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Everything posted by bluebird

  1. btw the abandon egg in the alley where panchan locate is missing in ep 15. The one egg that yield either drowzee, or ducklett.
  2. I know i caught binacle at apophyll beach in episode 14 by smash rock in a faily short period time. In episode 15 however i had been smashing rock for day after day, the only thing that ever show up is krabby, corphish shown up once, and that it! 1 corphish, and 100x of krabby, 0 binacle. Is this a glitch? I read pokemon location v3 15 saying that its still there by using rock smash.
  3. i been hunting like for ever for an aerodactyl though mining, but no luck so far. I wonder if it is abtainabkle through mining at all, or is it only possible from the kid from ametrine?
  4. for some weird reason I am having trouble accessing any pokemonreborn websites. It kept sending me to a page that say pokemonreborn.com is not available anymore? Is this a bug, virus, or am I getting block? I was able to get in sometime like now, because I cleaned my history completely
  5. who is Nim? could you be more specific of what gym or type of team you're dealing with? as for your team, when obtaining grandbull, you could of get with close combat, don't evolve it until it get play rough at 37. the toxicroak, having drain punch would be quite useful. hariyama have huge base att, but slow and can get KO by a good psychic move so having is kinda risky. My favorite pokemons to always get when ever I restart are; numel, get it with iron head, I tend to not evolve it until it get flamethrower but evolving it early at 33 is fine too. It have nice moves like earth power, flame bust(burn grass field), lava plum(work well with your blazaken or another fire type, even better if have blaze as ability), rockslide. once evolve camrupt have high in both attt and special att base power, so you want to get good IV for those two. the water monkey, If you get one with good att, special att, and speed stat. evolve it. having it is going quite useful against kiki and may be up to the female fire gym. The two moves that I would save on it is acrobat( 110 base power if you're not holding item, and scald( cause burn at 30%, and increase power in a heat field), this might take a while but I like to train bunelby and breed it with a skill link apom( fast and high att) to have it learn bounce Swalot might not have high base att power but it's stat are even out and pretty decent, plus it's acid pray is quite useful. once you finish reading this post. may be delete it. just incase the ame don't start removing those useful stuffs
  6. If i remember correctly camrupt earth power doesn't get affect by the field, only earthquake, and bulldoze. I wonder if aggron is available around that time yet? It steel type would be useful against poison and ghost. spike probably a useful move to make during the first turn, it do 1/3 max hp on that field
  7. i used both 14.6 and 15 to give him about 1000 buc, the guy just won't move even thought he already said much oblige, and if I remember correctly on my desktop, he always move once he said that. I am guessing this save file on my labtop have a glitch or a minor corrupt. Should I delete it? I got a lot of good stat pokemons though, though receiving a pawniar from the mystery egg is a decent reason to re start ;d. it will be my #10!!! but dam I got a shiny psyduck with special att 31 IV, att 29 IV I think the main concern is will this glitch file turn into something worst? I just got this labtop bc the desktop wont load file the day after the file got corrupt and won't let me play on all ep 9, 14, and 15. I been using ep 15, and 14.6 only and only save in pokemon center bs. if it was a pokemon world it probably is too selfish to carry legendary that don't seem to show reproduction capability. its the same thing as harvesting a specie to it extinction in the wild. If i remember correctly lugia have babies in the movies, so they should make it reproducible if they have it in a game. since their are more than one deoxy, they should also made it reproducible too! edit: Okay so I just open up one of my earlier save, and found out that the homeless guy move after 4 time of giving. It's the same file but earlier save, but they behave differently o.o""" I collected so many good start pokemon already, dam it! lol so temp to get a male ralt early to deal with aya the poison gym leader
  8. well what I notice is that in ep 9 if you save your file outside pokemon center or just anywhere in the city, then jump to ep 15, you would get teleport to some random places, and may not be able to move. I usually combat this by open up that file with ep 9 again and move to another, save it. start ep 15 and hopefully I don't get teleport to a place that I cant move or have a section of the screen complete black or cut off. The different thing that happened when I save file in the city, out side a building this time was. when I opened it up again in ep 15, and 14, it both said file corrupt, the game cannot start. Then when I tried opening it up on ep 9, it also said the same thing. At that very moment, I should of delete that file and may be all of reborn folder, than re download the game Btw if I remember correctly it was at the rail under a bridge where the zubat are that the file got corrupted
  9. o wow, thank you so much. your post is very useful. love the compound ability
  10. so I was not able to look up for a list of item that we could obtain from wild pokemon. I am thinking it would be an useful thing if someone can make one. I can edit a list if peoples are willing to give the data that they collect from their file. So far my linoone covet isn't doing so well. I did remember getting a razor claw from a meowth in one of my older file, and a focus band from a bancham. If you're interest, just post the pokemon you're using, moves, any helpful skill your pokemon have like frisk, the pokemon you steal from the item you receives and the place thanks
  11. i have been restarting the game like 7-8 times on my desktop before, and he usually take about 4 time of $50 on any day or night. But this file on my labtop, rain, sunny, or windy day or night, he just won move even after $1000. I can find that psychic type in aqua gang hide out, but I want it early because it is useful against corey. I am thinking there may be a glitch or something wrong with the this file. I also can't seem to find electric eel in the alley on a thunderstorm night any more for some reason. Still able to find numel, but not the levitate electric eel. The reason I am starting a new file on my branch new desktop is bc my desk top won't load file and I can't even sign in since yesterday. Got a friend to look at it, he said it can't even access safe mode so the hard drive is probably corrupted, and the suspect that we came to agree on was the corrupt file I have on my desktop from jumping from ep 15-9.6 -.-. I learned it the hard way. Thankfully he said it can be fix by replacing the hard drive or memory drive which is a lot cheaper than buying the a new desktop. Though I think if I realized the magnitude of the problem at the time, and delete all reborn folder before I turned off my desktop, may be back all my important files, and system restore, it might of work, but oh well, at least I learned something from this. For the labtop. I deleted all episode 9 and 14 before any possible notice corrupt file. Well notice to me, but may be I should get someone to look at the code to be sure. It didn't said or showed anything wrong with it, and I has been restarting the labtop a few time without any noticeable problem. I still manage to get a decent zubat, and a bad stat shiny zubat btw.
  12. So I was playing a new file ep15 on my labtop, and I am having a hard time trying to make the homeless guy move by giving him money. I been giving him 1000-2000 consecutively, but he just won't move. Is there some one that I have to talk to initiate the story or see him on a certain weather? I really need the psychic type in that room
  13. is there a way or sites where we can learn how to do the trading our self? I has tried the 7 or 8 times with the mysteries egg and I still haven't receive any of the 3 from the list that I want that can't be find in the wild
  14. If you're fighting against a poison type. excadrill would be best. It doesn't receive any damage from poison, it have such an awesome physical att stat, and pretty high power ground moves
  15. bluebird

