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  1. Good to know. I wasn't sure what I'd do if I couldn't play the game with my seething hatred for the little prick.
  2. So is it just me or is Fern a lot less hateable in e19? I finally got around to downloading e19 and started a new save file to see all the changes and just paired up with him in Mosswater. It's early days yet but I remember his intro dialogue being a lot more aggressive. I hated him pretty much from the first but now he feels a lot less nasty for lack of a better word. Sure he still has that monstrous ego, but he seems more justifiably annoyed at being interrupted than out and out confrontational. Am I remembering e18 Fern wrong or did he really get a tone down?
  3. Not gonna lie, I was fascinated and loving this, and then I got to the end and may or may not have peed a little in fear.
  4. I'm looking for Blue Moon Ice Cream. Is there anyone willing to trade me some? I'm almost to the Water Treatment Plant where Titania wants it, and of course the mega stones, but I've been trying for days and the vendor hates me!
  5. I just installed this mod pack, and it erased all the pokemon I had in my Shared Box. I got them back by removing the mods and going to an earlier save file, but you may want to make a note to remove pokemon in the shared box before installation.
  6. I understand enjoying his work, I do. But as someone who has met the man on several occasions, he always left a sour taste in my mouth. While none of what he has done is technically illegal, it is still in very poor taste. There are two things that come to mind specifically that I did not approve of: Using his position as a celebrity to push his religion onto others in various ways, including handing out free cds of him reading his bible in the voices of his characters to everyone who attends his panels, including impressionable children who literally worshipped him. Yeah, they could say no, but these are kids. Let them decide for themselves. Bashing on a fellow guest who is a very prominent representative of the gay community and getting upset with fans of his who were also there to see said guest. This guest was one of the headliners at this con, and he was furious about it because there were more people there to see this other guest than there were to see him. I've always known he had an ego, I've seen it several times throughout the years, but he was literally sulking and telling off fans who even mentioned this other guest's name. There are more instances and friends of mine who also saw him at cons witnessed, but those are the two most prominent ones. Just some food for thought. The man isn't a saint, and celebrity status should not allow him to be treated as one.
  7. I volunteer at a horse rescue, and an elderly lady recently willed all of her animals to the rescue, consisting of 6 mini horses, 1 donkey, 1 full sized horse, and about 65 parrots and ~15 doves. We are a horse rescue, not a bird rescue. But fortunately myself and my two best friends are all bird people, so we've been spearheading the effort to find homes for these guys. Along the way, we each fell in love with some of the birds and were allowed to take them home. Among these birds, one in particular is breaking my heart. I call her Ame, for Ametaseru, and she is one very sick little sun conure. Despite being extremely active, Ame was severely emaciated, weighing only 90 grams (these birds average 100-130, and healthy, she is a larger specimen) and with an upper respiratory infection. Honestly, I thought I was going to have to put her down when I managed to squeeze her in with my avian vet the next day. But my vet thinks we can save her, it'll just be a long, hard process. As weak as she is, we cannot run any blood tests on her, so my friend is using her new baby, a blue and gold macaw she named Kaijuu, as our baseline, his results should be in early next week. In the meantime, I just have to do my best to fatten Ame up. I've already switched her from a seed diet to a pellet diet, though she isn't too sure about these funny fruits and veggies I keep putting in her dish. Her URI is being medicated, and despite everything, Ame is extremely friendly and outgoing! Unfortunately, however, the biggest obstacle to Ame's recovery is money. I've already spent $120 on her vet bills, and to get her fully tested I'm looking at another $400-500, and then there's treatment! To that end, I've set up a GoFundMe, with all donations going to Ame's care. If you can, would you consider please donating anything? My friend has offered custom pet portraits for donations of $10 of more. If we are lucky enough to get more donations than needed, all extra money will go to the rest of the birds, primarily my other intakes, a Half Moon Conure named Tsukiyomi (Kiyo), an African Grey named Dwayne The Flock Johnson, and a one legged Indian Ringneck dubbed Caaaarrrrl. Even if you can't donate, do you think you could spread the word? Donate To Help Save Ame!
  8. Just rip my heart out, why don't you!? I have adored that sweet child from the beginning, and now this happens? asdkjasdl;fj;g LIN YOU WILL DIE! Yeah, I just got Titania's badge on the Reshiram path. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT
  9. I have to go now, I'll be on tomorrow afternoon, could we trade then?
  10. Great! I'm on for the next 25 minutes. Are you free to do the trade now?
  11. Sorry, had to go to work, are you there?
  12. Thanks! My online name is Aikofox, game name Aiko. Never done the Online play with Reborn before, though.
  13. Can anybody help?? I really want to up my points with Titania and get the mega stones from Nyu
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