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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Plok

  1. what do you mean with game crashing? are you playing the game on mac? save file works fine for me
  2. I don't know what's the cause then. I'm not familiar with mac nor wine
  3. Did you try the save file Ive uploaded?
  4. apophyll beach and itemfinder are your friends
  5. save file loads normal for me. which version of the game are you playing? Game.rxdata
  6. reminder for me to update
  7. did you use patch 10? talk to the kids first and then try to leave the area to enable sleeping
  8. trading on one pc is possible but not recommended :]
  9. Plok

    Cacnea egg

    Once you take the egg you cant sr for nature, ivs and ability
  10. original sprite? Game.rxdata patch zour game Game.rxdata
  11. THE MYTH, THE LEGEND chickorita and m ace trainer :]
  12. Game.rxdata upload your save file Game.rxdata sprite ones will be fixed later
  13. You will need to wait for update before using it on ep17
  14. my bad! Game.rxdata you should never update versions when progressing the story because this can happen. I'm going to check your save file bit later when I get more time to do it properly
  15. Game.rxdata Game.rxdata Game.rxdata
  16. yep, that's how you do it! but there's still a change that you will be stuck after loading your save file. if you're still stuck even after patching the game then post your save file here
  17. Game.rxdata patch zour game Game.rxdata patch zour game and interact with them again patch zour game and interact with them again
  18. Locking this. Please refer to this thread if you're looking to battle
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