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Lord Regal

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Regal

  1. Welcome to Reborn! Well…I mean, you've been here longer than I have, so, um…hmm…umm…I'll…see you around?
  2. Welcome to Reborn! I would personally suggest sleeping…bad things tend to happen if you don't, and if you die you can't hang out with us more! In any case, I'll see you around!
  3. Welcome to Reborn! People here are a bit crazy, but so long as you don't mind the occasional…moment…you'll be fine! I'm totally not going to cause any of these moments, nope…not me… I'll see you around!
  4. Welcome to Reborn! I'm still pretty new here myself, but thus far I've enjoyed my stay here, and am confident you will as well. I'll see you around!
  5. An old screenshot, but one of my proudest moments in the game to date:
  6. Welcome to Reborn! Your name is going to make me want bacon every time I see it…you're evil…pure evil…I'll see you around, I'm sure!
  7. Cradily for me. The bulk, combined with the fact it learns some particularly powerful moves to make up for its lackluster offensive stats makes for an excellent Pokemon. Plus I've always liked the design…even before I realized the markings on its head aren't its eyes, and the yellow bits were his eyes and not random teeth (which my seven year old brain thought they were going off the Gen 3 sprite)
  8. For clarification, the puzzle aspect is more of 'you have 6 statues attacking you. You cannot hurt them yourself. The current mission is to destroy them. How are you going to manage this?' or 'three deadly lasers are preventing you from passing this area. There's no way around them, and there's no switch to shut them off. How can you get through?' than a 'let's stop the action to have you solve this locked door puzzle' setup. It's a three dimensional world where you're constantly trying to clear your way forward while holding enemies off. For anything you alone cannot do, there's a glowing orb that you have loose control over that provides the answer to the problem. Successful manipulation of the orb and yourself is where the puzzle aspect comes from.
  9. I'll throw my two cents in and suggest both FORCED and Project Zomboid, both available on Steam. FORCED is an action/puzzle game that has you doing both simultaneously. It's a strange concept, but works really well. Features up to 4 player co-op, with "a completely separate game for each number of players" (they apparently made four versions of the game so it was just as challenging with any number of players). Rather challenging, but a good amount of fun. Project Zomboid is a game that takes away as much of the 'kill zombies to survive' bit as it's possible to do in a zombie survival game. So long as you're smart, the zombies won't be what kill you…lack of food, water, medicine, and available shelter is far more likely. The game informs you right at the start it's a 'play until you die' survival game (yes you can save and come back later), so there's no way to 'win'…it's all about how long you can hold out. Game's still in beta, with some features like NPC survivors yet to come, but the online multiplayer is a go, and it's entertaining to see just how long your chosen survival tactic will let you hold out against the inevitable.
  10. Let me amend my previous statement. All of my Pokemon in both my X and AS came from Gen 6. I haven't gotten Pokemon Bank yet because I want to have all my previous gens completely ready to filter into Gen 6 so I never have to pay for the service and do it all in the free trial. Plus, as I said above the only file I ever hacked got restarted so those don't exist anymore. Thus, there are no hacked Pokemon in the game. They're all either caught by me or caught by a friend, none of whom hack. And yet the only Pokemon the game thinks are legit are the ones I got through event distributions. I'm not completely averse to starting my AS over again, as I can easily salvage my shiny Metagross that was distributed, but my X has 400 or so hours on it with a lot of 'mon that'd be really, really difficult to replace (read as shinies with solid IVs). Thus why if there's a fix that doesn't involve starting the file over, I'd much rather take that route.
  11. Welcome to Reborn, fellow newcomer! I'll see you around, I'm sure. Enjoy!
  12. I've had problems with this for a while now, and only seem to remember on weekends when the Nintendo support center is closed (I've already tried online help, they said go to the help center, but didn't seem to understand my issue). Essentially, at some point, I'm not sure when, Both my X and AS versions got it in their heads that I hacked every Pokemon I have that isn't an event distributed one. As someone who has hacked a Pokemon game exactly once back in Gen IV and wound up restarting the file because I did it incorrectly, this is most certainly not the case. I wouldn't complain if it weren't for the fact this pretty much locks me out completely from battling/trading online, even if it's with friends. The team on my card was tearing through triple battles left and right, and I'd like to be able to do that again, as well as battle my friends now that I have friends who own the game (I got the games at launch, they were a bit slow on the uptake). My Y version was not affected by this, but then again I haven't even cleared the E4 there yet so it's hardly prepped for battling. Has anyone else had this issue, and if so how do you fix it?
  13. I'd also be an Ep 15 person, both forum and game. Looking forward to seeing what the future holds.
  14. Welcome to Reborn! I'm fairly new myself, but it's nice to see I'm hardly alone in the 'new members' crowd. Have fun, and I'll probably see you around at some point!
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! To those who posted music, I enjoyed everything sent, with special mention to the Sizzlebird song…wound up listening to a couple other pieces by them, quite impressive. To those who mentioned I take a look at your RP section, I assure you that was one of the first things I did…I'm both intrigued and slightly intimidated…the place I mentioned moderating an RP section is a lot more compact than this, with my section only having six active members right now…it's really cool to see a section with so much more draw, but it's also a bit unnerving…plus the way you handle certain things is very different, so I'd need to be careful not to mess those up should I get involved. Not saying those're dealbreakers, they're just things I'm keeping in mind. Hmm…Flux, the world needs more Comp Sci and Music people, so glad to run into another weirdo who's on the same wavelength there. Shia, Higurashi and Madoka are tied with two others for the top spot in my personal anime rankings, so you can be assured I enjoyed the crap out of both of those. Again, thanks for the welcome, and I'll see you around, I'm sure!
  16. Hello all, I'm Lord Regal, LR or Regal for short. You can thank Autumneverlast for both prodding me into picking up this game and joining the forum. I dislike intro threads because I can never come up with anything to say about myself, but let's see if I can't come up with something or other... Nope, got nothing. …That's no way to do this, so let's rectify that... I'm a geek through and through, to the extent my major in college is Computer Science with a minor in Music. I play games, I read all sorts of fiction, I watch anime (also thanks to Autumn…jeez, guy seems to know things I'll enjoy…)...I'm a huge music geek, and will spout on about melodies and harmonies and all that if you let me as well. I'm a senior moderator over on a very different international forum, with my sectional focus being the Story and Roleplaying area. I'm a bit of a shut-in by choice…indoor activities on the whole interest me more than a night on the town, though swimming, golfing, and ice skating are exceptions that will get me out of the house. I enjoy solid, well thought out discussions, and dislike one word answers (probably relates to the whole mod of a Roleplaying section deal). …Ok, at this point I'm out of ideas on things to say. However, if you have questions about any of the above or have an area of life that I completely overlooked, feel free to ask me…odds are I'll be willing to say at least something about it. In any case, looking forward to seeing what this community has to offer, all while playing a game I've been thoroughly impressed with thus far (not too far past the third gym).
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