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    My bed
  • Interests
    Pokemon, sleeping, reading. I hack, sometimes. I also really love linguistics.
  1. Pansexual is attraction to all genders or regardless of gender. (technically, by that definition I could say I'm pan) However, demisexual people don't feel primary attraction, but can feel secondary attraction once they get to know a person. So, it's kind of like being asexual with very few exceptions. And they're always close friends. There are people who say they're demi-hetero, too. It's just kind of... more specific grey-asexual. Sorry, I know it sounds weird. Also I'd just like to say thanks to everyone on here because this is the most respectful and welcoming internet community I've ever seen. Seriously, thanks.
  2. Sanity, psshh, what even is that? Sounds boring. And to answer Yash's question, I don't really mind gendered terms much, when I do at all. I'm pretty chill as long as it's not specifically used as an insult. (ie; but you can't be nb! you look like a x!)
  3. Hi, I'm Eri and I like using as many labels as I can to be annoying to people who don't like them. Let's begin? I'm genderfluid, and I use xe/xem or they/them pronouns. Either works. I'm also demisexual and gender doesn't matter to me. Love is love is love. I'm an INTP, Libra, Tiger, and I'm tied very closely Slytherin to Ravenclaw (Slytherin's been more lately) For the homestuck fans out there, I'm Knight of Doom. And I'm also a rock type, as of about a year ago. I also really like linguistics, and my pic right now is the flag of Esperanto. I'm currently working on making an EO patch for Platinum, but it's only in the early stages and there's a lot to do. My favorite pokemon is Skarmory and I actually had a legit, on cartridge shiny skarmory in White, but some guys at OR/AS release took my game case so alas I no longer have my dear Adamantine
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