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Scyl last won the day on January 1 2024

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67 Samaritan

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    Dis Pear.
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    Estoy mirando las estrellas en otra galaxia.

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  1. Just buy a SteamDeck. It works on there. /s.
  2. I don't think there is, outside of getting insanely lucky. I think there used to be an event that pumped your Pokémon's IV pretty far into the game, but it was disabled. I don't know if they've reenabled it, but...
  3. Rejuv doesn't have online multiplayer iirc, and even if it did, there's definitely no way to trade between Reborn/Rejuv.
  4. https://pokemon-desolation.fandom.com/wiki/Protagonists Those are the canon names for the protags, I'd assume.
  5. Necesitas tocar las notas en el suelo en un orden específico. Los NPCs deberían decírtelo; Creo que el código es 2332-4332, pero no recuerdo. Si tocas las notas, reproducirán un sonido a sonar como los números en Inglés (eso se supone que es el indicador.)
  6. Did you set the main theme in the jukebox?
  7. Considering Essentials operates in real time. Probably that.
  8. Why are you replying to 4 year-old posts? Also, you can edit the save file via RPG Maker XP. Alternatively, you could probably just ask someone in the Discord/make a forum post to have someone edit the save file if you don't trust yourself enough to not mess up. Obviously, before attempting to manipulate your save, create a back-up.
  9. I'd assume that one. You can probably just open this in an editor and tweak the numbers.
  10. There should be a script section for the Mart's UI if you open the game via RPG Maker or the script section with an editor; you probably just need to change the values for the base color and shadows in there. @baseColor = Color.new(240, 240, 240) @shadowColor = Color.new(120, 120, 120) Something like that.
  11. Uh, why didn't you just post this in the same thread as your project?
  12. Technically speaking, anything can work. Personally, I've just always used Photoshop and Aseprite. It ultimately doesn't really matter, as the learning curve is going to spike you hard, irrespective of whichever program you decide to use. I'd say Aseprite is probably the best if you're looking for free/cheap programs that has the basic functions that you'll need for a game; you can compile it for free, iirc. But even if you have to drop the money, it's not particularly expensive on Steam. Tl;dr: It doesn't really matter, pick 1 and practice so you can produce quality work in whichever program you're using.
  13. For maximum clarity on the issue, we'd need to know as much information as you can give us about the topic. What other Pokémon have been missing in addition to your Rattata, and which fields have you been battling on, what their abilities are, what items they're holding, etc. The Rattata one is a pretty simple answer: it most likely has Hustle, which lowers the accuracy of all moves it uses down to 80%.
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