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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SgtNoobly

  1. nope ame btw my laptop is hacked i see white pellets falling down my screen no mattr where i go on the reborn thread plz send help (sarcasm if u coulndt tell derp derp)
  2. NAH BUT NOW AME SENPAI SHALL APPEAR guys i really want her to come after my posts ):
  3. When u say something about urself and whats going on and no one bats an eye not that im suprised i would do the same but im just curious do u just go "umm okay, lol?" and move on i think thats wut i do but sometimes ill give in my input if needed ame
  4. nop-wait what o correct Ame man when its been over 2 months and u still havent gotten over that person u bonded with deeply and rlly fast for like 4 days
  5. 11/10 too good Im also restarting aswell because I hated my team So this is like the fourth time I am redoing reborn, (I never completed it the other 2 times cus my laptop was shit) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good luck U know which starter ur getting?
  6. not micky but i like it that magnezone banner i think we know what the means boyyys aint that right ame
  7. nope but lugruft i like they way u think about summoning me to summon ame ame i was cald a saddist at school today for no reason :/
  8. the fact that i need to do so much for the FIRST gym ;/ also the audions destroy me and heal up whatever damage they took I think im just gonna come back to this game later when im not too butt hurt ( i dont have the game anymore anyways due to laptop crash)
  9. oops i meant for the trainer with the audino (when i said her) and i meant sandile not krookidle sorry!!
  10. I dont have the game anymore cus computer crashed but i had krookodile water grass type water ground type (just because of this gym) meowth bidoff in training ( i h8 grinding) and the pokemon trainer in the village u can grind off of i barley do dmage to her pokemon and then they just heal it all back ;/
  11. nope ame lugruf why u keep trying to summon me
  12. i really like what the game is offering, but the first gym is really painful and my team always gets destroyed by it its frustrating. Are we supposed to have a full team before the first gym or something?!?!?
  13. thanks i thought this was a joke till i clicked the link xd' ame
  14. dosent work like that trust me i tried soooo many times and i gave u time aswell so ); ame btw guys how do i join the discord chat i cant find a link to it
  15. this topic is more active than usual whats up everyone having more free time ahh cus of thanksgiving ame
  16. Who are those other 2 voices in my head
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