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Meem Qween

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About Meem Qween

  • Birthday 09/18/2001

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    Meem Qween
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    Meem Qween#5282

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

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  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

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  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

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  4. Don't know if glitch or feature, but the call button is gone in trainer battles? Or is it only visible when you use a Shadow Pokemon?
  5. I think it made me more happy than it should have to see my name in Pokemon Rejuvenation


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  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

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  7. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

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  8. Huh... I was going to update with the rest of the Rebornian Eeveelutions, but I was unaware of the whole Fakemon thing going on.. but then again I was asleep.. and doing school stuff... and eating.. but I'm still gonna update Rebornian Espeon- Psychic/Rock Type These feral Espeon are defenders and leaders of small packs of their equally feral pre-evolutions. Rebornian Espeon are natural enemies of Rebornian Umbreon, and it is rumored that they use telepathic connections with other Rebornian Espeon of different packs to drive out their poison enemy. Rebornian Umbreon- Dark/Poison Type Rebornian Umbreon have somehow gotten their already dangerous poison sweat even more dangerous, resulting in Rebornian Espeon to drive them out of their pack in fear that they will harm them, further resulting in them to only trust other Rebornian Umbreon and only them. Their rings that glow on their tame counterpart are now glands for deadly acid controllable by the Umbreon that excreted it. Rebornian Leafeon- Grass/Bug Type Rebornian Leafeon have large appetites. This is because they hate seeing other trainers catch and train other forest Pokemon, and decided that they would only be noticed if the other Pokemon were driven out. It is easy to find then in forests unusually lacking berries, nuts, and fruits because of this. Rebornian Glaceon- Ice/Steel Type When you encounter Rebornian Glaceon, it is easy to see why they are called "Ice Mirrors." As Eevee, these Pokemon have observed first hand that trainers preferred others to it. When they evolved, Glaceon worked to mimic other Pokemon in an attempt to prove to the trainers that they are just as good as the others. Rebornian Sylveon- Fairy/Dragon Type Rebornian Sylveon have a knack for being the most vicious of the possible evolutions for Rebornian Eevee, despite their counterpart being one of the most friendly of them. What used to be ribbons are now jaws that would appear to have been shrunk after being cut off from a beast. These extra jaws are used in battle so the Sylveon can weaken their opponent from afar before "personally" delivering the final blow. If they decide to stay in their pack of Eevee after evolving, they are as good as taking out pack rivals as Rebornian Espeon are at defending the pack. Finally done! This was very fun to do, and it used up all the types currently in cannon Pokemon! Woo!
  9. I think I've thought of one.. or more like many: Rebornian Eevee, Vaporeon Jolteon, and Flareon. Rebornian Eevee- Normal/Fighting Type Although "normal" Eevee are seen playing in gardens with children and their trainers, Rebornian Eevee were abandoned by trainers who thought that they were too weak for battle, even if evolved. This led to these Eevee developing a more feral temperament as a result of being disliked by many. Rebornian Vaporeon- Water/Ghost Type These Vaporeon evolved with the jealousy of seeing other Eevee and Vaporeon loved when they were hated. Their calls, however, are hauntingly beautiful and draw in unsuspecting victims, both human and Pokemon, to them. If these victims are found, they are scarred both mentally and physically by their captor, especially if said victim was a Vaporeon loved by its trainer. Rebornian Jolteon- Electric/Flying Type Jolteon evolved from their feral pre-evolution have grown to accept that they will be disliked, and have instead grown an interest in the sky. They are usually seen zipping around storm clouds, resembling comets as they collect their energy. Rebornian Flareon- Fire/Ground Type These Flareon are commonly seen in deserts, especially where dust storms and dust devils form. Rebornian Flareon are extremely territorial and will not hesitate to create a dust devil and set it aflame to attack intruders. I will make the other evolutions when I have more time.. and possibly ideas for the Pokedex entries for them..
  10. Doesn't it suck when you begin to think and/or realize that your parents seem to favor your younger sister's decision instead of yours?



    Two days ago after PoGo legendary raid hunting;

    *two hours after leaving house and making plans on what to do and where to go*

    Mom: OK. Now to Cheddar's for food?

    Dad: Yup

    Sis: I don't want Cheddar's!

    Dad: Then what do you want?

    Sis: That pizza place that I like!

    Mom: Alright.

    *We didn't go to Cheddar's, which is what we've been looking forward to for two hours. We instead follow little sister's lead and go for pizza.*


    With me, with anything I want, be it going to restaurants or getting food from store;

    Me: Can I have this?

    Parents: How much money do you have in your (NON EXISTENT) pockets?

    Me: None...

    Parents: Then you can't have it.

    Sis: Can I have this?

    Parents: Sure.

    *This is what happens every single time I ask for something. I do get the rare "Yes" sometimes, but most of the time they say no. My parents, my mom especially, know that as a teenage girl, most pants I can get usually have no pockets, fake pockets, or tiny, useless pockets, so I leave most of my stuff either at home or in the car.*



    So yeah... my depression showing up at the worst possible times makes this seem a whole lot worse that it probably is... 

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    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      As others have Ninja'd, just talk to your parents about it. I know how annoying living with a younger sister can be (Exact same age gap as well. so if you gotta let off some steam about it, or anything else, my PM box is open ;))

      I know how hard it can be to talk about these things with your parents, even harder than for most people in my case, but if it really bothers you you gotta tell them about those things.


