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Everything posted by Dragon116

  1. She named her Volbeat Bugsy. I believe the G.G TV interview also mentioned how her brother was Bugsy from Johto.
  2. I love this whole thing. The fire is stunning. My only complaint is the face of Chandlure almost seems flat. But it is a ball of fire so idk.
  3. MS Paint in general sucks. You're better off with a free Photoshop knockoff like Gimp or Paint.NET. The 51 comes from the fact that it's one higher than 50. You asked for a new name so I gave a new name. Also, you should have already gotten your mystery egg, so why say "what are the chances"?
  4. Sigilyph sounds like a perfect match for Robin. Any fossil pokemon or Unown would be a good option too.
  5. You need to go back to the entrance lobby, go north to Dr Sigmund's Office, then go inside, and go through the left wall to get into the library.
  6. Bravo! You managed to finish this run without losing it to hard drive failure!! I enjoyed this whole run and I look forward to seeing your next run. I've never used Phione in anything, so this should be interesting.
  7. My upcomming run also had to use custom sprites. Here's what I did for my bicycle. The story side will be a lot more awkward but w/e.
  8. Naming an Archeops Bird Jesus seems like blasphemy to Lord Helix. But they are all fossils so I suppose he wouldn't be too upset.
  9. Error catches Chapter 8 I would be really surprised that you made it through this, but you solo'd Julia with one pokemon on your fighting run, and I saw an Eelektross solo Pyrous Mountain Solaris, so I know anything is possible. Still, very well done figuring a way through it! I like how this plot is developing.
  10. Actually the Gym Leader help thread is under Team Showcase, and the thread is here http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13527 For future reference, most of the things you ask about are pinned to the top of any section, you just need to look through all the sections to find it
  11. Dang, it sucks that you lost the video. I'm still waiting to see who gets the Blue sprite.
  12. Chikorita - LeafyC Blissey - Nurse Joy Misdreavus - Silk Spectre Zubat - Batman Suckle - 51Hentais EDIT: Forgot to mention, great job brute forcing your way through Serra! It's awesome GotWood is working so well for you.
  13. Glad I can be of assistance As we've all said before, these errors aren't terrible. Even if they we never fixed this story would still make complete sense and be awesome.
  14. Magma's 7th street entrance is in the building behind the pokemon center. There will be a lady blocking your path to an elevator inside. If Maxwell already gave you permission to enter, then she'll move out of your way permanently. Edit: Guess Lulu already figured it out haha.
  15. Very well done. Flinchinno and Porygon-Z are the absoute terrors of Noel's team, so you did well getting past them! On my run, Mach Punch saved me.
  16. Well, to start with, just keep the file as a .zip when your crew uploads it Commander. You have to go out of your way to compress the file as a .rar, since windows can compress any file into a .zip through the right click menu, as shown here http://prntscr.com/93wtla As for people downloading this, I suggest WinRar as it's essentially free (even though it complains that it's not).
  17. Sweet mother of Giratina, that was close! 2 HP and just 1 Blizzard left on Hiroki II. Thank goodness RAWRCHOMP didn't have a Focus Sash or that try would have ended poorly. So just WTC, Chateau, and Ciel to go. Good luck!
  18. I'm hoping you manage to get 2.1 out before I need to start my run, otherwise I'm probably going to stick with 1.8
  19. Error catches chapter 7 What a touching chapter. Those feels man, those feeeeels.
  20. Actually the power items gives you +4 to whatever stat it is. So if you fight something that gives you 2 attack EV, you get 6 instead. You can also get EVs from the item without battling something that gives those EVs. For instance, if you fight a Grimer (it gives 1 HP EV) while your pokemon is holding the Power Bracer, you will get 1 HP EV and 4 Atk EV. In addition, stats recalculate themselves after every xp gain. I figured that out on Noel's Wigglytuff, which kept boosting my HP by 1 when it died, and I didn't understand how.
  21. So new Ciel is now Togekiss, Archeops, Noivern, Gliscor, Gyrados, and M.Altaria. I'm feeling ambivalent towards this. One one hand, you struggled with this team, which definitely says something. On the other, you have Noivern and Gliscor still promoting the extreme weakness to Ice attacks. I think a Hawlucha for Noivern would provide a better balance, but that might make her team too tough. I really like that Archeops and Gyrados are here though, since those two are fantastic powerhouses. Congratulations on getting through your own hell known as Hardcore! I enjoyed reading this, and would love to see you do a monorun of this modified hell.
  22. Woo! Damn tho, I already got dropped haha. My namesakes did what they needed too though, so I'm happy with that. That was quite a fight, and you got lucky with all those Blizzard misses and Walrein paralysis. Can't wait to hear about the WTC and Chateau.
  23. Error catches chapter 6. These are very minor and don't prevent understanding what you mean. Essentially it's just grammar. However, you wanted to be alerted when you made mistakes. I love that St3ffo is so intelligent. It must be those glasses. Maybe Ra1den will learn how to stop acting like Fern.
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