patrick: well im done Start of turn 18 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Alomomola is confused! Alomomola used Struggle! The foe's Trollolol lost 12% of its health! Alomomola is hit with recoil! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Alomomola's taunt ended! Start of turn 19 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Alomomola snapped out its confusion! Alomomola used Toxic! The foe's Trollolol was poisoned! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 20 Alomomola used Protect! Alomomola protected itself! The foe's Trollolol used Taunt! Alomomola protected itself! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 21 Alomomola used Protect! But it failed! The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 22 Alomomola used Protect! Alomomola protected itself! The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 23 The foe's Trollolol used Confuse Ray! Alomomola became confused! Alomomola is confused! Alomomola used Aqua Ring! But it failed! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 24 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Alomomola is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion! Alomomola lost 29 HP! (5% of its health) Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Start of turn 25 The foe's Trollolol used Taunt! Alomomola fell for the taunt! Alomomola snapped out its confusion! Alomomola can't use Aqua Ring after the taunt! Rain continues to fall! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Syko is watching the battle. Ðavïchi: jake, did you win? Syko: No.. Conor: nope i did Ðavïchi: i'm about to win. Start of turn 26 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Syko: If you win, do I go up with you? Conor: maybe Ðavïchi: probably. Alomomola used Struggle! The foe's Trollolol lost 11% of its health! Alomomola is hit with recoil! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! Conor: no i go with davichi Ðavïchi: yeah jake. Syko: WOOT! Conor: winner take all Ðavïchi: he means in the tournament Conor: oh yeah Conor: then yes Ðavïchi: so after this, i battle conor, and if i win, we both win. Ðavïchi: we as in me and jake. Syko: Davichi, if you lose, I'll eat your cookiez Start of turn 27 The foe's Trollolol used Recover! The foe's Trollolol regained health! Alomomola used Struggle! The foe's Trollolol lost 13% of its health! Alomomola is hit with recoil! Ðavïchi: nose! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Alomomola's taunt ended! The foe's Trollolol is hurt by poison! The foe's Trollolol fainted! Ðavïchi sent out The Original! (Dragonite) Syko: YESH! Start of turn 28 Alomomola used Protect! Alomomola protected itself! The foe's The Original used Dragon Claw! Alomomola protected itself! Rain continues to fall! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Syko: "The Original" < Boss Start of turn 29 The foe's The Original used Dragon Dance! The foe's The Original's Attack rose! The foe's The Original's Speed rose! Alomomola used Toxic! The foe's The Original was poisoned! Rain continues to fall! The foe's The Original is hurt by poison! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 30 The foe's The Original used Dragon Dance! The foe's The Original's Attack rose! The foe's The Original's Speed rose! Alomomola used Aqua Ring! But it failed! Rain continues to fall! The foe's The Original is hurt by poison! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Start of turn 31 Alomomola used Protect! Alomomola protected itself! The foe's The Original used Dragon Claw! Alomomola protected itself! Rain continues to fall! The foe's The Original is hurt by poison! Start of turn 32 Alomomola used Protect! But it failed! The foe's The Original used Dragon Claw! Alomomola lost 340 HP! (64% of its health) Rain continues to fall! The foe's The Original is hurt by poison! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Start of turn 33 Alomomola used Protect! Alomomola protected itself! The foe's The Original used Dragon Claw! Alomomola protected itself! Rain continues to fall! The foe's The Original is hurt by poison! The foe's The Original ate its Liechi Berry! The Liechi Berry raised the foe's The Original's Attack! Aquaring restored Alomomola's HP. Alomomola restored a little HP using its Leftovers! Syko: DAVICHI Ðavïchi: if stall wins.. Start of turn 34 Alomomola used Protect! But it failed! The foe's The Original used Dragon Claw! Syko: DON'T Alomomola lost 312 HP! (59% of its health) Alomomola fainted! Ðavïchi won the battle! Ðavïchi: That battle was.. CRITICAL Patrick: Nice Match Ðavïchi: i won't. Syko: YES! Ðavïchi: good game. Conor: gg Syko: *Jumps in air* Patrick: dman gg Ðavïchi: come at me, bro. Conor: davichi save the battle log Ðavïchi: kay. Conor: so theres no crap about lying Conor: lol Syko: Davichi never lies Syko: Except that time he lied about having the chocolate cookies Ðavïchi: except about that one raspberry cookie incident.. Syko: (D) Syko: And that one also Ðavïchi: uhh huh.. Ðavïchi: now, conor, let's battle.[/scroll]
  20. Alakazam Shiny Focus Blast Psychic Charge Beam Grass Knot Porygon-Z Not Shiny Blizzard Tri Attack Discharge Psychic Shandera Shiny Fire Blast Heat Wave Psychic Shadow Ball Nattorie Shiny Gyro Ball Spikes Leech Seed Power Whip Dragonite Not Shiny Outrage ExtremeSpeed Fire Punch Thunder Punch Swampert Not Shiny Earthquake Waterfall Rest Sleep Talk Silver + Dark Blue w/rival silver sprite (Replacing Lapras with Nattorie)
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