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Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. Welcome to the forums! Community rules to your left, search bar above that, and above that is the Showdown server. The search bar is not to be confused with the status bar below the rules, as it can lead to some embarrassing moments. Hope that you enjoy your time here!
  2. Zorua will run away into the various alleyways around the Obsidia and Peridot Wards, keep chasing it and you will be able to battle and catch it.
  3. The TM for Sandstorm is in the Water Treatment Plant.
  4. Don't worry, Chatot gets less terrifying as the plot progresses.
  5. Checked the reserved list, and I'm fairly certain that I did write up a rating for Medicham.
  6. To confirm EternalJinn's statement, you need to have beaten Julia before you can get Numel.
  7. I would tell my younger self to stop pretending that everything was fine.
  8. No, there isn't a way to get either as of the current episode.
  9. Just for clarification, the Everstone can be found while mining. The Destiny Knot and the Power Items can be bought at the Department Store. There's a Pokemon Psychologist on 7th Street who can change the Natures of Pokemon for the cost of one Heart Scale. Ability Capsules can be found throughout the region. No, there isn't any easy way to go about it. If you plan on IV breeding, good luck!
  10. Congratulations on your first ever mono run! Your team would murder mine, but no comments from the super-effective peanut gallery. If you feel like helping others doing a mono-Flying, you can post your ratings for the various Flying-types you used here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14950&page=1
  11. For my Fighting mono, my aces were the Moxie duo, Scrafty and Heracross.
  12. SkyRunner

    Lucky egg

    I think that you'd probably only get the lucky egg. If by that you meant that you'd buy all of the Pokemon at 7th Street and get the Exp Share in E14, and then switch to E15 and go back, then yes, you'd get both.
  13. I organise my things and don't reorganise them unless the environment's cluttered.
  14. Drought Vulpix got moved to Agate Circus.
  15. Welcome to the forums!
  16. This has happened with some past events as well. In E14, the girl at the hairdresser kept on talking about her female Vulpix. I beat Mechanightmare, male.
  17. Welcome to Reborn! Community Rules are to your left, the search bar is above that, and the Showdown server is above that. The status bar is below the Community Rules, try not to confuse the two. Using the wrong one at the wrong time could lead to some embarrassing moments.
  18. Yes, you can get it from the Pokemon dealer. I recall that you need eight Purple shards.
  19. Started in E14, but didn't bother to make an account until E15.
  20. If you just want Magnet Powder, you can find it inside the Blacksteam Factory in Peridot. Hint: Flash.
  21. Hello and welcome to the forums! The idea behind your run sounds interesting, will be sure to check up on it from time to time.
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