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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AntonyJr

  1. Mine would be probably levitate becasue its like flying in a way
  2. AntonyJr


    i think im looking for a physical one with swards dance close comb ext speed and dont know what else maybe earthqueke or sth else dont know. Btw thank you both for your replies can i ask for more pokemon in the future ? Also how do we trade ?
  3. AntonyJr


    Anyone who willing to give me a riolu ? Sadly i dont have something to return i just started the game and i want riolu to make it friendly and evolve it as fast as possible.
  4. AntonyJr


    Dont know if this is the right place for this but where do i get the stickers especially for floor number 9-10 ?
  5. where i find ice stone
  6. ok found it AND yea Dark souls is life
  7. is there a way to get alola form ninetales ?
  8. looking for a shiny vulpix
  9. AntonyJr


    i trading a shiny starmie or volcarona max ivs evs with a shiny vulpix max ivs or shiny torchik max ivs or shiny gastly
  10. AntonyJr


    trading random pokemon holding leftovers or life ord for shinies with good iv
  11. is there a way to change how a shiny looks becasue i like more how the shiny mettagross looks in real pokemon games but only metagross the other shinies are awesome. Is there ? if someone can change me that i can send him my game file to do it.
  12. AntonyJr


    who trade it? and for what
  13. AntonyJr


    who can give me a munchlax ? i can offer shiny noibat and normal frookie unfortunately
  14. alright so how we battle with online play ?
  15. AntonyJr


    can someone give me larvitar larvesta gastly ralts aron eevee munchlax magikarp vulpix. Unfortunatly i can give back only frookies. and some shinies that i have like crustle vanilish hariyama swinub
  16. i will give you frookie
  17. Ill give you life orb for treeko you in man ?
  18. AntonyJr


    trading frokie for torchik
  19. AntonyJr

    giga drain

    Is Giga drain in game ? Can i get it ?
  20. Anyone knows where to find these 2 pokemons(charmander-treeko) ? I saw in the obtainable pokemon that they can be catched in an event.
  21. AntonyJr

    My team

    This is my team.But i have a problem.For example arcanine has only physical moves but his iv and ev are for special attack . How to chane that capture001.bmp
  22. is in episode 16 the game complete all gyms and elite 4? Also i feel like leaf blade attack was better at old animation how to change it to old but only this ability
  23. I just wanna ask when pokemon reborn episode 16 will be coming out.? Will it have sun and moon pokemons ?
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