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Lord Regal

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lord Regal

  1. Ah well, at least it's not the longest trip in the world to get rage powder to it. (Though I'm confused...I thought it shouldn't be doable to get it through Ametrine until much later? I just did it with no problems with only Surf for Ametrine mobility...)
  2. Hello, Am attempting to get Salandit post Samson...have an Abra with teleport, getting rage powder from the end of route two, porting back to Amaria/Titania's place, and going to the Crustle in front of the cave without jumping on any unstable rocks, but my powder is gone by the time I get there. Is it not possible to do early anymore?
  3. Welcome to Reborn! Salamance is cool…not exactly my favorite Pokemon ever, but certainly one I can respect and work with. Enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  4. Dang it I almost got to do the thing... Welcome to Reborn! Don't taunt Arceus…I'd like to keep the world intact if possible…in any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay, and I'll see you around!
  5. Welcome to Reborn! Always nice to see an interest in reading…seems to be a dying luxury nowadays, which is truly saddening. In any case, you know the drill by now, but it's nice to see you're taking the mandatory permanent stay thing seriously. I'll continue to see you around!
  6. Welcome to Reborn! A Nuzlocke run is going to be brutal, though it sounds you've gotten quite far which is awesome…I wish you the best of luck in finishing it up…in any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  7. It's not about whether or not YOU think you're being offensive, it's whether other people take it offensively. Better safe than sorry, right? In any case, welcome to Reborn, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay, and I'll see you around!
  8. Welcome to Reborn! Sapphire was my first Pokemon game as well, so I can well relate to starting there…Alpha Sapphire was a dream come true pretty much…so much nostalgia. My favorite Pokemon…it depends on what you're classifying as 'favorite'…if I had to pick a single one though, it'd be Gallade. In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here at Reborn, and I'll see you around!
  9. Welcome to Reborn! The difficulty was one of the things that drew me here too, and it certainly hasn't disappointed in that regard. Hope you enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  10. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above THAT. Status bar (for whatever's on your mind) is below the rules, don't mix those up if you can help it, for your own lack of embarrassment. Enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here at Reborn, and I'll see you around!
  11. Growing up…would have to either be the three Game Boy Color Zeldas (Link's Awakening DX, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages) or Sonic Adventure 2 Battle…those games were incredibly defining of my earlier life, and I still love playing all of them to this day.
  12. Welcome to Reborn! You're not alone with your love of dark typesand meanwhile my water types are ignored, so don't feel like you're alone there…you'll actually fit in really well with a lot of people! Enjoy your permanently mandatory mandatory permanent stay, and I'll see you around!
  13. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Status bar (for whatever's on your mind) is below the rules, mix them up at your own peril. In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  14. Huh, welcome back…past is the past, so you should be fine. Glad to see you're taking the mandatory permanent stay thing seriously though. I'll see you around!
  15. Heh, can't say you're a brand new face to me, either, but hey, you're here, that's the important thing, right? I won't do my usual intro spiel, as I'm sure you know it already, but I WILL say to continue to enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  16. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Status bar is below the rules, mixing those up can be funny for everyone else, so do or don't as you see fit. In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  17. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above THAT. Status bar is below the rules, try not to mix those up for your own piece of mind, or don't for our amusement. I just realized if you've lurked for a while you probably already know that, but dang it I typed it out already, I'm not deleting it. You're more of a veteran in this game than I am, so I'll leave it at that…I'll see you around!
  18. Welcome to Reborn! Half the time we're not sure what's going on either, but we have fun no matter how clueless we are! Have fun during your mandatory permanent stay at Reborn, and I'll see you around!
  19. Lord Regal


    Welcome to Reborn! We're a rather casual community, welcoming of all levels of sanity…how else do you think I got here?…enjoy your mandatory permanent stay, and I'll see you around!
  20. Lord Regal


    Welcome to Reborn! To answer your question, you get Reborn Dollars (or whatever they're called) whenever you post, and you can save up to buy items for your sprite in your trainer card. Donating also gets you Reborn Dollars. Hope that helps, and I'll see you around!
  21. RIP Iwata…you were the top dog at the company that got me into video games for a long time…know that your passion became mine through games that you had a hand in, and that your work will continue to do so for a long time to come.
  22. Sloth for me…not in the traditional 'I don't do work' sense, though that certainly does factor in at times, but I look for ways to avoid doing things that I find unnerving or otherwise displeasing. If given the option between going out and staying in, I'll choose in every time. If one option is risky, expect me to take the safe alternative.
  23. If Pokemon has taught me anything, it's that while it's possible go through life however you'd like, using any kind of strategy you'd like to do so, if you want to be competitive, your options are a lot more limited.
  24. Welcome to Reborn! Nothing wrong with lurking, that's my general state of activity on forums…The one responsible for me NOT lurking here knows who he is... Rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above THAT. Status bar (for silly thoughts you want to share or other such things) is below the rules, mixing the bars up may be detrimental to your health…we're still looking into exactly WHY, though... In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here, and I'll see you around!
  25. This would be excellent…I'd love to see how my team stacks up against the ones other people've come up with to get through this game…especially since I've been told a couple of my choices as far as permanent team members were…unorthodox.
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