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  1. So, I'm not dead! For those wondering. Currently I'm working towards getting everything organized, deciding on proper starters (as there are two groups that you can choose from for two pokemon), and hopefully learning how to make some proper maps. There is already a slightly organized map that I have on paper, it'll just take quite a bit of work to get made into something proper. However, that is something I'll enjoy doing.... either way, I just wanted to give a quick update on progress. Ask questions as you'd like it!
  2. Confident in my coding skills, I am not. However, I'm pretty rigorous when it comes to actually doing something, so I'm more banking on how well my tenacity for this is. Here's the hope that I'll be able to do well.
  3. I didn't specify everything here, but I can give you general overview. Yes, the decisions you make in game exceptionally shift the plotlines for ALL characters, not just a few. And believe if or not, it will be morality based on realism. Any Pokémonyou "mistreat" (aka, using it as an HM slave, use them as fooder to heal other pokemon, etc...) there will be the chance of you losing your Pokémon... I'd go into more detail, but I don't want to give too much away.
  4. So... first post on this site, just a little nervous. I was inspired to make some sort of fangame after looking through the forum's on Reborn, and meeting up with the wonderful creators of Pokémon Empire (go check them out if you haven't already). As such, I only have an idea, but I hope that people enjoy the concept. Pokémon Project 001 - A game set on the mountainous Phyrria region. The region itself is unexplored, and as such, you must explore the land to properly understand it's secrets. The game will progress with you, building as you travel, creating places as you visit others. "There was a time, once, where we considered humans such as yourself to be normal, like us. It was only after a year of suppression that we realized that dream wasn't true, could not be true." "What, you think you're different? Why are you any different?" "Being simply you isn't enough for us, I hope you realize. It's not just a game." Pokémon Project 001 will be a story driven fangame, many different paths and many different branches. Not all content will simply be seen upon first arrival, you must explore, think about what you do, and how to properly become accustomed to the region. As a final note, this game is based on the concept of morality. Take that into consideration while playing.
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