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  1. Unfortunately I had a female meowstic in that run, lol
  2. Noel wasn't a problem for me (cause of generic Blaziken with bulk up + speed boost). As for the question, I've beaten both Reborn and Rejuvenation in their current status. I just restarted rejuvenation for intense mode. Slaking didn't bother me, I know how to deal with it. Porygon2 got 1 shotted. It was the fact that Cinccino was fast as hell with flinch hax that made it really infuriating to deal with.
  3. The hell is wrong with this pokemon? It's rock blast **always** causes mine to flinch. It's fast as fuck (I would need a crobat to outrun it) and its attacks are horrendously high with a disgusting coverage kit. What I want to know is why its rock blast has a 100% flinch proc. Is this a sick joke? Luckily I was able to defeat her, but it was disgusting.
  4. http://prntscr.com/83b5u5 Just gonna breed the damn thing.
  5. Kinda makes you question if it's even worth it. Probably Eevee since Ice and Steel become more prominent later in the game and counter the other two severely.
  6. Your choice if you want to take it out. And I'm just saying that relying on high RNG for rare pokes that already have plenty of counters in early game with the risks of natures and IVs being against them can be rather frustrating. It is optional of course, though two of them can be caught only through this method.
  7. Yeah I hope the RNG for these rare pokemon get tweaked. It's a bit ridiculous. Especially when nature and stats are thrown into the mix.
  8. You aren't kidding...this is gonna take hours
  9. What is this machine you all keep speaking of that I cannot seem to find
  10. Anybody else been having this problem? I keep resetting the Espurr for change of abilities, but Own Tempo never shows up so I can't get Prankster when it becomes a Meowstic. Anybody had this issue too?
  11. Sick of the over indulgence in making the gym leaders have a overly compensation of a competitive team. Keta for example, a whole fighting team with anti-flying and anti-psychic coverage with obscene stats implemented in them. I'm sure the try hards find this all well and good, but personally I find it disgusting when there's a need to make OP teams this early in the game. Not to mention the critical hit ratio for enemies have been disgustingly apparent. Along with the accuracy of their status effects. Oh and how Ren's entire team got a ninja buff? Seriously, stop with the try hard.
  12. Am I the only one hyped for this? I loved human revolution, and my boy Adam Jenson is ALIVE? Shit man, I want to play this NOW!
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