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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SkyRunner

  1. Ah, Lucca, I'm sure mde doesn't hate you~ Right, mde?
  2. Their voices. I daydream a lot, so I don't notice people unless they call out to me. I associate sounds with colours, so I also sometimes find people's voices pretty.
  3. SkyRunner


    Banned because a lot of people make puns.
  4. Granted. It's hot...and gets poured onto your face. I wish for a nap!
  5. I don't eat cheese, so I'm not the best person to answer that question for you. Do you like cheese, and if so, why?
  6. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!
  7. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!
  8. TIL that the equals sign was not invented until 1557 by a Welsh mathematician. He invented it because he was fed up of repeating the phrase 'is equal to'.
  9. I'm like Cobalt. I can sleep through my dad on his cycling machine upstairs, and any alarm after a week or two. Yet if someone decides to enter my room, I'm always awake a few minutes before.
  10. Welcome to Reborn! Community rules on your left, search bar above that, Showdown server above that. Try not to confuse the search bar with the status bar below the rules, as it's a common mistake. I hope that you enjoy your stay here on the forums!
  11. TIL that when throwing punches in a dream, your punches appear to be incredibly weak, as your brain is unable to imitate the effect that it has in real life.
  12. No, it's me. And now I'm probably going to go again. Bye bye! Kuma
  13. TIL how to use countdown timers in Tkinter.
  14. The only movie I remember watching from last year is The Force Awakens. So, that. And Undertale.
  15. Nope~ I'm back to being busy all the time, so I won't bother asking any questions, as I won't see the answer for ages. micky?
  16. TFW you want to sleep through tomorrow.
  17. What movie would you rather never see again? - [1/10/2015] San Andreas Quake. There was a CGI hippo. I just... No...
  18. TFW you get a haircut and even though it was a good haircut, you cringe every time you look at yourself in the mirror.
  19. TIL that more people are bitten by New Yorkers each year than by sharks.
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