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Everything posted by Cyriusblade

  1. I beat her with a lv 60 wailord and 70 Mamoswine thanks guys
  2. Thanks guys I found 3 of them in rocks
  3. All of my pokemon are 75 they are all just weak to ground
  4. I need to find a heart scale so I can teach my Piloswine Ancient Power so he can evolve, but I can't find any heart scales :| And I'm at the circus so I can't go anywhere in Reborn City. Any ideas?
  5. How does Swoobat do so well? Doesn't he get hit hard by rock slide?
  6. I beat mewtwo so I can't go back and train/get new pokemon from there
  7. I'm stuck on terra, my team is in my sig (I have different moves for some pokemon now). levels in order are 74,74,73,73,75,75 I would like help with finding new pokemon to use for her because all of my electric, flying, dark, and fire types get 1 hit (so everyone other than granbull). Thanks for the help! (Also remember I cant go back to reborn city or anywhere post sleepy city(forgot the name))
  8. I'm stuck on terra, my team is in my sig (only difference is that sharpedo has waterfall instead of dark pulse now). levels in order are 74,74,73,73,75,75 I would like help with finding new pokemon to use for her because all of my electric, flying, dark, and fire types get 1 hit (so everyone other than granbull). Thanks for the help! (Also remember I cant go back to reborn city or anywhere post sleepy city(forgot the name))
  9. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Matt, better known online as Cyriusblade, and I joined this site because I am a huge fan of pokemon, and I think reborn is a really good game. I love how well thought out the game is, it has a really nice, in depth plot with very good dialogue and a lot of things to do on the side of the story. I think it's a really well put together game and I'm excited to see it keep growing. Now for the plea, I joined the forum late to starting the game so I don't know where to exactly post this, but I'm on Terra (the 12th leader), and I'm stuck. My team is in my signature so you can probably see why I struggle with a ground type team. She is for some reason a lot faster than me, 1 hits all of my pokemon and I don't have a very good place to farm too the lv cap (75). I was wondering what a good new team would be to counter her bug/rock/ground type moves, and where I can find the pokemon. (Also someone please tell me where I can post something like this in the future). Thanks
  10. I'm stuck :|

    1. ShadowStar


      Where? I am here to help~

    2. ShadowStar


      PM me if you need help.

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