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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by BlackMage

  1. Because of b00ty :/? But you should to give reason for the others too :3...
  2. No one...I needed to you follow my instructions clearly that's why I called myself that . I really ain't. Hai Juu
  3. You didn't ask a qs, either! Favourite ghost pokemon, juu? (expecting bannette :/)
  4. This is ask a question thread, not banning thread ... Anyways, favourite tokyo ghoul char? (looking at u juu)
  5. Well, you were the one who did it first, though :/. Abomasnow
  6. wait you too! anyways, whimsicott again ninja'd :/
  7. Oh hi, Elfuuuun . Why is everyone ninja'ing me today :/?
  8. 3 PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME ;0? Anyways, ignore Juu, Sky. He can't lift curses unlike me :}...you should be fine now . NOW LET'S GET BACK TO PREDICTING AND TALKING ABOUT MY REIGN IN THE WASTELAND!!! RAWR! YOU DEFY ME, TRHS?!
  9. idk. stuck between snow, you, luke, sky and shia
  10. Excadrill is weak against itself
  11. Garchomp bruhs. Least favourite member on this forum U_U?
  12. NO ONE cares at this point, TRHS . Juuzou, I opened the box! You're a pretty nasty person, even by my standards ! EDIT : AGAIN NINJA'D UGH. Anyways, let's see what happens, Sky.
  13. The furious Flareon's fire blast caused Excadrill to burst in fiery flames.
  14. Those who pecked at Ass Ketchup (Spearow)
  15. All right but send me those things you have obtained till now. Or I won't. Or do you like having that Gastly? It might be pretty cool, scaring people with that. *Sigh* But with great benefit comes great cost. EDIT : Damn ninja'd! But send those, Sky
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