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Everything posted by IvoryOwl92
Although the game shows promise, there's a few inconsistencies in the story after the "intro"... I believe they're leftovers from the previous versions who still need to be revamped. This is more of a head's up to people than anything else - in case anyone wants to play the game with a more "set-in-stone" story. Also the soundtrack is amazing but a tad too quiet in comparison to the rest of the game. By the way where can I find the one that plays right at the beginning (sounds like a musicbox)? Or its name?
Gen 3 vs Gen 5 Tiles - Which side are you on?
IvoryOwl92 replied to Caz's topic in Resources and Tutorials
Of all the interesting and detailed characters, you had to pick the one of the worst (as far as looks go) to showcase each gen... Gen 3 doesn't look bad but its extremely over-used at this point and I'm getting a weeee bit tired of it. I assume its also the easiest one to work with, which is why many developers prefer it over the newer generations. And lag problems be damned! Either fan-made authors need to optimize their games or people need to upgrade their toasters. Seriously... a PC lagging to a pokemon game... I would be embarrassed. -
Not sure if this is the case here so take it with a grain of salt. In Pokemon Insurgence, battles that only give you 1xp usually means you've hit the "level cap" and need to advance further in the story (acquire badges, complete missions, etc) to increase the maximum level again. Since Pokemon Scribe doesn't rely on gym battles until the second half of the story, maybe you need to create a placeholder item that works the same way as a badge, otherwise the game will cap them because of the lack of progression. This exists to prevent players from over-grinding and steam-rolling over content that is supposed to be difficult, i.e gym leaders.
Of all the types, my least favorite are Rock and Ground for sure... main reason being their design. They're also supposed to be great defensive-wise but that doesn't seem to be case all the time as some still die extremely easily. The most under-appreciated types IMO are Poison, Ice and Normal. Why Poison? Simply put, they aren't glass-cannons or sweepers. This type is better suited for battles of attrition and that's a huge turn off for many players who prefer to KO their enemy in the least amount of time possible. They have good defenses and many useful moves that apply status effects to debilitate their enemies in a fight. People who use Poison types have to rely on strategy to win rather than brute force but most people simply prefer the easy way out so they use sweepers instead. "Professionals" I guess... Ice is an extremely under-appreciated type. Instead of judging it by its weaknesses, judge it by its strengths - its super useful against 4 types, one of which is extremely overused (I'm looking at you Dragon type). Its pretty balanced stat wise, can apply freeze (which is better than paralyze AND sleep) and happens to have two of my favorite Pokemon - Lapras and Glaceon. Normal types are what I call a jack of all trades. They're the masters of versatility. Normal types have a huge move pool at their disposal, from direct damage, to debuffs, buffs, self-heals, disables, DoTs, sound attacks, physical attacks, special attacks, etc. Their diversification makes them extremely interesting to play.
This is hard one... I'm one of those people that just pick a type and tries to make it work. Probably not the most "professional" way of playing pokemon but I've learned to enjoy each type for what they are and the benefits they bring to the table. That said, I've noticed my least used (and therefore less favorite types) are definitely Rock and Ground. I really don't like to pick a favorite because I like them all (minus the types mentioned earlier)... but if I really had to choose I'd go with Poison, Psychic and Grass. I'm a big fan of moves that cause status effects, leech health and prevents the enemy from doing anything - drop confuse ray, then paralyze them, use fire vortex and leech seed. Alternatively I like to use sleep or bad poison and then rotate through the drain skills I have to restore my pokemon and kill my enemy slowly! I guess based on all of this I'm more of a defensive player... good thing I don't play competitively or else I'd either die before I finish my rotation or get stuck in a battle for half an hour, if I use wall pokemon. If I can't kill them then might as well make them use all of their PP, right?
Am I the only who one got baffled by the questions at the beginning? Lol I like Espurr - it may not be the best battler early on and but it looks cute and its a psychic type, which I like. However, it seems like I have long hours of grind EV training ahead of me before it become a good battler... but I guess that's the point. I know I was warned about the lag but I didn't expect it to be so bad in certain locations. Why is that? Scripts? Also, kudos to whoever made the music, its great! PS: I cracked up when I found a Burn Heal in the room where you take the exam. I see what you did there...
I've played several Pokemon fan-made games, including RGSS and ROM hacks and I have yet to see one that is all about 'The Hood' lifestyle (drugs, gangs, crime-lords, underworld activity, etc). The only game I know of that comes close to that is Reborn with its street gangs and even that is barely touching the surface of what it could be... but I haven't finished it yet so I don't know how far it goes into that topic. Hinting at a life of crime and dedicating an entire game to it are two different things... at least as far as I see it.
