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  1. Title. I recently picked this game up and I'm not completely sure how or when I can purify this pokemon. The heart gauge is unlocked and it says there is 1 final step.
  2. What application does the team aqua member in the elevator want? His name is Mannie.
  3. Lmao, I was going to do the exact same thing but I was too lazy to go back through the building. 10/10 nice meme
  4. I found the diamond ring while diving in the sunken villages, and I vaguely remember somebody claiming that they lost their ring. Where is this trainer? Sorry if I formated this incorrectly for the 2 month spoil free posts not particularly familiar pls don't take downerino Edit: After a bit of re-exploring, I was able to locate the person needing the ring. In case somebody stumbles on this post in the future looking for the ring owner and same answer, she can be found in an apartment complex in the top left of the Jasper-Ward. Although I have no clue what to do with "classified information" if someone is willing to fill me in
  5. Yes, I'm aware that you talk to Ciel to trigger episode 16. I mean literally, where do I go afterwards?
  6. Where do I go at the start of episode 16?
  7. I guess it's going to take a while to grind that last 1%/15% out.
  8. Now that episode 16 is so close to completion, do you think it will be done within the next week? I've been waiting over a year for this update man.
  9. At some point in the beginning of the game, you buy a rare pokemon from some street thug for 500$ and it is stolen from his partner, meaning you fell for their set-up. After going after it, you find it has been stolen from them, and then the person who stole it from then immediately sold it, then once you track it down again and purchase it for the third time, it is immediately stolen from jerk on top of a roof in 7th street. After that point, where do I go to continue the side quest? I'm totally lost and have no idea where that guy went after he ran off.
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