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They'll probably just hack in something to deal with it like they'll doing with Rare Candies so they don't have to grind. I'm just laughing at the fact that they're complaining about the possibility of Blitzle not having 2 of the 3 abilities that make it immune to electric and the possibility of getting a Zigzagoon rather than Pachirisu while complaining about not having access to Mud Sport. Its not like you get handed an Ability Capsule you could use on Blitzle if you don't feel like resetting until it has what you want and you can raise Zigzagoon over the level cap to get Mud Sport before lowering it if you really want to use it in the gym.
Honestly their complaints from that come across as kind of extremely petty. "You mean I have to use Abilities that grant immunity instead of just throwing out ground types or ghosts? What garbage!"
Thanks. I really liked this solely for making breeding easier and IV adjustment for Pokemon I'd been using the entire time but wanted to be able to go back after to the regular game. Oh, one more thing I forgot, I unintentionally picked up the Mega Ring will that screw anything up along with having unreleased Pokemon beforehand? I had Pokemon made unavailable in the newest version and got another that never was from trading.
Can you return a save you put into Sandbox Mode back into the regular game without any consequences as long as you don't give yourself any items/moves/Pokemon not released in the current episode?
Ntfth started following Dr. Exorcist's IV/Shiny Trading Thread and Pokemon Reborn: Sandbox Mode
@Dr. Exorcist Would you be willing to trade the 27/31/31/31/31/31 Sneasel on your list (or alternatively breed a 31/31/31/x/31/31 with Crush Claw and Icicle Crash) for a 31/31/31/31/31/16 female Modest Cubone with Belly Drum, Chip Away, and Iron Head?
I'm on wait for request. Is the ID you need to enter to send the request the username, trainer name, or the ID number that displays when you Wonder Trade? I haven't done a trade with a specific person before. Edit: the ID number on my trainer card is 39824, trainer name is Selena, and online username is ntfth. Are one of those the ones you need? Edit 2: Thanks!
The ID is just the username you use to log on the online play area in-game right? I haven't done non-wondertrades before.
I can trade now. My username is the same as it is on here but the n isn't capitalized.
Are both the ones listed on the front page still available? I'd prefer the one without perfect HP over the one without perfect Speed if those two are the only ones you've got ready. If I'm not reading what the x HP and x Spd mean totally wrong. I got the egg just need to hatch it.
I'd like a Dratini. But if you don't have one ready or it would take awhile/you already have a different Pokemon I'd take ready instead I'd be fine with instead a Gastly, Scyther, Marill, or Axew. I don't care about them being shiny, having EVs, or Nature. 5IVs are fine with me as long as the imperfect one is in the attack stat they won't use (or in Marill's case Special Attack) or HP.
Oh okay then. I've got a Zangoose I can trade you, just need to breed a second first.
Are you looking for the Zorua/Zangoose to also have 5-6 IVs or will any do?