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16 Fledgling

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  1. Anyone know how Ursaring evolves into Ursaluna? Document says "ItemNight" which I've tried giving Peat Block + Leveling at 2400, as well as using Peat Block at 2400, neither worked for me. Also, is Basculin-White Stripe is available in the wild? Found plenty of Red and Blue-Striped in the Undernet regions but no White ones. Really digging the new sprites Thanks
  2. Hey I'm stuck :( Might have been trying to install some other sandbox mods. Is there anything wrong with my save file? Game.rxdata
  3. I think the secluded jungle totem requires an item that drops from the restored malchous forest?
  4. Nevermind, there's 2 interactable things, thanks for the quick response! Hope you're feeling better from whatever MRI/EEG stuff is going on.
  5. What a wonderful update, thanks for your work! Can I get a hint on the Abandoned Mines for altforms? I'm stuck in the last lift room--big open area with an abandoned power plant. There's a locked building on the left that says "This must open somehow...," a green machine on the left that says "It spins, but nothing happens...", a second green machine that says "No Power...", an unreachable TM Ball on the right, and a bunch of silver tiles that say "Wooloo..." inside the abandoned power plant in the middle. I slept in a bed in the powerplant and got a Spiritomb cry, but nothing else happened. As far as I can tell I've stepped on all the Wooloo tiles. There's a final room in the power plant that seems to be a dead end. Talking the the NPC in the center hub who is supposed to help with Tech Support hasn't done anything. Thanks!
  6. Hello friend, this looks like you did a lot of work and thanks for posting, but I'm not sure what the contents of this are? Would you happen to know which bits and pieces of each mod are included, what custom pokemons are available from each of the other games, any story changes, how to activate different events, etc.?
  7. Cool, extra Alolan Formes/Delta Species! Is there a way to get extra plates? Is mining the big way right now?
  8. Bottlecaps with USUM and level 100-cap next update? Maybe with updated Pickup table?
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