    in game trades

    I read somewhere that cryogonal had been replace with a trapinch in ep 15
  16. so after i tried using mudkip as a starter the second time. I got a stamryu egg. So I guess the choice of starter doesn't affect the mystery egg then
  17. hm you're right, i looked it up, starmie doesn't have shadow ball. its strange, most psychic type that i know are able to learn shadow ball
  18. since stammie is a spychic/water type it should be able to learn ghost type move. After you defeat shade the ghost gym, you'll receive a shadow ball tm.
  19. starmie is a speedy pokemon it should be useful against the fighting gym leader later, and may be the fire gym too. If you teach it shadow ball it would do well at the psychic gym too. a decent speed and special att, stamie is not too bad. most of the available fighting type around the circut place ( fighting gym are pretty good), and the panda is available early in the game, but it is slow. But if you still want to trade later, I can offer a mudkip, it can learn hammer arm(100power/90accuracy)
  20. thank autum. I am repeating a mudkip to see if it is random or not. It probably might be my last one, since I found out that we could trade in this game. I just need to find someone that willing to trade me a tantacool, axel, larvesta, and tochepi
  21. @bepe thank you. yeah i believe its a vulpix. So far my data is torchic; marill, frogie; excadrill, mudkip;vulpix. I think someone should collect these infor and do a stat to see if there is a connection between starter and what you get. sign, mudkip is such a useful pokemon against the poison gym, and possible soon, the female fire gym leader that i was having a hard time in my 1st file.
  22. i'm tire of playing new file for an the pokemon that i want from the mystery egg. Can someone show me how to save multiple file on this game?
  23. um i think i got a chamander egg from the officer o.o"" I did not know starter are in there too. I guess you can add it to the list, and i can restart again T.T. This will be my number 4 playing it. omg my team for this file is pretty decent too. this is too cruel, the temptation for a lavesta. Before i restart can some one tell me how to save multiple file? i heard it work nvm, i think i got a vulpix egg. they look so similar o.o now why would a vulpix be in there, when you can catch it in ep 14. you just need a few pokemon around lvl 30 with effective moves to catch it. Not that it is a bad pokemon (drough, decent speed and special att), but its redundant -.-.
  24. So I was looking for a pokemon to over come zel tangrowth (it seem to have hp and defend) and that other guy with the over power chatot and it chatter move -.- (it got speed and special att). The part where they both team up on you before you face corey. So I found numel to solve my problem, this is too late because i already save the file, but i was wondering if anyone know what is the chance of it getting heat wave. I found numel near the abandon rail place during a rainy night. i retried about 7 times and the best that i got was with iron head move.
  25. hi there, i'm new to this trade thread. i'm look for a larvesta, tantacool, frogi(starter), or axel, and i have a couple mudkip egg and budew for trade edit; nvm i only have 2 badges so far. seem to be against thread trading policy
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