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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AntonyJr

  1. Gen 1 - Dragonite Gen 2 - Suicune Gen 3 - Sceptile Gen 4 - Lucario(all time favourite) Gen 5 - Zoroark Gen 6 - Aegislash Gen 7 - Solgaleo Gen 8 - Zamazenta
  2. The only thing i have to say is try to forget about plusle and simipour. Not so good in this state of the game and later or at least if you like em so much have some sub pokemon that you can swap in your team.
  3. AntonyJr


    ok found it i did it !
  4. AntonyJr


    so how do i go back to this because deleting the font file dont work
  5. AntonyJr


    is there a way to make the game look like this ? I think it has to do with fonts right ?
  6. AntonyJr

    reaper cloth

    yea i found it on a post in reborn that shows all items location but thanks for the answer and your help
  7. AntonyJr

    reaper cloth

    i want to evolve my dusclops where do i find reaper cloth ?
  8. Also this was so important for my playthrou since i started with beldum as a starter. Thanks a lot again
  9. I was trying to make the mega ones change in paint.net and i couldnt do it i searched in tutorials and still couldnt fix them.Probably im bad but you are a lifesaver.I would like to see more custom recolors that you made for your favourite pokemons and i may use them
  10. Thank you man thanks a lot
  11. the only problem i have is the quality i dont know how to change it
  12. i will actually use them they so good ty
  13. i resized it but the quality is kinda bad so can you explain what you mean with that
  14. do you have any editing software in mind ?
  15. I want to change shiny metagross color to how it normally is gold and silver.Can i do that? When im changing the battlers to others from internet the image in game is too small. Can someone help ? Compare the normal ones to the ones i found on the internet in the photos down P
  16. Is there a way to change in game character to a custom one like in this video: And also is there a way to change battlers of how pokemon look?
  17. I like your team a lot but you need something for fairies 3 of your pokemon are weak to it and you dont have many attacks to counter.
  18. If i were a Gym leader or Elite four woud probably run this team:
  19. 1. Peliper(M) @ Damp Rock (lvl 64) Ability:Drizzle EVs: 252 HP/ 252 DEF/ 6 SP DEF Nature: Calm (-Att +Sp Def) Moves: Fly, Scald, Tailwind, Roost(maybe will swap for rain dance) Just to set up rain and tailwind 2. Kingdra(F) @ Life Orb (lvl 65) Ability:Swift Swim EVs: 252 SP ATT/ 252 SPEED/ 6 HP Nature: Modest(-Att +Sp Att) Moves: Dragon Pulse, Scald, Signal Beam , Flash Cannon My first sweeper with big speed and overall dmg 3 .Lapras(F) Shiny @ Leftovers (lvl 66) Ability:Hydration EVs: 252 HP/ 252 SP DEF / 6 DEF Nature:Calm (-Att + Sp Def) Moves: Surf, Freeze Dry, Rest, Toxic Bulkiness and toxic setup for annoying tanks 4. Ludicolo(M) @ Leftovers (lvl 66) Ability:Rain Dish EVs: 252 SP ATT/ 252 SP DEF / 6 HP Nature:Calm (-Att + Sp Def) Moves: Scald, Giga Drain, Ice Beam, Rain Dance Bulkiness dmg and rain dance set up 5. Swampert(M) @ Leftovers (lvl 68) Ability:Torrent EVs: 252 HP/ 252 ATT/ 6 SP DEF Nature: Adamant (-Sp Att + Att) Moves:Dive, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Ice Punch Bulkiness dmg and electrik cover 6. M Gyarados(M) @ Gyaradosite (lvl 69) Ability: Intimidate-Mold Breaker EVs: 252 ATT/ 252 SPEED/ 6 HP Nature: Adamant(-Sp Att + Att) Moves:Waterfall, Earthquake, Strength, Dragon Dance The main sweeper of the team and also very bulky.
  20. I believe that my hardest challenge was beating ice gym leader serra in episode 18.The compination of aurora veil and attacks missing resulting in me tking damage from mirror shattered was a pain.And also that flostlass...I missed like 10 consecutive attacks on it. So frustrating but i finally manage to beat her.
  21. AntonyJr


    Thank you this shared box thing actually worked
  22. AntonyJr


    i dont know if it is compatable but i found the game file today and when i played with it i couldnt fly outsite of circus .But i tryied trading my old with my new account with some pokemon having shards on them and it didnt work out
  23. AntonyJr


    so is there a way to get my 99x blue purple red green shards from my old account the one where shards was sold in agate circus?
  24. AntonyJr


    Wasnt there a guy who was selling these ? Did they remove him and replace him with the one who u batle to get 1 shard ?
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