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Everything posted by Real_Amnz
Ok thanks didn't realise that was also in the circus area lol
I checked the guide and it says you are supposed to get it by trade in Agate Circus, but I can't find the person willing to trade... can anyone help?
I used Drifblim, I just restarted until he failed Stone Edge then used Destiny Bond... EZ life lol
So many options x_x now I'm not even sure what pokes to grab for my team hahah thanks everyone!
Yeah I get its a big task to change the guide each time a patch hits, never tried to say the guide isnt updated because the ones that are in charge are lazy hahaha Oh and the Numel thing, turns out I'm stupid and forgot I needed a Pokesnax in my inventory hehe sorry if I ask stupid things I still have to get used to some mechanics ingame and in the forums themselves (like using the search bar more often)
Thanks everyone for your answers, is there somewhere where I can keep track of the changes on the locations of pokemon? I know there's the guide but it's outdated on some cases.
Where's the numel supposed to be? Because I've searched the entire Peridot Ward but there's no sign of it so far... I've already beat Julia but not Florinia. And the litleo event, when does it happen? Do I need to do anything special to trigger the event?
I'm currently starting a mono fire run, but I can't seem to find any fire pokemon besides my starter... can somebody tell me where can I find fire types? I know there's a location guide but with so many changes I can't even trust it. According to the guide I could have already found Numel, Litleo and Slugma and so far none of them are actually where they are supposed to be so... help pls?
Welp I guess I'll have to wait for Gyara then lol as for Gliscor I just need Ame to release Razor Fang... I have my Gligar ready to roll haha
Yeeaah I really want to get Gliscor and Gyara but there isn't really a way to get them right? Gyara would be really easy to fit but as for Gliscor I think I would wait at least until I beat the fairy type gym to replace Crobat. Hardy is the looming threat lol I'm sure I'll rage quite a bit when the time to fight him comes hahah
[DISCUSSION] Reborn Monotype Viability Rankings
Real_Amnz replied to Revman's topic in Team Showcase
Flying mono Staraptor Ability: Reckless Item: Sky Plate Moveset: Brave Bird, Close Combat, Final Gambit, -- Ranking: S Great moveset with STAB Reckless Brave Bird + Close Combat, which gives your team a fighting chance against rock types. Only downside IMO is it usually suicides after a few moves and that you get it later in the game, but definitely a great option for a team! Archeops: Ability: Defeatist Moveset: Acrobatics, Rock Slide, U-turn, Crunch Ranking: B Although it is a great pokemon I feel it really doesn't come early enough to justify its usage on your team. Sure its a great attacker, but if you cheat to get it you could just as easily get Gliscor and get a nice ground STAB to fight those pesky rock types! -
Hey guys! I just finished my mono flying run and felt like sharing so here ya go haha My team is in the image, but I'll explain it a bit! -Crobat is my speedy mon, when even Noivern fails to outspeed some threats he's there to hit them for a lot of damage with STAB acrobatics! (I know, I have an item in the image but that was because I needed to ramp up the poison STAB to defeat that stupid mega altaria lol) -Jumpluff, one of the first additions to my team, he felt a bit lacking back when I was facing the Ice gym and all the mess in Ametrine, but I decided to reincorporate it to the team since I reaaally needed something to beat Rock and I've never regreted it! Plus it runs Final Gambit, which actually helped me beat some annoying walls I wouldn't have been able to beat normally -Staraptor, my trusty little kamikaze... saying he has been useful would be an understatement haha STAB Reckless Brave Bird hits hard and Close Combat reaaally helped me beat some annoying dudes that loved spamming rock types! -Noivern, originally named Badmon because well... it sucked! As soon as he evolved he proved to be almost as useful as my beloved Charizard, and that's saying a lot! Hurricane, flamethrower, dragon pulse and super fang really make a nice combination and they all help wear down opposing foes. -Charizard, my trusty companion, slayer of Fern and annoying steel types, he helped me cheese the first two gyms with Dragon Rage and has never stopped being useful since then! Solar Power + Sunny Day means he is going to hit really hard, and it works quite well with Chlorophyl Jumpluff! -Yanmega, amazing pokemon, never really liked it before this run but Bug STAB + Air slash reaaaally were useful against some of the gyms (like Luna's) and has since then made a way into my heart. So that's my team! I don't know if anyone will be interested in reading this but I really enjoyed the mono flying run, I have to say it was my first ever mono run and I'm glad I did it on this game with my favourite type! Looking forward to EP 16 in a few months! I really want to add Gyarados and Gliscor to the team so I wish they both become available soon (specially since I have a Gligar ready to evolve and join the team! )
Nevermind finally found them. God I hate that place.
The thing is I can only see the tunnel that leads to the Misdreavus event... Where do you guys mean?
I am searching for a zubat, the guide says they are located inside Byxbysion tunnels but I don't know where those are. Can somebody help me?
Thanks for the answer It doesn't seem to work too well though, it shuffles it to the other crappy ability :/
I'm currently near Apophyl, and I've already used two ability capsules I found some time before. Does anyone know were can I find some more? I just caught a Yanma with great stats but it doesn't have Speed Boost
Aah thank you.
Really? Oh.... then what's the purpose of the rooftop? And another thing, is there somewhere I can find Togepi?
It is supposed to appear at the rooftop on the Onyx Ward on windy days but I can't find it... any clue as to where it could be?
Where can I find it? I looked some other posts but since they are from previous episodes I'm not sure the locations of pokemon are the same anymore. Pls anyone help!
STRAWBERRY MILK SHALL REGAIN ITS TRUE POSITION AS OUR OVERLORD! hahaha thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I used to really dislike Silver actually, he was like the only trainer in the entire game not willing to accept me as the better trainer until the very end, and I really hate my skills being doubted (hurts my pride lol) so that pushed me to challenge myself and I actually imposed a restriction on my team building to prove I was better, I could only have 5 members on my team! It's stupid I know but as a kid i felt that made the game waaay harder than it was hahah In the end the sixth member (a geodude I captured to get past Victory Road) ended up winning me the league after beating Lance's Dragonite with Rock throw (it was confused after using Outrage and it hit itself so all I had to do was damage him for like 1 hp lol). What I wanted to say is that now that I reflect on my experience on that game I really appreciate what Silver did, it made me try new and weird paths that would eventually lead me into playing challenges like Nuzlocke so yeah, now I wish he appeared more in the game :/ If I have any question I'll make sure I check the rules and other posts first so for now thanks again!
Hello, I just signed in and someone suggested I should introduce myself here so yeah! I guess I'll just talk a bit about me Let's see... I started playing Pokemon back when Gold and Silver first came out, so I'm a veteran I guess haha I enjoy a lot of different games but my all time favourite is Dark Souls (the first one, its story is just amazing!) I consider myself quite enthusiastic but I'm also really shy so I sometimes look a bit weird to others Aaaaand hmm... Oh yeah! I really hate chocolate. Like pure hatred, I'd literally vomit as a kid if someone tried to feed me chocolate lol And well, I guess that's it for now! I actually created this account to ask a question about the game but I guess I can participate in the forums now that I have one haha
Thanks for the replies! I found the problem with the Bennet thing, I just forgot to talk to a vendor that proceeded to direct me in the correct way So I guess my bad haha About the trainers, I figured that was the case but since I just wanted to make sure just in case. It sucks though that it's been raining all this time, since my starter was Infernape and he really does not enjoy water, on the other hand my Floatzel is doing great! hahah I'll introduce myself right now, and again, thanks for the quick answers to my questions.