Spot on. I can't drop a vote because all of them show promise, it just depends on what the OP is capable and willing to do in terms of immersion and story.
Fan game Idea ~ Pokemon Final Edition
IvoryOwl92 replied to Raiju Fulger's topic in Resources and Tutorials
Probably a crazy idea but... what do you think about combining Silent Hill with Pokemon? At least it would be a little different. Make it so the protagonist is drawn to a an isolated place and in there weird things start happening that are related to his past and psychological traumas? I don't see a problem with resorting to DarkRay or Hypno... as long as the story is coherent and interesting enough. Maybe some legendary pokemon (or fakemon) of dreams and nightmares died but his aura still lingers and influences an entire region to a reign of horror. Or maybe young people venture into that place to prove their worth and maturity in a community, kinda like the trials some tribesmen have to go through to become adults. After all, it takes a lot of effort and overcome your worst fears and nightmares and still come out alive and relatively sane. -
The other day I mentioned in a different thread how I wished to see a different kind of pokemon game, one that breaks away from the mold and tries to do things a little differently. Well lo and behold, I think I found it! Based on the screenshots and features, this game shows a lot of potential and hits all the right spots - the graphics are amazing, pokemon follow you and the story focus on something more than just gyms and Leagues. I'm bookmarking this game so I can keep track of its progress. Keep up the good work!
Awww... welp, I can tweak existing sprites if needs be but making animations entirely from scratch? Nope. Thanks for the help anyway and sorry for initially posting it in the wrong section!
As the title indicates, I wish to change the appearance of my main protagonist and there's 2 trainers whose's looks I like - Kimono girl and Victoria . I've read a little and apparently it has something to do with swapping files but... before I screw up anything beyond repair, I would like to ask the kind community to give me directions in what I must do. I'm starting anew so don't worry about save files.
Looking for a new fan made game to play.
IvoryOwl92 replied to ColinTheCreator's topic in Fan-game Exposé
The ones I'm enjoying so far are Pokemon Glazed and Pokemon Gaia. Glazed is an Emerald ROM hack that is very much close to completion (99%) and can be quite challenging at times. It also has one the best graphics (IMO) for a fan-made pokemon game. I haven't gone too deep into it yet but the from what I've heard the story is pretty decent with your standard beat-the-evil team type. You have 3 regions to explore plus Dream World, a world you occasionally find yourself in that mirrors the normal universe. Also, don't know if it bothers you or not but Pokemon don't follow you... just for your information. Pokemon Gaia is a FireRed ROM hack that is still in development and, as far as I played, is easier than Glazed. Despite being a FireRed ROM the graphics are quite decent! The story has great potential because it focus on archaeological and historical discovery rather than beating Gyms and winning the League (you still do that, but its not the main focus of it). Your goal is to discover and learn about an ancient civilization that got wiped by earthquakes, and make it so their fate doesn't befall on your own town too. As with Glazed, Pokemon don't follow you around. Contrary to most pokemon games I've played, this one actually incentives you to interact with your environment - a suspicious looking rock or tree stump can contain loot and, in some cases, rare objects that are worth a fair sum if given to the right NPC! -
1) I would like to see a pokemon game that breaks away from the mold and gives you more things to do, or has a story that ins't so focused on beating all the Gyms and competing in the League. The whole idea of conquering your way to fame, of winning all the badges and the League is just... old and boring now... not to mention done to death. It should be an optional thing rather than the entire focus of the game. 2) Pokemon follow you around. 3) Side-quests and events where your decisions matter and impact the story. 4) Give us the option to play as the bad guys. 5) Mini-games! 6) My preferred graphics are the ones from Pokemon Glazed. 7) Factions we can join and jobs we can do - similar to what Pokemon Godra did. 8) Challenging but not unfairly so. 9) I don't particularly care about fakemon one way or the other, but if they're going to be added then please... try to make them as close to the "real deal" as possible. These are the most important things I can think of. Of course you don't have to make ANY of these... they're just ideas I would like to see. The Pokemon world is vast and full of wonders for us to explore and so far most people prefer to focus on the competitive and conquering aspect rather than expanding on its lore and history - which is something Pokemon Gaia did. One of my videogame dreams is to play a pokemon RPG, not much different from Elder Scrolls or Fallout... I don't care if its a ROM hack or RGSS... but I know that will never happen. Another close call is one where we play as the pokemon - I know there's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but the problem is its a dungeon crawler type of game, which I don't like.