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  1. Yeah my game is on 9.2, had to download the patch to fix the earlier Sheridan glitch where Keta didn't talk.
  2. Character unable to move after Kakori Village Help Centre quest with the Rogenrola, unable to move after interacting with the Rogenrola, can this be fixed please and thank you? Game.rxdata
  3. Male and the black skin tone model
  4. I seem to have changed gender after the hooded character library part in Blacksteeple Prison, anyone can change me back? Or am I now stuck as a little blonde girl? Thanks in advanced. game.rxdata
  5. Considering doing an Ice Monotype run. Due to there being no/very few ice types in the game at the start I would like to request to have some injected into my game: Amaura, Snover and Spheal. Amaura Level: 5 Ability: Refrigerate Nature: Quiet Snover Level: 5 Ability: Snow warning Nature: Brave Spheal Level: 5 Ability: Thick fat Nature: Modest Decent IV's around the 20 mark please and thank you, female for breeding please. If you're feeling generous throw in an egg move ;3 Not needed though. Thanks in advance~ game.rxdata
  6. Doing a Duo type challenge, using a Toxic theme, only bug and poison types allowed. Would be great-full if someone could change the mystery egg to be a definite Larvesta? Perhaps a Tentacool in the PC too, but this ain't all too needed or necessary, just if you're feeling generous~ ;o Thanks in advance. Currently in the Police Station beside the guy that offers the mystery egg trade. Game.rxdata
  7. Qwilfish can also be found in the Gearan Sewers with the Good rod, got a shiny of it too~
  8. Got an Eevee in less than half a hour, when I said only to try 5 more times before going to chose Chimchar...But the Eevee's nature and Iv's are terrible for all good Eeveelutions...RIP in Pisces Eevee.
  9. Finishing Episode 15 Nuzlocke kinda want to do a run that requires less, well death and tedious grinding. Looking for suggestions of two types of Pokemon that I am restricted to only using them. Prefered to be in some form of a theme such as: Nature: Water/Grass types. Mystic: Fairy/Psychic for example. Suggestions would be appreciated, also, if anyone could change my starter to a certain Pokemon if the type chosen types are not available amongst the usual water/fire/grass starters. Would also be able to offer my opinion on certain Pokemon in that type for the WIP monotype run through this~ Thanks in advance~
  10. Kishin

    Dive Spots

    Already found that =o I guess since the Icy Caverns all interlink together is why you can get to there
  11. Kishin

    Dive Spots

    Ahh thought so, just asking as I was able to get that TM in Iolia Valley through the waterfall so was wondering if any others were active. Thanks~
  12. Kishin

    Dive Spots

    Are the dive spots around reborn functional, for example the one in Tanzan Cove. Finished the latest episode and was wandering around looking for some and nothing happened when I got there so was wondering is they were actually operational. I know the ones in Ametrine mountain (etc) work just curious about the ones scattered about reborn? Or is that going to Episode 16?
  13. For some reason my Igni(Blaziken) scared his ferrothorn out, 3spoopy5him. Guess you could say about Fern's joke is that "I'm really feeling it."
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