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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. Yes, it is. You can get it from the Police Station after you've saved all of them. You trade a Growlithe egg for it.
  2. If you find all the officers before Corey, they do become trainers in his Gym. You can still get the Mystery Egg before beating Corey though. I got it before the Beryl PULSE.
  3. That feel when you're listening to music on Youtube and can't be bothered to skip ads, and then one comes up that's ten minutes long.
  4. That feel when a sentence comes out spectacularly badly.
  5. Whoops, sorry. Will remember in the future. One more week, one more Psychic-type ranking. Swoobat
  6. You can get Ducklett later on at Tanzan Cove.
  7. In Gen VI, it learns Rain Dance at Level 53.
  8. Usually whichever one my team is least prepared for. But for usage, I'd have to say Ice. It's got too many weaknesses for only having one resistance.
  9. In my mono-Fighting, I used a hyper-Offensive team that took advantage of the Drainer move Drain Punch. I had almost everyone in my team running it. In my current run, a mono-Psychic, I'm using an Offensive Trickster set. Prankster Meowstic M sets up dual screens (and has Charm because of a certain Garchomp), and Magician Delphox steals items.
  10. Onix evolves by using a Link Stone while it's holding a Metal Coat. Metal Coats are occasionally held by wild Magnemite.
  11. I meant the one that you get when you give the police officer a Growlithe egg.
  12. You can get Azurill from the Mystery Egg. Any files where you get the starter before E15 always get Azurill, and there's a one in eighteen chance that the egg will contain Azurill in a game started in E15.
  13. That's been removed. Now you get Igglybuff from that event. Usually, people only edit in Pokémon for runs where there isn't an option to use before the first gym (e.g. Ice, Rock). You have lots of choice in a duo-type run, so you should be fine.
  14. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Be careful not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. Or do. I'm not a cop. I hope that you enjoy your stay!
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