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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. Just normal green tea. Everyone else seems to like soft drinks.
  2. I'll tell you my choices for my second save. '*' indicates where I differed from my previous one. 1*. I didn't beg to Fern. Still, Taka's Chatot... I hate that thing (slaughters Fighting-types early game). 2*. I didn't know about the split, but I decided 'oh, let's go and find them all before I fight ZEL and Taka!' The result was not pretty for my Fighting-types. 3*. Magma. 4*. Beat Solaris' Garchomp. My Medicham and his Garchomp were both on red, he attacked me and missed due to the Sand Attacks I set up, HJK finished it off. 5*. I fought Sirius as I'd chosen Heather in my previous save. 6*. I stopped Sigmund. Saphira blasted him through the wall with her Dragonite's Hyper Beam. The hole in the house was very satisfying. 7. Radomus. 8. Said that the Ruby Ring was more important. 9. Kept it. Blake's annoying, and Shelly's feelings aren't as important as whatever Meteor will would do with all the keys. 10*. (where this is the Blue Moon Ice Cream thing) Gave. I spent hours trying to get some, so I figured that I might as well. 11. Fought him because the protagonist owed him.
  3. Another split is when Titania asks for candy in the Water Treatment Plant. If you give her a Blue Moon Ice Cream her demeanour changes slightly. I'll try and keep track of how this affects her attitude later. Also, are you trying to keep this in chronological order? If so, you have to switch around numbers four and five.
  4. Destiny Bond Gallade with a Quick Claw.
  5. SkyRunner

    'Rare Candy'

    It activates an in-game event so that you can get a Piplup if you didn't choose it as your starter.
  6. On Route 1, there's a building and a guy's outside on the balcony during some types of weather. He's out when it's clear, don't know if he's out anytime else. You can trade Dunsparce for Tyrogue. EDIT: Sorry, didn't read it properly. Dunsparce appear there, they're quite rare though.
  7. It is lucky. The chances of getting a shiny in Reborn is higher than in the legit games (one in a hundred, I think?), and the sprites are different.
  8. Huh. Well, thanks for correcting my mistake, and I'll make sure to double-check anything else before submitting.Medicham
  9. Thought that I'd chip in some Fighting-type reviews. Pangoro Blaziken Also, I reserve Toxicroak, Medicham, Heracross and Gallade for Fighting.
  10. Hello! I'm SkyRunner. I started Reborn about a month ago. In that time, I've done a Fighting monotype and beaten Solaris' Garchomp once (2 Sand Attacks, 6 levels of Intimidate, Pure Power HJKs and a ton of luck) and El's Ditto twice. So, yeah. It's a really good game, will probably try to do as many monotype runs as possible.
  11. introduction

    1. Solarance


      Search bar is above Member info, and you can go to the Grand Hall to introduce yourself.

    2. Flynn


      Or maybe this WAS his self introduction?!

    3. SkyRunner


      No, it wasn't. I just clicked on the first thing I could type into, and then didn't double check. Maybe I should upload 'Now know how to search things up'.

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