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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by RobinS

  1. Thanks for all your advice! I've finally done it, after 2 more attempts. I think he doesn't heal for this battle. Thank god, it would've been a lot harder.
  2. Yeah it does have Speed Boost, I forgot to mention it. In my box I don't really have anything remarkable other than the ones I mentioned (Eelektross and Exeggutor), I mean I have a Gible but I'd have to train it and I don't think it's going to be of much use this battle. I'll check later if I have anything else good.
  3. Any tips? Other pokemon I have at an adequate level are an Eelektross and AlolanExeggutor (I only have it for when I need Trick Room).
  4. Yay, I finally did it!!! Flash Fire and Fake Out turned out to be really helpful!
  5. Thanks a lot for this advice! For the time being I have changed Arcanine's ability. As for Fake Out, I will have to get a heart scale before (I hope I can mine it somewhere...). In the box I think the only pokemon usable for this fight is a Golem (with EQ, Stealth Rock, Self-destruct and rock blast and sturdy as ability). However, it is only level 40.
  6. I am stuck with Charlotte :S This is my current team: - Swampert (lv 68) with Rock Slide, Earthquake, Surf and Hammer Arm. Ability: Damp - Arcanine (lv 63) with Crunch, Flamethrower, Take Down and Agility. Ability: Intimidate - Hariyama (lv 62) with Knock Off, Close Combat, Heavy Slam and Force Palm. Ability: Thick Fat - Braviary (lv 62) with Defog, Brave Bird, Air Slash and Crush Claw. Ability: Sheer Force - Ampharos (lv 62) with Signal Beam, Power Gem, Thunder Wave and Discharge. Ability: Static - Beartic (lv 61) with Strength, Icicle Crash, Rest and Blizzard. Ability: Snow Cloak. I was thinking of using a Trick Room user, so that Swampert outspeeds everything and earthquakes them to death. I thought about trying it with a Heatproof Bronzong but I don’t know if it will be enough...
  7. I can't find the second chair (the one I have found was near the front of Serra's house) and the bed... Any clue? Edit: I have located the bed, now all that's left is the chair. Edit2: nevermind, I just solved myself XD. Sorry for the trouble.
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