      Also, I will agree that it's not fair, but sometimes a balance is hard to find, or even to notice the things you do "wrong". The hardest part is admitting that and saying sorry for it, however.


      Long story short: Just tell them how you feel. Worst case scenario: they deny it but do start thinking about it.

    3. Meem Qween

      Meem Qween

      Hey guys, guess who just renamed OUR new cat WITHOUT MY SAY??
      It's even a stupid name, I mean, who names a cat "Kitty"? It's just like naming a dog "Doggy"...

    4. Wolfox


      That's not how it should work. I will say however that Kity can work as a cat's name depending on where you live.

  11. So... I'm facing a problem...

    I have really horrible allergies (worse than my mom, who is allergic to everything on the allergy calendar here) at my house.

    I have no allergies at my grandparents' house about an hour away.

    I don't know if I should try moving there, not have allergies, but I'll be in a new school with no friends (I have trouble making friends IRL unless it's a friend of a friend...) and no clue what classes they excel in.

    I don't know if I should stay with friends and a school I know and suffer from allergies until we can afford allergy shots for me and my mom so that we still suffer, but a little less, as in no asthma attacks from them.

    I honestly don't know what I should do...

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    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wolfox


      ah, Pollen. Those can be annoying

    3. Meem Qween

      Meem Qween

      Yup, especially when it comes to the new dog-cat :)


      Exactly, which is why I have my own personal air filter in my room that is always on max :) 

    4. Wolfox


      WHile I don't know what it's like to have allergies (for what I know), I'm happy I don't. Reason is that my sneezes can be kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda really atomic bomb level

  12. That moment when you upload a post to a forum about fangames and you don't receive any notifications about replies to your post and you're worried that people are silently judging your post because of how cliche it might be.

    I mean, a Pokemon fangame where there are multiple worlds involved (kinda like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, human world and Pokemon world, except there are more), and the admins of the evil team, the Mindless, apparently have connections to those worlds?

    What is wrong with you, brain?!

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    1. Shamitako


      How I feel when anything I do flies under the radar


      TBH, probably not judgement, people just tend to ignore stuff that isn't completely 100% fleshed

    2. Shamitako


      out. Fleshed out (rip typing)

    3. Meem Qween

      Meem Qween

      True, but still.

      Probably doesn't help my case when I go in and out of depression a lot

  13. So one of my friends and I are currently roleplaying this very detailed roleplay, detailed to the point where we are using Google Docs to keep everything together.


    Now just imagine:

    • Detailed Google Docs on every character
    • Google Doc has paragraphs for each character dedicated to their personalities
    • Friend doesn't suspect me to do anything out of the ordinary



    When all of a sudden.. Towards the bottom of the document..


    I think I like memes too much

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    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      noot noot, motherfucker

  14. Pokemon fangame ideas, huh? *cracks knuckles* Ok, not really, but I have what I think is a cool idea. I call it: Pokemon Otherworld. Otherworld takes place in the Aevan Region, a region made up of nine small islands and one big main island. The main premise of the game is that a mysterious "gateway" connects two worlds to the Pokemon world for the first time, and three powerful and/or important people would be taken from each world connected to the Pokemon world before the "gate" disappears. Skip to the main game setting, and you, the protagonist, are taking a walk in a forest on the mainland when you are caught up in a chase scene between some important trainers in the story, Skai and Lavender, and one of the antagonists of the story, who don't have a team name, but are merely called "The Mindless". The Mindless grunt uses you as a meat shield, and when the big scene finally ends, the two trainers take you to a lab where Skai's cousin, Professor Acacia, lets you choose a starter Pokemon (one of the EVOLVING fossil Pokemon (no Aerodactyl) or an Eevee) to start your adventure. Your adventure is quickly cut short, however, when many Mindless grunts, led by what appear to be six admins, flood the town and a gate appears, just like the one that appeared three years ago, and connects the two other worlds again. The worlds can be seen, as well as the many people, most not human, gathered by their side of the passage. The admins step to the gate and begin talking to the people, sparking numerous reactions from them. Nine people total run through the gate from their worlds then, aiming for specific admins, although the admins' Pokemon keep them away to the admins' amusement, while they announce that their "Master" is letting loose their "Master Plan", which is not described, yet brings fear. When this entire fiasco ends and the Mindless leave with their admins, the gate closes, trapping the nine people in the world of Pokemon. Your goal is to help Skai and Lavender assist these nine people get used to life in your world, helping them become trainers and whatnot, while helping them solve the mystery of the admins and who they are. Finding out who and what the Mindless are is also a main goal, as well as who is the "Master" and what is their "Master Plan". Unique things would include: All Pokemon, each small island of Aevan would have its own environment Level Caps. These won't effect gameplay that much since they would be set moderately high for the beginning (about 25) with the gaps becoming smaller and smaller as you progress through the game. They would just prevent the capped Pokemon from gaining exp. Special minigames for the Mindless admins. "World-hopping" once you reach mid-late game, with the Distortion World as a hub of sorts. This would unlock hard sidequests with valuable rewards. Well, that's it for my idea. What do you guys think?
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