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About AegonT

  • Birthday 01/02/1993

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    Young Griff
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  1. Hey, guys! I'm stuck. =( When I try to enter on the Residential Complex, the game send me back to Cassandra's room (I've already watched her dialog with Madelis) but I'm invisible and there's nothing I can do to break this loop. Can somebody help me out? Thx Game.rxdata
  2. Hey, guys! I'm stuck hehe I'm on v7, Amberette Town and waiting Melia fix up the thing with Venam's hair... I think I've done everything (talked to Kanon, Irvin, everybody in the town, read both diaries but the door is still locked and they don't got out. Does anyone have the same issue?
  3. I really like the intro and the plot, dude! Keep up with the good work.
  4. To me, Meowstic was a really good surprise.
  5. For me, doesn't work making a schedule. I can't plan too much, just have to do it.
  6. I'm really excited! The holograms they showed probably is not gonna happen, but I actually don't mind too much (yeah, it will be fucking awesome if they do a google glass thing!). Definitely it is an amazing video production. I look foward to the release.
  7. Very interesting ideas, dude! Especially the civil war thing. I would love to play another deep well thought out Pókemon game. Good luck on that!
  8. Awesome graphics and plot! Can't wait for the release.
  9. Great start, dude. Do u already have the starters sprites? Good work!!
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