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5 Fledgling


About HelloMegan

  • Birthday 03/17/1998

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  1. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  2. @Thundermaze hiya, is that other goomy still available 0.o?
  3. @Arthas7 Yep!, and @Salad Table Are u still online?
  4. @Vix956 okay! I'm about to hop on, just send me a trade request when ur ready. My ID: ShisuiVI
  5. Bleeeeeehhhhh I thought I responded but I guess I forgot to, sorry guys. @Stijnruijs @Vix956 @Salad Table yep, u can all get those, I'll be back on in a few hours so just hmu then when ur ready to trade
  6. Wow u guys had tons of great ideas, I think I'm gonna do the canine one first and do some of the others one after because they all sound fun. Thanks so much guys!
  7. @Karna it says its waiting on you to accept my offer
  8. yep, give me a minute to grab the mon @Karna
  9. @DerpyDragon Are u doing a fairy monorun lol Cuz i saw the other two fairies in your party
  10. okay be there in a minute @DerpyDragon
  11. @Karna @DerpyDragon I should be able to fulfill both of those requests lol
  12. @Gengar768 Actually, I still think it would be decent to have on a vulpix or two if ur still down to do it lol
  13. Sup guys, so I finished episode 17 and was thinking about doing a new run, but this time with pokemon based around a theme? So I was thinking maybe monotypes but, I feel like that's super common and might be something I do later, so I was wondering do u guys have any ideas/themes for runthrough teams?
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