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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. TFW you watch a movie you watched when you were a little kid and wonder how the hell you enjoyed it.
  2. TIL that The North Face company once sued a clothing company called The South Butt.
  3. SkyRunner


    Banned because ban chain.
  4. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!
  5. My school makes us do minimum 10 GCSE's, and you can do an 11th: either Ancient Greek or CS. I'm the only one in my year currently rushing a GCSE. People who speak two languages fluently took theirs last year. And to my knowledge, nobody else at my school has tried to rush an 11th, ever. I'm not very good at studying alone either, but since I don't get study leave this year, I can ask someone else to bounce questions off me at school. Goodnight, mick! No, it's me. That said, I live in the same timezone as mick, so I should go to sleep as well. Bye, Honchy!
  6. I'm too young to learn how to drive.
  7. SkyRunner


    Banned because thanks for the beverage~
  8. I'm rushing my Computer Science GCSE after asking if it were possible in mid-November, so I kind of understand. It doesn't help that the controlled assessment takes forty hours to do, has to be submitted by the end of term, and counts for 60% of your final grade. Also, the sleeping pattern thing after break. I pulled about two all-nighter every week just because I could. mick?
  9. SkyRunner


    Banned because you offered!
  10. First status of 2016. Yes, mick, I missed you~

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