Hello all, I'm Lord Regal, LR or Regal for short. You can thank Autumneverlast for both prodding me into picking up this game and joining the forum. I dislike intro threads because I can never come up with anything to say about myself, but let's see if I can't come up with something or other...
Nope, got nothing.
…That's no way to do this, so let's rectify that...
I'm a geek through and through, to the extent my major in college is Computer Science with a minor in Music. I play games, I read all sorts of fiction, I watch anime (also thanks to Autumn…jeez, guy seems to know things I'll enjoy…)...I'm a huge music geek, and will spout on about melodies and harmonies and all that if you let me as well. I'm a senior moderator over on a very different international forum, with my sectional focus being the Story and Roleplaying area. I'm a bit of a shut-in by choice…indoor activities on the whole interest me more than a night on the town, though swimming, golfing, and ice skating are exceptions that will get me out of the house. I enjoy solid, well thought out discussions, and dislike one word answers (probably relates to the whole mod of a Roleplaying section deal).
…Ok, at this point I'm out of ideas on things to say. However, if you have questions about any of the above or have an area of life that I completely overlooked, feel free to ask me…odds are I'll be willing to say at least something about it. In any case, looking forward to seeing what this community has to offer, all while playing a game I've been thoroughly impressed with thus far (not too far past the third gym).