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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Plok

  1. you need to interact with them again get patch 10
  2. poop montage

  3. just bad luck :] and that bug with random machine is known
  4. Upload your Game.rxdata and patch your game with patch 10

  6. shiny tapu koko is available thru mystery gift :] both PAL and NA

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Plok


      update: August 14th 2017 is the end date

    3. Wolfox


      time to get my Manjoume Thunder!

    4. Alphagar


      Nice! I don't have the game but my bestie does.

  7. you need to replace files in rejuv folder to apply it
  8. master ball exp share ppup max revive full restore
  9. oh I can't read properly in the morning. check if your antivirus isn't blocking the game and try Data Execution Prevention for RGSS player
  10. get patch 10 and this won't be happening update game with patch 10
  11. go to C:\users\username\saved games\pokemon rejuvenation
  12. you need to copy the file I've uploaded and replace your current save file with it
  13. what locations? the save file I've provided should work for you. are you sure that you have patch 10?
  14. Could you post a screenshot of errors that you're getting?
  15. next time, please read the main thread for safe locations to save before updating to new versions Game.rxdata
  16. patch 10 isn't included in v9-1
  17. go to telia resort and they will be there on 2nd floor, if they are not then you have wrong patch did you get latest patch? Game.rxdata
  18. there you go http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/download/
  19. do you have ep 16.2?
  20. make sure to get the latest patch Game.rxdata
  21. nothigns wrong with your save file, you just need to find rorim b on terajuma
  22. make sure to get latest patch, go left and then up to continue the story Game.rxdata
  23. works fine on my end, remember that if you're spinning that means that you have to move from it to be able to pick it up - you can't pick it up if you're standing on top of it
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